Medics are not part of the "catch-all" or equal to deck swabs, cooks or maintenance.
If all we need and are after is big brush strokes I refer you to Book 2:
"Extremely large starships should have at least 10 crew members for each 1000tons of displacement."
Simple, easy, quick, and all we need for HG combat.
(Me? I want a little more for my RPG thank you)
I can't disagree with that, but I'm a wargamer first, RPGer second.
Our 200 kton BB with 400 Service staff, perhaps including the 4 person Medical Department, has 100 Bridge crew (including the chief Medical Officer).Might as well ignore Command Section by that rationale, it's hardly a big department![]()
The "reason" is literally the numbers issue. Detailing such a small department goes against the tone set by the rules. Otherwise the Service Crew would be detailed as well. Cooks, swabbers & maintenance departments are all very important for the on-going health of the ship & its crew.I see no evidence that the two were merged. However, can you elucidate on the "exactly why" that you see? Or is it simply the numbers issue?
I also read the HG1 description of Service Crew (well... "Crew") and note HG2 stopped detailing what Service Crew "is", leaving it far more open to interpretation or role-playing possibilities.
Whether your qualified Medical department supervises the re-awakening of the Frozen watch will depend on the existing casualties they are dealing with (a lot if a frozen watch is needed) and where they think they can do the most good. Their job is to save lives, not fight the ship.I'm not sure who else would be waking the Frozen Watch in the TU. Lowbeths pretty much demand Medic-1 at a minimum. It's automated imo but that's MTU, where the medical care and time is involved in the front end to allow rapid awakening and 100% survival* in time of crisis. The opposite of Emergency Lowberth protocol (with regular lowberth practices being more middle of the road).
* failures are weeded out before the installation is completed, to jive with HG's lack of casulties in FW use
Say we have a 200 kton BB with a crew of 1100 and a Frozen Watch of 550. Medical staff will save 49 of those sleepers, (while 49 will still die regardless). To be compared with the number of injured survivors that need urgent medical attention from the hit that necessitated the FW's awaking. So I guess we can say, sometimes they will waken the Frozen Watch.
But, like you, personally I don't use the CT low berth death rates & IMTU a technician is all that is required to awaken Sleepers with 100% success. That applies to both military & civilian Sleepers.