From Supplement 5:
The Rampart RF-128 and RF-1282 fighters are small streamlined combat craft with stubby wings and limited control surfaces. The wings are semi-retractable, enough to reduce the craft's diameter to 3 meters and allow use in the launch tube.
Each fighter is a 15-ton craft constructed at tech level 15. The two different models have two distinct features- weaponry and crew size.
The Single Place Fighter is laser armed, and has only one position- for a pilot.
The Dual Place Fighter is missile armed, and has two crew positions in its double cockpit. The craft is used for squadron command and control in combat situations.
In addition, the dual place configuration is used for training of new pilots or for periodic check-rides for pilots within the squadron.
Rampart RF-128 FF-0106611-000000-40000-0 (Single Seater)
Rampart RF-128-2 FF-0106611-000000-000003-0 (Dual Seater)
From Challenge #27:
Fighter Profile: The Rampart IV and V
Origin: IDS Corp., a division of Sternmetal Horizons.
Type: Fighter/interceptor, interplanetary, all atmospheres.
Engine: IDS Mk.68H 1 Fusion Chamber.
Dimensions: l=8.10m, w=4.27m, h =2.66m.
Weights: Max. loaded =20.0 tons, dry= 14.8 tons.
Performance: Max. acc.=6g, agility=6.
Armament: two Jannen Mk.5TR Fusion Cannons.
History: First flight on 1107 364, service IOC on 1109 130.
User. Imperial Navy.
The Rampart IV project, secret until recently, was given a high priority due to the Zhodani invasion of the Spinward Marches in 1105. After many years of slow development and near cancellation, work was finally accelerated and the Imperial Navy awarded a development and production contract to IDS Corp. (Imperial Dynamic Systems Corp., of Ansenclorn/Core) in 1106. In 1107, the first prototype began flight testing at a secret test location. IOC (Initial Operational Capability) was achieved in 1109 when the FF 77 Rampart IV deployed to the Spinward Marches. Further details of the fighter's combat career are classified, but rumor has it that it is a "pilot's ship" and highly effective.
Much of this effectiveness may be due to its Naasirka LP 65N 7/R computer. Reportedly, the ship's performance has given it considerable popularity among pilots.
Rampart IV is also fitted with a 0.4 ton, type M 4/WQ24 ESU (Ejection and Survival Unit). The ESU has a rocket ejection unit, extra fuel for short duration travel (2g max) or surface landing, emergency life support, a rescue beacon (variable frequency), and a 50kg survival kit which includes food, a combo filter/resp mask, an instant shelter, and a weapon.
High Guard Statistics:
FF 0106SR1 10000 05000 0
TL=15, 20 tons, Fuel =5.2 tons, Agility=6, Cost=MCr27.85
Origin: LSP Military Technologies Group.
Type: Ship killer, surface attack, interplanetary, all atmospheres.
Engine: IDS Mk.68K 7 Fusion Chamber.
Dimensions: 1=9.33m, w=5.65m, h =2.34m.
Weights: Max. loaded =20.0 tons, dry= 15.2 tons.
Performance: Max. acc.=6g, agility=6.
Armament: Two Amborg/Daniksen PS 33 Mk.1 six place missile launchers, each carrying twelve missiles.
History: First flight on 1108 042, service IOC on 1109 252. User: Imperial
A brother project to the Rampart IV, the Rampart V contract was awarded by the Imperial Navy to LSP/MTG Div. in 1106. Its engines are a modified version of the Rampart IV's and it uses two of the M4/WQ24 ESU's for a pilot and a weapon's operator (gunner). Its computer is the larger Naasirka LP 66N 3/3 which uses various weapons delivery programs.
A unique feature of the Rampart V system is the ability to allow up to five ships (usually four) to combine their missile launches into one salvo which is equivalent to a missile factor seven.
One of the four craft is designated as the leader and enters the appropriate program into his computer (1 space, 2MCO while the other four fighters load a corresponding gunnery program (1 space, .5MCr). The four computers update each other via short range microwave communications run automatically.
If the leader's ship loses its computer capability, then each of the ships must fire its weapons independently. Maximum size of the formation of four (microwave commo range) is 5000km.
High Guard Statistics:
FM 0106MS1 K0000 00004 0
TL = 15, 20 tons, Fuel = 4.2 tons, Agility = 6, Cost = MCr33.2 (dry) Carries twelve (12) missiles; 4 per launcher.
Weight of Ejection/Survival Unit (ESU) = 0.4 tons ea.
Firing individually, each Rampart V adds its gunner's DM to the DMs from 'Predict' programs, if used. This procedure results in a net DM for each fighter. For the factor seven (to hit and damage) salvo shot these net DMs are averaged over all four ships to produce a DM for the salvo.
Also: The Rampart V's two hardpoints (see illustration) support the equivalent of a triple turret in weaponry. The missile launchers may be replaced with droppable ordnance, ECM pods (self-powered, act as ECM computer program), intelligence gathering equipment, or two 1.5 ton cargo/fuel pods. Refs, use your imagination.
(The illustration looks an awful lot like a single seater F-15.)
So, what happened to the Rampart III?