Approach Vector to Efate, Regina Subsector, Spinward Marches, 1108
“Pre-Jump Exit check completed, ma’am,” said the grizzled man in the navigator’s seat.
“Roger, Imar,” responded the mature woman in the pilot’s chair. “Exit from Jump Space commences in 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – Checkpoint.”
“Navigation controls operational, check.”
“Pilot controls operational, check.”
“Collision free trajectory, check.”
“Threat Level: Minimal. Nearest vessel 2 hours away, INS Philippides, a …” pausing as he pulled up Library Data on his secondary terminal.
“Naval courier, Marathon class” interjected the pilot.
“Naval courier, Marathon class,” echoed Imar. “How do you always know?”
“Transponder broadcasting, check.”
“Starport Traffic Control signal vector beacon, check.”
“Navigation to Efate Downport pre-calculation valid, ma’am.”
“Very good, Imar!” exclaimed the pilot. “That’s four in a row! It’s time for you to take your Navigator’s exam. Time for me to tell our two guests that we’ll be in Efate in …”
“Thirty seven hours, ma’am.”
The pilot flipped a commo switch and said, “Attention: I am pleased to announce we have arrived safely in the Efate system and expect to be planetside in twelve hours, give or take a bit for the starport landing queue. You may leave your G-chairs and move about.” Formality over, she added, “And bring the little ones up to the bridge if you would like, it’s a lovely view.” She smiled as she heard the excited voices of two children clamoring to go.
“Iris gates and passenger compartments unlocked, check.”
“Efate Downport, this is Detached Duty IIS 17362, ‘Laser of Love’, Imaah Chehesti, Captain, requesting berthing. Cargo permit #Regina1358592. Over.” She paused to wait for the response which, given the distance to the planet and back, would take a few minutes. “I really hate to go through the extra paperwork required to bring goods into this system. Now I
really understand why merchant captains hated to bring cargo to Byret when I interdicted incoming flights to stop arms shipments to the rebels.”
“Ma’am, the INS Philippides just accelerated and changed vector to intercept us!”
“Probably a pre-landing inspection. But let’s be sure, shall we?” She flipped the commo back to external broadcast as she increased the velocity of the ship to maximum speed towards the planet. “Efate Downport, please confirm identity of vessel whose transponder code registers as the INS Philippides.”
About that time, the commo system lit up with a tight-beam message indicator as her guests entered the cockpit, talking among themselves. Smiling at the children, she put her finger to her lips as she flipped the switch to receive it.
“Detached Duty IIS 17362, ‘Laser of Love’, this is INS Philippides. Plot a docking course based upon our approach vector, soonest. Over.”
“Will do. Must re-secure passengers, including small children, before making sudden course changes. Estimated time to secure passengers and plot new course, seventeen minutes. Over,” she replied, in a crisp, authoritative voice.
“Negatory, ‘Laser of Love’. IIS Authorization code: AV42Q548YR. Over.”
Imar looked up at the pilot, “The code checks out, ma’am.”
She responded, “INS Philippides, we will change course and speed soonest.”
She looked over at the children and said, “Sorry loves, it will take a little longer to see your daddy on Efate. But we’re going to visit that nice navy ship you can see on the overhead display first! And then you can tell your daddy all about it! Ok? Now, go back to your cabins and buckle up again. Imar will make sure you’re properly secured before we change course.”
With that, she cut her maneuver drives and started to plot a new course. Imar returned, strapped in, and she changed course to intercept the Philippides. She was interrupted a few minutes later by the commo gear broadcasting, “Detached Duty IIS 17362, ‘Laser of Love’, this is Efate Downport Traffic Control Center. Do not, repeat, do not proceed to Efate Downport. Locate and dock with INS Philippides soonest.”
“Ma’am, I do believe the Navy is serious about entertaining us.”
“Laser of Love, will do. Over.”
Less than an hour later they were docking with a cutter from the naval ship. Fifteen minutes later she was being piped aboard.
A young ensign awaited her outside the airlock. Imaah saluted and addressed him, “Permission to come aboard, sir.”
“Welcome, General. It is a pleasure to meet you!” he exclaimed after returning the salute. He stepped forward to shake her hand. Finished, he stepped back and said, “The captain will meet you in his cabin. This way, ma’am.”
Imaah followed the young officer through doglegged corridors that were a hallmark of the Marathon class ships. She noted that the crew were at their stations and fully alert. It was obviously a well-run ship. The ensign knocked on a cabin door and, hearing “Enter”, motioned for Imaah to proceed into the room.
Imaah stepped into the cabin and noted the captain was a fairly young man, which wasn’t all that surprising given the small size of a naval courier ship. Captain was obviously a courtesy title due to his position on board the ship, he was probably an ensign first class. None the less, he was obviously also a first class ensign and that was a sure way to earn her respect. She saluted and stood to attention. “Captain?”
“At ease. General Chehesti,” he began, but paused, as if searching for words.
“That would be General Chehesti,
retired, unless you are about to tell me I’ve been recalled to active duty, sir,” she said with a roguish grin.
“Ma’am,” he responded with an equally infectious smile. “I’m not about to tell you that. I cannot speak for others on that topic. But I am commanded to request – in the strongest possible yet still polite terms – that you immediately accompany me to Regina. His Grace, Duke Norris, wants to meet with you there.”
“In some haste it appears. Can you tell me why?”
“No, ma’am. I am not at liberty to tell you.” He paused again, then looked her straight in the eye for several long seconds. “But I forget my manners. Before we continue, I need to see to the comfort of your crew and passengers and apologize for the delay. My cousin served with you on Gaargir and spoke very highly of you. I…” He paused again. “The latest news is on the table,” pausing again, with a nod to the table in the corner of the cabin, “in case you are bored waiting for me to return.” With that he abruptly left the cabin.
Imaah stared at the cabin door in sheer astonishment. Ship captains simply did not act like that, even to active duty Marine Generals, much less retired ones. And seeing
personally to the comfort of her crew and passengers? Being concerned someone summoned to the ship for (presumably) some urgent purpose might be
bored? It made no sense!
Then it clicked. She went over to the table and saw a printed sheaf of news feeds. Next to it was an open classified document with the Imperial Seal upon the cover, signifying an official communiqué from the Emperor. A yellow-sticky-arrow was pointing to a list of names and titles. Her name! And her title!? Baroness of Byret/Mora! <excessive Marine expletive> spewed out of her mouth. What the hell was this list? The Emperor’s Birthday Honours List. Twice a year the Emperor published a list of those who had been granted (or revoked) Imperial noble rank and she was now a baronesss. Baroness!? What kind of <expletive> would make her a noble? Oh, God. Byret/Mora? The one planet in the Imperium that was chock full of people that would be glad to kill her. She stepped back, instinctively recoiling away from the document.
The captain re-entered the cabin. One look at her suddenly pale face told him his ploy had worked. He smiled, and began again, “Now, I need you to accompany us back to Regina immediately to meet with His Grace.”
“Yes, of course, Captain. But I have a responsibility to crew and passengers. Sgt Major Geshvii, my aide-de-camp, is not a qualified starship pilot and Imperial regulations require a crew of two or more if there are passengers aboard…”
“General, I will supply a crew to land your ship in Efate, take on cargo, conduct such business as is needful, and return with your ship to Regina. Sgt. Major Imar Geshvii can stay with your ship or travel with you, whichever you would prefer. In addition, His Grace commands me to inform you that, after arrival in Regina, we will deliver your ship anywhere in the Marches you instruct us to.”
She noted that he knew Imar’s first name, which meant he no doubt had read a full dossier on her. “Yes, Captain, I see. Geshvii will come with me. I’ll need to explain the change to my passengers. “ And, she thought, watch my back in case there that list has leaked out and the rebels on Byret come off planet looking for me.
Thirty minutes later they were en route out of Efate system heading towards Regina. It would take her six weeks to get to Regina in the Laser of Love. The Philippides would get her there in a week.