Good point. And it could well be in HG that various other crew are cross-trained to provide medical staff in emergencies. Service crew with no inherent combat role would be prime candidates to be cross-trained as medics and combat repair teams in emergencies.
Forgive me to correct you but IMO your last sentence should read:
Service crew with no inherent combat role would be prime candidates to be cross-trained as medics or combat repair teams in emergencies.
I'm not an expert in naval operations (less os in star navy operations), but I have some training in labour security, and it's a known fact you should never train the same person as First Aid Team member and First Intervention Team member, as the same emergency that forces you to activate First Intervention Teams is likely to force you to activate First Aid Teams, and a person may have only one assigned role in emergencies, or he/she will do nothing good in any of his/hers roles.
For what I know about naval operations, most support crew is assigned to some of those roles in general quarters situation (a bartender may be assigned to Damage Control, or to First Aid, depending on his/her training).
Even so, I think medical staff is another thing, as it's personnel specifically on board to treat possible casualities/illnes, with no other roles assigned, as is engineering crew, and both are assumed to take the lead of those First Aid and Damage Control teams in emergencies (or in General Quarters, even if the emergency expected doesn't materialize, or if it's only a drill).
I think, in HG there are some assumptions that can mislead in this sense:
> as crew was given by digit (exponential 10s), small teams made no diference, so could be easily ignored. From the moment the crew is given in small sections (5-15 persons), those small teams may mean a section or two more, so, IMO, they should not be so ignored.
> most crew branches (command, support, etc) are given by ship tonnage, regarless the actual crew they carry. That may be sound in military ships, but once you talk about transports (or freighters), that's not so sound. You'll need the same command or support crew for a 20000 dton military ship, with its full complement of gunners, etc, than for a 20000 dton freighter, that probably whould have a quite smaller crew.
And just for HG congruency, as there is a full medical branch in CharGen, IMO, they should be reflected in the ships' crews...