Type C
MTd _MCr.__ Item
800 _80.___ 800 Td Custom Hull
_65 120.___ JD M J3
_23 _48.___ MD M 3G
_37 _96.___ PP M P3
_30 __0.___ Fuel: 3x10=10 PP
240 __0.___ Fuel: 1J3 800*30% =240
_48 __0.___ Fuel Reserve for Small Craft (total 318)
_20 __4.___ Bridge
__5 _45.___ Model 5
100 _12.5__ 25 SR
__8 __0.8__ 8xHP & 8xFC
__0 __8.___ 8x Triple Turrets (empty)
100 _56.___ 2x Cutter
__0 __3.6__ in cutters: 2x ATV modules
_60 __3.0__ open Module, Fuel Module
__0 __0.06_ In ATV Modules: 2xATV
__4 __0.6__ Air/Raft
_80 __0.___ Cargo 80T
__0 __0.___ Unstreamlined
=== ======= =====================
820 476.96_ subtotal
__0 _47.696 Std Discount
=== ======= =====================
820 429.264 Total (book says MCr445.95)
_20 ___.___ Overage
Pilot, Navigator, 4x Engineer, medic, 8x gunner optional. This is a crew of 7+Gunners. No stewards are needed due to non-commercial service. Book adds a CO.
Type K
_Td _MCr._ Item
200 _20.__ 200 Td Custom Hull
_15 _20.__ JD B J2
__1 __4.__ MD A 1G
__7 _16.__ PP B P2
_20 __0.__ Fuel: 2x10=10 PP
_40 __0.__ Fuel: 1J2 200*20% =40
_20 __1.__ Bridge
__1 __4.__ Model 1/bis
_44 __5.5_ 11 SR
__1 __0.1_ 1xHP & 1xFC
__0 __0.5_ Double Turret (empty)
__4 __0.6_ Air/Raft
_20 _14.__ 20T Launch
__6 __0.__ Cargo 6T
_14 __0.__ 2x7T capture tanks
__7 __0.__ trophy lounge
__0 __2.__ Streamlined
=== ====== =====================
200 _87.7_ subtotal
__0 _-8.77 Std Discount
=== ====== =====================
200 _78.93 Total (book says MCr81.08)
_0 ____._ overage
Pilot, Engineer, Medic, Optional Gunner. non commercial, no steward required. Book requires steward and navigator.
Type L...
Following Makes it work, leaves 7 unused, instead of 1, in the drive compartment.
Type L
DTd MTd._ _MCr_._ Item
_50 350._ _16.___ 400 Td Std Hull
_25 __0._ _40.___ JD D J2
__5 __0._ _12.___ MD C 1G
_13 __0._ _32.___ PP D P2
__0 _20._ __0.___ Fuel: 2x10 PP
__0 _80._ __0.___ Fuel: 1J2 400*10% =80
__0 _20._ __2.___ Bridge
__0 __2._ __9.___ Model 2
__0 _80._ _10.___ 20 SR
__0 __2._ __0.2__ 2xHP & 2xFC
__0 __8._ __1.2__ 2x Air/Raft
__0 _40._ _20.___ 40T Pinnace
__0 _23._ __0.___ Cargo 23T
__0 _85._ __0.___ Lab Space
__0 __0._ __0.___ Unstreamlined
=== ===== ======= =====================
_43 350._ 142.4__ subtotal
__0 __0._ -14.24_ Std Discount
=== ===== ======= =====================
_43 360._ 128.16_ Total (Bk says MCr158.98)
__7 _____ ___.___ unused (Drive Section waste noted)
___ _10._ ___.___ overage**
passenger error: Crew 5, 20SR, max 15 pass, 35 DO, instead of 20 and 35
**Fuel issue on p59 & p66: lists 90Td, for 1J1 (and PP5); drive is J2 and P3; 20 extra tons needed for P3; ship can function at 10 extra by operating at P2, fixing overage
Pilot, Navigator, Medic, 2 Engineers. Matches book.[/QUOTE]
Can you post a final to critique, and then I'll add all of these to the errata?
The above are pretty well stabilized, using the Type L as 1J2 M1 P2.
The Type T needs a cosmetic adding of the weapons.