Morning aramis,
Possibly, but note that the command staff in book 2 specifically require admin ratings. Mega has the support crew morph into maintenance crew, and an abstract command crew of (BridgeCrew+EngrCrew+MaintCrew+GunneryCrew+FlightCrew+Troops)/6... went too far the other way, IMO...
Book 2, page 16, does state that hulls > 1,000 tons, both starships and spaceships, should have at least 3 admin personnel on page 16.
Admin personnel are, in my little old pea-picking brain, equal to the support personnel who are ratings equal to 50% of the total officers in the section detailed in Book 5 Command Section on page 32. By my count Book 2 hulls require a minimum crew of 1 pilot, 1 navigator, and 1 medic. These three bodies, in my opinion, equate to the command section in Book 5 and the CO and XO make the total command section of 5 personnel, 5 x 0.5, 50% ratings to officers from Book 5, = 2.5 = 3 admin/support personnel.

Light bulb flashes on for the minimum of 11 Command Section per the table on Consolidated CT Errata v07 page 15. HG lists a minimum of 7 officers in the command section. 7 x 0.5 = 3.5 = 4 ratings acting as support personnel.
Thanks aramis for solving my other question.
The minimum number of Book 5 command section personnel is 7 officers + 4 rating for a total of 11 which is what the Crew table on page 15 of the Consolidated CT errata shows. Yipee:rofl:
Back to the Adventure 5 TCS Regal's command section of 42 per the ship's data card in the CT errata. The Regal at 75,000 tons is greater than 20,000 tons and requires 5 command section personnel per 10,000 tons of hull.
Command Section = (75,000 / 10,000) x 5 = 7.5 x 5 = 37.5 = 38
Adventure 5 page 10 brought back the pilot requirement from Book 2, which was missed in Book 5 in my opinion. Hull's of > 20,000 tons require a pilot allowance of 3. The TCS/HG command section officer requirement appears to be 7 (HG) + 3 pilots (TCS) = 10 command section officers. This leaves 28 of the 38 command section slots to be filled by ratings exceeding the Book 5 50% rating to officers requirement.
Book 2, if I'm on the right track, requires at least 3 admin personnel per 5 officers. HG appears to have doubled the officer requirements of Book 2, which would, I hope, require at least 6 admin personnel + 10 officers for a minimum of 16 command section personnel. The Regal's command section requirement exceeds, I think, the minimum Book 2 requirement.
Of course I could be lost in space in my thinking.