Three reasons:
1. Cost.
2. Cost.
3. Cost.
Plus, it's possible that a Pirate Clan this organized has more imagination than the Merchants they are preying on.
But losing a ship worth 60 MCr or more is way more expensive than paying for a turret...
Three reasons:
1. Cost.
2. Cost.
3. Cost.
Plus, it's possible that a Pirate Clan this organized has more imagination than the Merchants they are preying on.
The mail contract, 5 tons for Cr25000 requiring armament and a vault, suggests there is a market and precedence for paying a premium for higher security.Something I've been thinking about for a while is whether in frontier areas where piracy is a threat you'd end up with something like the East Indiaman in the C17 and C18 - these were routinely armed and also on occasion would paint additional fake gunports on so they'd be mistaken for frigates and would carry high value cargoes belonging to the various East India Companies.
Meanwhile lower value cargoes would be carried by smaller unarmed sloops, barques, schooners, scows and so on which were the main targets of RW pirates.
While in Traveller cargo costs the same to transport whether its value is just KCrs or MCrs per ton logically a heavily armed ship should charge a significant premium which shippers of sufficiently valuable cargo would happily pay.
And insurers might even mandate that for certain destinations and cargoes you only get covered if you take all due precautions against piracy and pay for an armed freighter or an escort.
Which of course requires a far more sophisticated trade model than Traveller has...
Correct!But losing a ship worth 60 MCr or more is way more expensive than paying for a turret...
A turret is several MCr, and the gunner eats space and money every jump.But losing a ship worth 60 MCr or more is way more expensive than paying for a turret...
A1-2211111-000000-00000-0 MCr 37,1 200 Dton
bearing Crew=4
batteries TL=12
Pass=6 Low=20 Cargo=82 Fuel=30 EP=2 Agility=1
Single Occupancy LBB2 design 82 41,2
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined 200 Dt 2 200
Configuration Cone 2 10
Scoops Streamlined
Jump Drive A 1 1 10 10
Manoeuvre D A 1 1 1 4
Power Plant A 1 1 4 8
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-1, 4 weeks 1 30
Bridge 1 20 1
Computer m/1 1 1 1 2
Staterooms 10 40 5
Low Berths 20 10 1
Cargo 82
Empty hardpoint 2 2 0,2
Nominal Cost MCr 41,20 Sum: 82 41,2
Class Cost MCr 4,53 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 37,08
Crew & High 3 Crew Bridge 1
Passengers Mid 3 4 Engineers 1
Low 20 Gunners 0
Extra SR 0 Frozen Service 2
# Frozen W 0 0 Flight 0
Marines 0 Marines 0
Estimated Economy of Ship Standard
Ship price Down Payment Mortgage Avg Filled
MCr 37,08 kCr 7 416 kCr 155 80%
Expenses per jump Revenue
Bank Cr 74 160 High Cr 24 000
Fuel Cr 15 000 Middle Cr 19 200
Life Support Cr 19 600 Low Cr 16 000
Salaries Cr 7 200 Cargo Cr 64 000
Maintenance Cr 1 483
Berthing Cr 200
Summa kCr 118 kCr 123
Income potential per jump kCr 6
Yearly yield on down payment 1,9%
A1-2211111-000000-30000-0 MCr 44,3 200 Dton
bearing 2 Crew=6
batteries 2 TL=12
Pass=4 Low=20 Cargo=82 Fuel=30 EP=2 Agility=0
Single Occupancy LBB2 design 82 49,2
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined 200 Dt 2 200
Configuration Cone 2 10
Scoops Streamlined
Jump Drive A 1 1 10 10
Manoeuvre D A 1 1 1 4
Power Plant A 1 1 4 8
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-1, 4 weeks 1 30
Bridge 1 20 1
Computer m/1 1 1 1 2
Staterooms 10 40 5
Low Berths 20 10 1
Cargo 82
Triple Turret Beam 3 2 2 8,2
Nominal Cost MCr 49,20 Sum: 82 49,2
Class Cost MCr 5,41 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 44,28
Crew & High 2 Crew Bridge 1
Passengers Mid 2 6 Engineers 1
Low 20 Gunners 2
Extra SR 0 Frozen Service 2
# Frozen W 0 0 Flight 0
Marines 0 Marines 0
Estimated Economy of Ship Standard
Ship price Down Payment Mortgage Avg Filled
MCr 44,28 kCr 8 856 kCr 185 80%
Expenses per jump Revenue
Bank Cr 88 560 High Cr 16 000
Fuel Cr 15 000 Middle Cr 12 800
Life Support Cr 20 400 Low Cr 16 000
Salaries Cr 9 120 Cargo Cr 64 000
Maintenance Cr 1 771
Berthing Cr 200
Summa kCr 135 kCr 109
Income potential per jump kCr -26
Yearly yield on down payment -7,4%
R1-4211111-000000-00000-0 MCr 101 400 Dton
bearing Crew=5
batteries TL=12
Pass=8 Low=9 Cargo=200 Fuel=50 EP=4 Agility=1
Single Occupancy LBB2 design 200,5 111,2
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined 400 Dt 4 400
Configuration Cone 2 20
Scoops Streamlined
Engineering 15
Jump Drive C 1 1 20 30
Manoeuvre D C 1 1 5 12
Power Plant C 1 1 10 24
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-1, 4 weeks 1 50
Bridge 1 20 2
Computer m/1 1 1 1 2
Staterooms 13 52 6,5
Low Berths 9 4,5 0,5
Cargo 200,5
Empty hardpoint 2 2 0,2
Launch 20 Dton 1 20 14
Nominal Cost MCr 111,15 Sum: 200,5 111,2
Class Cost MCr 10,69 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 101,44
Crew & High 4 Crew Bridge 2
Passengers Mid 4 5 Engineers 1
Low 9 Gunners 0
Extra SR 0 Frozen Service 2
# Frozen W 0 0 Flight 0
Marines 0 Marines 0
Estimated Economy of Ship Standard
Ship price Down Payment Mortgage Avg Filled
MCr 101,44 kCr 20 287 kCr 423 80%
Expenses per jump Revenue
Bank Cr 0 High Cr 16 000
Fuel Cr 25 000 Middle Cr 12 800
Life Support Cr 23 700 Low Cr 3 600
Salaries Cr 9 600 Cargo Cr 80 000
Maintenance Cr 4 057
Berthing Cr 400
Summa kCr 63 kCr 112
Income potential per jump kCr 50
Yearly yield on down payment 6,1%
R1-4211111-000000-30000-0 MCr 109 400 Dton
bearing 2 Crew=7
batteries 2 TL=12
Pass=6 Low=9 Cargo=200 Fuel=50 EP=4 Agility=0
Single Occupancy LBB2 design 200,5 119,2
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined 400 Dt 4 400
Configuration Cone 2 20
Scoops Streamlined
Engineering 15
Jump Drive C 1 1 20 30
Manoeuvre D C 1 1 5 12
Power Plant C 1 1 10 24
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-1, 4 weeks 1 50
Bridge 1 20 2
Computer m/1 1 1 1 2
Staterooms 13 52 6,5
Low Berths 9 4,5 0,5
Cargo 200,5
Triple Turret Beam 3 2 2 8,2
Launch 20 Dton 1 20 14
Nominal Cost MCr 119,15 Sum: 200,5 119,2
Class Cost MCr 11,57 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 108,64
Crew & High 3 Crew Bridge 2
Passengers Mid 3 7 Engineers 1
Low 9 Gunners 2
Extra SR 0 Frozen Service 2
# Frozen W 0 0 Flight 0
Marines 0 Marines 0
Estimated Economy of Ship Standard
Ship price Down Payment Mortgage Avg Filled
MCr 108,64 kCr 21 727 kCr 453 80%
Expenses per jump Revenue
Bank Cr 0 High Cr 12 000
Fuel Cr 25 000 Middle Cr 9 600
Life Support Cr 24 500 Low Cr 3 600
Salaries Cr 11 520 Cargo Cr 80 000
Maintenance Cr 4 345
Berthing Cr 400
Summa kCr 66 kCr 105
Income potential per jump kCr 39
Yearly yield on down payment 4,5%
Bear in mind that TNE used 30,000 km range bands/hexes. A TL12 meson turret would have a short range of 4,200 km (actually 3,000 km when fire control is considered). Thus by space combat ranges it's hopeless. By orbital bombardment ranges it's quite good. The damage at that range is also quite good.Actually, a different use case would be as an anti-docking/repel boarders type scenario.
You've got a hostile craft closing in on you and you don't want to let them hard dock.
When they get close enough ... meson gun them into "having a bad time of it" as a way to tell them that they are Not Welcome Aboard.
Basically a "spike pit trap" laid around the docking points of your craft (so to speak).
A highly specialized use case, but definitely a possibility as an added layer of security options against being boarded.
After all, without matter transporters/transmat "beaming" of objects from place to place, any type of boarding scenario will require what effectively amounts to "contact range" in order to hard dock two craft together.
Another use case would be what amounts to "scuttling charges" for a self-destruct. You essentially point the meson turret at something "important" on your own craft and use the meson gun turret for a pre-programmed Ship Vaporized critical hit result. If you've got a way to evacuate the crew/passengers before self-destruct via meson gun (using drop capsules, perhaps?) you can lay quite the trap for an adversary attempting to board your craft.
However, for MOST "ship to ship" combat at orbital ranges, you're quite right that a meson turret would be "substantially useless" except at ridiculously close ranges. Less of an archer and more of a porcupine.
But is the insurance for that run more than the cost of a turret, plus the lost revenue from that volume, plus the cost of a gunner and their life support, etc.? And will that turret provide 'insurance' as good as just buying insurance?But losing a ship worth 60 MCr or more is way more expensive than paying for a turret...
Probably not ... but then, pirates are rarely deterred/driven away by ship captains flashing a piece of paper with the word "insurance policy" written on it (somewhere).And will that turret provide 'insurance' as good as just buying insurance?
Probably not ... but then, pirates are rarely deterred/driven away by ship captains flashing a piece of paper with the word "insurance policy" written on it (somewhere).
If you've got pirates telling you to "heave to and prepare to be boarded"... the turret is going to be better than nothing (and spoiler alert, the insurance policy IS NOTHING).
I mean ... if THESE GUYS were coming for your ship ... do you really think an "insurance policy" is going to "be more persuasive" than a gun turret?
Speaking of using electronics to fake who you are, it seems to me that Pirates are very vulnerable to any sort of advanced EW action that would make a warship appear to be a commercial ship, particularly one in need of aid.What about fake gun turrets? a lot - probably most - of RW piracy was actually about bluff and counter-bluff rather than boarding and cannonading.
Or just use electronics to spoof that you are really a frigate.
The insurance policy isn't to deter pirates, it's to cover the cost to the owners of their ship being held up. It may well be that the insurance premiums are enough lower for an armed ship that it's worth arming your ship, or that certain routes are uninsurable but are not 'too' risky if you're armed. On the other hand, it might turn out cheaper to just insure the ship and cargo and eat the occasional loss, especially if the pirates are fairly civilised and just take the cargo and any portable wealth passengers might have and then leave (though given how expensive Traveller spaceships are, this seem unlikely behaviour).Probably not ... but then, pirates are rarely deterred/driven away by ship captains flashing a piece of paper with the word "insurance policy" written on it (somewhere).
If you've got pirates telling you to "heave to and prepare to be boarded"... the turret is going to be better than nothing (and spoiler alert, the insurance policy IS NOTHING).
I mean ... if THESE GUYS were coming for your ship ... do you really think an "insurance policy" is going to "be more persuasive" than a gun turret?
Two points:What about fake gun turrets? a lot - probably most - of RW piracy was actually about bluff and counter-bluff rather than boarding and cannonading.
Or just use electronics to spoof that you are really a frigate.
If you dive too much into the economics of piracy, you find it doesn't really work out and then you stop having pirates or ships to plunder (which also mean no pirates). Better to skip the whole boarding ships in space and stick with drugs and sophont trafficking, or corrupt the union handling cargo movement at the starport.But is the insurance for that run more than the cost of a turret, plus the lost revenue from that volume, plus the cost of a gunner and their life support, etc.?