Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Continuing Flavor table:
7.- Controller is a robot, always emphaticaly polite.
8.- Controller had a bad evening day before-grumpy.
9.-Controller on (Prozac)-so laid back its not normal...
10.- Controller a frenetic panicky type..
And even more flavor:
11. - Controller is hopeless romantic, and hears the call of love in the PC's voice . . . but then again, he/she hears it in the voice of another ship coming into dock at the same time. Rivalry?
12. - Controller is desperate to get off-world, and begs for stories of the PC's life among the stars.
13. - Controller is incompetent and gives you a duplicate heading of a 1000-ton freight liner.
14. - Controller has medical emergency while crew is coming into orbit. Distraction in tower causes delays not only for PC's, but everyone else.
15. - Controller offers to hook PC's up with contraband materials/cargos/etc.
16. - Controller gets a kick-back from local corp by piping long boring commercials hawking said corps ware's to PC's in between actual control directions from the COntroller (so the PC's can't just turn it off).
17. - Controller is long lost buddy of member of the crew and inists on buying the first round after they dock.
18. - The Controller is good looking, competent, and for some odd reason interested in one of the PC's - love at first sight. (no hook here, just a small miracle)
19. - The Controller is a pathological liar.
20. - The Controller has a bitter rivalry with another Controller and places you on an aggressive approach to the port to try and 'up' his/her numbers.