20 km IS close combat based on Trav ship weapon ranges. Is there a range band for ship to ship combat (turret weapons) that is closer than 20km??? I haven't done ship to ship combat in every edition so I probably missed that one.
There's an option for a close combat range band in MegaTrav:
"Visible Range: At visible range, several special considerations come into play. Because minimal sensor aid is needed at this range, a unit is automatically considered to have a sensor lock on if any friendly unit is at visual range to it. Spinal mount weapons cannot be used at this range. Spinal mount weapons require moving the entire mass of the ship in order to aim - which is virtually impossible when the target is this close. If a target at this range is hit with nuclear or antimatter missiles, the firing unit also takes radiation hits."
Not usually possible in your typical maneuver combat, but possible if for example some player's Free Trader feigns surrender and allows the pirate to come to boarding range. Unfortunately, the game then fails to define "visible range," which is perhaps not too surprising as it will depend a lot on lighting, background, albedo of target and size of target. I'd say it ranged at least to Distant range (5 Km) and possibly to Very Distant range (50 km) depending on size, light and albedo. Could get to Regional range (500 km) if the target's cooperative (i.e. high-albedo hull paint, flashing lights on the hull, and so forth).
MegaTrav usually runs 25,000 km hexes, so most combat would be considered Planetary range or better (>5000km). CT Book 2 worked on a 1 mm to 100 Km scale.
We did a discussion about jump from planetside some time back. T5 threw some unusual rules that didn't exist in the traditional CT/MegaTrav set, including that the jump would fail to initiate if there was a significant mass within the field. Lycanorukke posted from T5, "If during the process of initiation a Jump objects larger than the ship are in (or partially in) the ship’s jump field, the Jump fails. The Jump Drive receives Mishap damage." From this, I infer that T5 has a somewhat different view of the jump event than CT/MegaTrav. I also presume that the drop tank is not as thick-walled as the typical ship hull, therefore possibly more vulnerable to damage, but I don't know T5.
My thought is that drop tanks are not cheap at Cr1000 per ton of fuel. Tripling your fuel cost has got to affect the bottom line. Since the game arbitrarily caps your cargo and passenger fees, I don't see a commercial venture using drop tanks that would be trashed the first time they were used, not unless you had some odd situation where some government was subsidizing the effort. A "trashed drop tank" rule tends to imply that drop tanks are the province of military and certain specialized civilian ventures.