• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Controversial Imaah “Chesty” Chehesti, General, Imperial Marines, Retired Today

Just caught some typos on the hotel names in the last couple of entries. Main team went to the Spinward Marches Hotel and insurgents followed. Chehesti and insurgent spotter from the starport went to the Imperial Hotel, then the insurgent team went to the Imperial. And I had already triple-checked those entries for that very thing! :(
I'm working with the author of the Traveller Worlds generation/mapping website attached to most planets on the TravellerMap.com. I've been manually editing the generated map to change the map to one that supports my vision of Byret. We've identified a number of bugs and possible enhancements to the program for that purpose.

I'm looking forward to the new functionality and will post my file for the Byret system in this thread when it's all ready. Or maybe before, and just update it as needed.
Oh! I forgot to mention this above. The TravellerMap.com website doesn't connect to the system generation product for those worlds for which a published map is available. It's unfortunate because the generated map has some neat features an image file of only the world level map doesn't support.

When these changes are made, folks can craft a map file that matches the published world map and then we would get the benefits of both.
Here's the alpha-version of the Byret planetary map I'm working on. The area inside the red border is the Larianz Autonomous Zone, a nature preserve for the members of the Larianz race. Their breeding cycle works best if they have consistent territory to mate and breed in.

The population is about 9 million. Main city near the starport would be about 3 million. The 7 large towns would be another 3 million between them. Half a million Larianz, mostly in the LAR, the Larianz Autonomous Region. Two and a half a million on the agricultural land and other rural or wilderness areas.

Atmosphere is very dense and the local industry produces helium-based airships for personal transit over longer distances. Bulk goods go by river and ocean transport. The three towns on the bay cut off from the ocean by the LAR is a cause of contention. Ocean-going vessels are allowed to pass thru (but not stop in) the LAR. Those vessels have to be powered by imported fusion plants rather than more polluting forms of locomotion. This restriction is built into the original Treaty of Byret, the unification documents with the Imperium. At first the local shipping magnates fought against this treaty provision but now the largest are not only reconciled to it, they embrace it -- the added cost to import the machinery cuts down on their competition.

The LAR has a wasteland and ruins situated within it. I'm still working on the details of that.

The Tropical islands in the ocean between the starport and the Imperial Knight's fief are popular tourist and vacation spots. The Baronial fief includes the main planetary city and star town, another nearby town to the south east of the starport, and two other world hexes I'm still deciding on.
New version of the Traveller World's website has been published and it now supports the features I've added (so far) to the Byret map.
And it looks like there will be more to come! :)

Here's the file to upload for Byret Draft Version 1. You'll need to rename the file from .json.txt to .json.

