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CT Drifter Career


SOC-14 5K
Here is my conversion of the MGT Drifter career for Classic Traveller. Enjoy!
Drifter Career Path CT

Enlistment: Automatic if Soc 6-; roll 8+ if Soc 7+

Survival: 7+; DM +2 if End 9+

Position: 6+, DM +1 if Int 9+

Promotion: 10+, DM +1 if Dex 9+

Personal Development: 1. +1 Str, 2. +1 Dex, 3. +1 End, 4. +1 Int, 5. Survival, 6. Carouse

Service Skills: 1. Survival, 2. Mechanic, 3. Vehicle, 4. Gamble, 5. Melee, 6. JoT

Education: 1. Gun Combat, 2. Recon, 3. Mechanic, 4. Streetwise, 5. Bribery, 6. Survival

Advanced Education: 1. Medic, 2. Electronics, 3. JoT, 4. Forgery, 5. Liaison, 6. Computer

Automatic Skill: Enlistment: Survival 1, Rank 3 Streetwise 1

Cash Benefits: 1. 1000, 2. 1500 3. 3000, 4. 5000, 5. 10000, 6. 15000, 7. 30000

Material Benefits: 1. Low Passage, 2. +1 Int, 3. +1 End, 4. Weapon, 5. Weapon, 6. Mid Passage, 7. Hi passage

Players may substitute a material benefit of “weapon” or “+1 Attribute” for any piece of equipment such as survival kit, hand computer or any other non-vehicle equipment, or for any skill save for Battledress,
Demolitions, Heavy Weapons or Gunnery, but may only do so once. At GM’s discretion, the Vehicle cascade may include Vacsuit and Ship’s Boat skills.

Note that ranks do not necessarily represent actual positions in organizations so much as skill and experience within the drifter lifestyle. There may be drifter organizations, such as the Squatters’ Association of
Northeast Dropoutville, Regina, left to the group’s discretion and imagination.

EDIT: PCs who follow the Drifter career may, at the GM's discretion, take early start, beginning at any age between 13 and 17. Note that the GM may also require that any such character has a shady or abused past...
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Potential walking/talking JOT character.

Isn't a Drifter just a Rogue, without the success?

Yes, the Black Hole of Quality really digested this one quickly and quietly. I generated a decent 4 term Drifter character using this. <Thak you Jame!> He was a skilled assistant(Electronics-2) and skill level one with three different types of vehicles; I could have made him a professional grade driver but felt the shotgun approach to skills was best for this class. Almost a walking JOT but Master of None.
Yes, the Black Hole of Quality really digested this one quickly and quietly. I generated a decent 4 term Drifter character using this. <Thak you Jame!> He was a skilled assistant(Electronics-2) and skill level one with three different types of vehicles; I could have made him a professional grade driver but felt the shotgun approach to skills was best for this class. Almost a walking JOT but Master of None.

I would say "You're Welcome!" but I'm not sure what you mean by "Black Hole of Quality." :confused:
I would say "You're Welcome!" but I'm not sure what you mean by "Black Hole of Quality." :confused:
You don't know the term or you don't know why he's using it in this case?

The black Hole of Quality is a term coined to comment on the phenomenon that flawed articles often generate reams of comments (in the form of criticism) whereas good articles frequently don't even generate a 'well done". Quality articles thus seemingly get swallowed up in a metaphorical black hole and are never heard from again. Your remark about the lack of response suggesting that your original post was pretty good seemed to be a direct reference to this conceit.

You don't know the term or you don't know why he's using it in this case?

The black Hole of Quality is a term coined to comment on the phenomenon that flawed articles often generate reams of comments (in the form of criticism) whereas good articles frequently don't even generate a 'well done". Quality articles thus seemingly get swallowed up in a metaphorical black hole and are never heard from again. Your remark about the lack of response suggesting that your original post was pretty good seemed to be a direct reference to this conceit.


I'll admit it, I wasn't aware of this term, but i like it! Musta been due to the fact that I've spent too much time in a proverbial cave out on an unnamed asteroid. :alpha:

BTW, I do like the CT Drifter career and plan to add it to my list of homebrewed classes for my players.
There certainly should not be Rank. Lots of careers do not have rank, I don't think 'drifter' should qualify. By definition, a drifter drifts, has no ties to an organization or group...
There certainly should not be Rank. Lots of careers do not have rank, I don't think 'drifter' should qualify. By definition, a drifter drifts, has no ties to an organization or group...

I wouldn't take the term rank to actually mean a "rank" in this case. I'd take it as more of a CG device to represent a level of successful survival during the term, unlocking additional opportunities.
The black Hole of Quality is a term coined to comment on the phenomenon that flawed articles often generate reams of comments (in the form of criticism) whereas good articles frequently don't even generate a 'well done".

I think this is also known as "No News Is Good News".
I'd never heard the term "black hole of quality" before, so I was unsure how to respond. Now that I understand, I give a VERY hearty "You're Welcome, and Enjoy!"

I wouldn't take the term rank to actually mean a "rank" in this case. I'd take it as more of a CG device to represent a level of successful survival during the term, unlocking additional opportunities.

This is a lot closer to why I put in "Ranks" for this career - more of a way to define success and to gain a couple extra skills.

Remember, Mithras, I also put ranks in because there might "groups" of drifters that, At The Referee's Discretion, the drifter could have joined, and even though it would be unofficial, the rank would reflect the individual's status in the association.
I found this career and others that you've done online a few weeks ago, and haven't responded due to lack of time...
While not perfect, they are nicely thought out. I've modified them for my campaign; alas no one has used this one yet.

I've also added an additional component to the rules for it, adding in a chance (12 on 2D6) that the character has become a drifter because he's a latent and/or trained psionic, which would partially explain why the character is a Drifter (as he/she gets chased off world after world after world...)
Thanks for the posts!
I found this career and others that you've done online a few weeks ago, and haven't responded due to lack of time...
While not perfect, they are nicely thought out. I've modified them for my campaign; alas no one has used this one yet.

I'm glad you've enjoyed them. There's also a scavenger career that I have, if I can find the notebook I wrote it in...

I've also added an additional component to the rules for it, adding in a chance (12 on 2D6) that the character has become a drifter because he's a latent and/or trained psionic, which would partially explain why the character is a Drifter (as he/she gets chased off world after world after world...)
Thanks for the posts!

:oo: :devil: :rofl: :rofl: I love that! Has it ever come up in actual play?
:oo: :devil: :rofl: :rofl: I love that! Has it ever come up in actual play?

Alas, not yet, darn it! When I reviewed it as posted, I immediately thought that that particular option (psion being chased/hounded out of systems) made a perfect fit with the canon setting...
Trying to speak clearly...

I'd never heard the term "black hole of quality" before, so I was unsure how to respond. Now that I understand, I give a VERY hearty "You're Welcome, and Enjoy!"

Hi Jame,

I guess I could have simply said that I enjoyed the write-up and generated an interesting NPC to put into my game. Just know that anything you feel like posting will be read and likely saved by hard drives across the globe. I also love the psionic angle for this class Hiverlord came up with; I am stealing that as well.
Thanks to both of you for contributing to my Traveller Universe.

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Hi Jame,

I guess I could have simply said that I enjoyed the write-up and generated an interesting NPC to put into my game. Just know that anything you feel like posting will be read and likely saved by hard drives across the globe. I also love the psionic angle for this class Hiverlord came up with; I am stealing that as well.
Thanks to both of you for contributing to my Traveller Universe.


You are very welcome. :D Now I know I need to dig out and post that Scavenger career.
I also love the psionic angle for this class Hiverlord came up with; I am stealing that as well.
Thanks to both of you for contributing to my Traveller Universe.


Thanks, and use at will! I've done my own amount of borrowing from all these posts... :D