The population is about 9 million. Main city near the starport would be about 3 million. The 7 large towns would be another 3 million between them. Half a million Larianz, mostly in the LAR, the Larianz Autonomous Region. Two and a half a million on the agricultural land and other rural or wilderness areas.
Atmosphere is very dense and the local industry produces helium-based airships for personal transit over longer distances. Bulk goods go by river and ocean transport. The three towns on the bay cut off from the ocean by the LAR is a cause of contention. Ocean-going vessels are allowed to pass thru (but not stop in) the LAR. Those vessels have to be powered by imported fusion plants rather than more polluting forms of locomotion. This restriction is built into the original Treaty of Byret, the unification documents with the Imperium. At first the local shipping magnates fought against this treaty provision but now the largest are not only reconciled to it, they embrace it -- the added cost to import the machinery cuts down on their competition.
The LAR has a wasteland and ruins situated within it. I'm still working on the details of that.
The Tropical islands in the ocean between the starport and the Imperial Knight's fief are popular tourist and vacation spots. The Baronial fief includes the main planetary city and star town, another nearby town to the south east of the starport, and two other world hexes I'm still deciding on.