Not sure this is the thread to be hashing this out but...
Supplement 7 gives us an X-boat with no power plant - relic of an earlier set of book 2 rules (I think. Interesting that MegaTrav went back to that)...
? MegaTrav doesn't need PP equal to JD? I don't recall that. Correct though on the early rules, yes first printing of the game the JD didn't need a PP or PP fuel. It was stand alone. You only needed a PP and PP fuel for a MD.
Anyway, on to the meat of the question...
I thought we'd worked out a very different fix for the X-Boat? Perhaps not mine, Aramis had some points as well iirc. My take on it was:
Express Boat (Supplement 7):
Ah, the X-Boat, “It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.” But what is the key? Patience…
There are a couple (or more?) ships like it, caught between first and second printing of Book 2, not that I‘m telling you anything new but I feel verbose. Two clues point to it’s bastardization.
First there is the “Power Plant: None…” notation. That is clearly first printing where the Jump Drive had/was it’s own built in power plant.
Second is the “Electronics: ISMM Model/1bis…” note, again a first printing clue where jump wasn’t dependent on computer model, just fitting the programs needed into the slots. However in the text description the computer is a Model/4. So it seems there was a transition but changes were missed in editing.
So, how to “fix” it? I decided to work it up from scratch again and see if anything new came to me before looking up my old fix. And I think I stumbled on that key...
...I have a strong memory of some mention of X-Boats coming out of jump with precious little life support left, but still can’t find the reference. It might be something we came up with on our own as no one else has mentioned recalling it when I’ve asked around the boards and contacts. There is that note in the writeup though, “Range: One jump-4. Three days.” Three days? But a jump takes seven days! Problem. Ah, but wait! There are the Book 2 rules on page 6 for battery backup for life support and basic lighting! That gives 1D6 days. See what you think of this take:
+100tons Hull-Custom MCr10.000 *1
Streamlined 1.000 *2
-15tons Jump Drive B4 20.000
-7tons Power Plant B4 16.000 *3
-40tons Fuel x4parsecs
-5tons Fuel x3days *4
-20tons Bridge 0.500
-4tons Computer Model/4 30.000 *5
-8tons Staterooms x2 1.000
-1ton Cargo
=100tons Total MCr78.500
Cost with 10% discount is MCr70.65 *6
*1 Has to be custom to fit the drives, and make the cost match
*2 Another cost match measure, and it looks streamlined
*3 Power Plant 4 required of course
*4 Actually 3.5days, to match the note and fit the hull, of course on jumps of less than 4 parsecs there will be lots of fuel for longer endurance, but take it as 3.5days. Then add the battery backup of 1D6 days and figure the average of 3.5days. Total of 7days! Eureka! Makes X-Boat service risky (if you roll it) with some pilots relying on Vacc-Suits to make it or dying (that low survival roll has another reason). Of course the mail still gets through even if the pilot doesn’t. I like it.
*5 Includes the noted “extensive databanks” in my opinion
*6 Matches the cost in the writeup
I think it does a fair job of matching the description (all the features, correct price) while fixing the no power plant change.
I feel I should also mention the variants noted:
Variant 1 - With maneuver drive added:
I see no way to recreate the first one because J3 and M1 isn’t doable for a 100ton hull with Book 2. Unless you use larger drives but lower ratings. For example install a maneuver A for 1G instead of 2G due to running the power A at 1 instead of 2 to save fuel, and the jump being reduced to 3P because of lack of fuel. It really doesn’t add up in second printing, might work in first because of the power plant. In any case my take on variant 1:
Replace the cargo hold (picturing it being located at the tail of the ship) with a maneuver A for 2G, utilizing the power plant. Deemed impractical since it would be rarely needed and on any J4 leg there wouldn’t be any fuel left to fire it up anyway.
Variant 2 - With light sail replacing one stateroom:
Should work as written. And I like that it gives us (interpreted) stats for light sails that should be noted and included somewhere. That being 4tons per 100tons of ship. But we need a cost and performance. Cost equal to a stateroom (MCr0.5) might be reasonable and certainly convenient. Performance would just be a wag, maybe make it 1G for simplicity. I like this variant as it actually has a shot at being useful without impacting the utility of the boat. It could allow a GG fuel skim, using the light sail to set up a slingshot then pulling it in before the dive. Voila you come out with enough fuel for the power plant and jump drive to rescue yourself, or maybe live long enough to be found.
Update: I still think this works well, certainly better than the 105 ton single stateroom fix
On another topic:
Why is the tender using H drives and plant? I thought the E drives/plant were adequate for a 1000 dT ship. I see that occurring in a number of ships, and it puzzles me.
Quick answer(s), a bit of a guess, because that was what was originally stated in the design... or because there was room and nothing else to do with it

...or possibly because additional performance in some circumstances warranted the upgrade.