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Deadly, but not a weapon

Originally posted by Morte:
So far, in my quest for quickly deployed weapons that you could always carry without them being removed by security or confirming any suspicion that you're less than innocent, I like:

- Various converta-garottes (key chains, necklaces, neckties). Although garottes seem a bit specialised -- you'd want to start out behind your opponent.

- Gadgets (portacomp, comms) that make good bludgeons. May be a bit hard to hang onto before any meeting where recordings are banned.

- A heavy and solid watch, with a store-bought strap that just happens to secure it as a good knuckleduster.

- The right belt with the right buckle.

- Footwear that's good for kicking.

- A pen that happens to be constructed like a good stabbing weapon.

- A standard model cybernetic hand/arm that has some nasty sharp/pointy bits under the cosmetic flesh.

- Pointy hair-control thingummies.

- A camera with a really powerful flash, and a background as a photographer.

- An actual weapon you hope they'll ignore -- Swiss Army Knife "for general odd jobs", can of pepper spray "for defence against muggers/rapists".

The problem with most of the other suggestions is generally either:

- They're an admission of guilt. If somebody finds a foil in that walking stick you brought to the meeting with the gang boss, ouch. If SolSec think you might be an Impie spy, then finding a Gauss rifle in your crutches will convince them.

- They're improvised from something that may not be available. Why train yourself to be deadly with a frozen chicken if the fight might happen in a steak house?
HEH... In Jackie's case he'd probably slap them silly with a couple of porterhouses. It's worth Noting that Jackie Chan (whatever his credentials as a martial artist) is apparantly also a trained circus acrobat. Something I believe after seeing him weilding a 9 or 10 ft step ladder as weapon with an ease a drum majorette would have difficulty matching with her little baton.

The beaty of the flail/garotte is that it could be improvised easily, and be present in many 'innocent' forms.

The key chain, The string tie with heavy gold or silver ends, a narrow belt, an opponent's shoelace and another's gun and handcuff case. It's a really simple weapon to improvise. all you need is a length of flexible connector and two weights. Probably better if the weights are matched and within a certain range, Probably also better with a light chain or cable connector, but the training could apply to a number of less than perfect substitutes which would be locatable in most environments and/or designed into objects without positively confirming suspicion of the owner's intent. Which I think are the parameters you set at the beginning.

The actual weapon probably has a name somewhere and a martial art associated with it, but I have no clue.

In any case, if it was a chain or cable and weighted with matching weights say about the same as a half roll of coins each end (or a handful of keys) and was maybe .3 to .7 metres in length...

You'd have something that (in the right hands) could block a knife or sword strike and even trap the blade/disarm the opponent.

you'd have a flail, a ranged 'grab' attack, (if balanced) even a pair of bolas.

Wrapped around your fingers it would even make that 'knuckle duster' (though it would hurt you too)

If the connector was thin enough, it would make a garrotte. If the weights were heavy/hard enough, they could be held close and used as a kosh.

you've got a very versatile weapon there. and what could be an impressive martial art. I'd suggest a few skill points in Tae Kwan Leap though as well. so that when Security officer Gruberman takes away your jewelry, you can always give him a 'boot to the head' :D
One example of TL 7 "self defense" products available on the market today:

Pepper Spray Ring: one quarter once of OC spray and compressed gas in an inodffensive(yet ugly) ring. Good for a one second burst, effective range listed as "under one meter".

Speaking of stiletto heels, have you ever truly examined a "typical" pair of women's high heels? The heel is easily pried off to reveal a decent sized cavity. Without going into the platform shoes era, you could easily fit plenty of contraband into this area.
Originally posted by Zanrain:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Credit cards, or deck of playing cards that are actually concealed explosives. Blasting caps w/timers built into buttons etc..
You mean, like my punch cards. :rolleyes: </font>[/QUOTE]You mean, like Gambit's (X-men) deck of cards?

No offense to anyone intended, mutually independent invention of the same idea is a valid truth.

I'm kinda sure I saw it in an old Mission Impossible or The Saint or some such too (no, not those sad remakes movies, the classic tv series).

The biggest problem with most of these is they don't "blend in" in a high tech setting. Like the cane/crutch some person seems to need for an injury, how very primitive :rolleyes: Never heard of a gravitic assist?

The first thing to ask is what is "invisible" in the setting? (Invisible meaning no one gives it a real look, and hardly a glance. Think sunglasses on a bright day, or an umbrella in the rain.)

So no real ideas here since it depends so much on the setting. About all I can think of is jewelery, almost always a fashion and easily used in weapon sense though seldom thought of as such. Also most people won't ask you to hand it over in a casual setting. It could be a ring that has a rather large and pointed detail useful for either a raking scratch across the face or a solid punch to the skull or basse of the neck.
How about a hunk of memory plastic or alloy? Looks like a simple bar, ruler, or paper weight. But, hit it at the right spot or expose it to some magnetic field (possibly with some small "activator" hidden in something else (a small flashlight?)), and the shape changes into a knife or machette. Another press of the activator, and the memory plastic changes back.

There is a tool like this in Ringo's March Upcountry/to the Sea/to the Stars series. I can't remember exactly how the things are supposed to change back and forth though.

The CIA has something like that currently. It looks like a block of plastic, but put it into a microwave and it turns into a knife. Not sure if the agents can reverse the process in the field, though.

But in 5,000 years, you'd think they would have solved that problem.
Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
How about a hunk of memory plastic or alloy?
There is a tool like this in Ringo's March Upcountry/to the Sea/to the Stars series. I can't remember exactly how the things are supposed to change back and forth though.
Some RPG had one of these long since, but I forget which of my many games had such a weapon.
There were some memory metal items in the original CT Scouts book. Shapechanging belt buckles or badges I think.

You could have some mundane looking items made out of high strength materials. Maybe an eloborate chain necklace made out of a very strong metal. You could make a manriki-gusari (weighted chain weapon) by attaching small weights (pendants?), or use it as a garrote.

As for playing card explosives, they wouldn't be out of place if your cover was being a professional gambler.

Disguise your stuff as professional gear (Someone called for a doctor?).
The only problem with a lot of these suggestions. (memory metal et al.)

Is that he specifically requested that the weapon NOT be a 'gadget'

He didn't want a bomb or a gun or a knife that stayed concealed. As I understand his request anyway.

What he wanted was an object that would pass Any inspection as a mundane item that at worst, -Might- be taken from because: "I'm sorry sir, I'm sure you don't know this, but this item could be used as a weapon"

Gadgets may be HARD to dectect but once detected, declare 'guilt' quite loudly.

The original poster wanted something that would be 'innocent' under any circumstances but still could be utilized.

IMO (and I'm biased, one of them is my suggestion)

Only the knuckle duster watch, and the flail/bola/garotte jewelry/key chain really met the criteria he specifies.
Garf wrote:

"Is that he specifically requested that the weapon NOT be a 'gadget'. He didn't want a bomb or a gun or a knife that stayed concealed. As I understand his request anyway."


May I suggest a simple roll of coins? They can add quite a bit to one's punches, especially those of the sucker variety. A small spool of fishing twine and a handkerchief can be used to fashion a serviceable garrotte too.

In the proper hands, every common place object is a weapon; pencils, paperclips, shoelaces, tie pins, etc.

Originally posted by Garf:
What he wanted was an object that would pass Any inspection as a mundane item that at worst, -Might- be taken from because: "I'm sorry sir, I'm sure you don't know this, but this item could be used as a weapon"

Gadgets may be HARD to dectect but once detected, declare 'guilt' quite loudly.
Spot on.

I also particularly wanted something that the character would train themselves to use, better than they could use some randomly grabbed item. In D20 terms, I'm talking about taking weapon focus/specialization feats for that particular weapon.

With that sort of investment they would always want it to always be available, i.e. they'd wear/carry it. General improvisation doesn't fit the bill.

And if they're going to spend two or three feats on it it had better be deadly, above and beyond a similar investment in straight unarmed combat.
And if they're going to spend two or three feats on it it had better be deadly, above and beyond a similar investment in straight unarmed combat.
why exactly do you want to use a weapon and not simply invest in more unarmed combat skill?
Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And if they're going to spend two or three feats on it it had better be deadly, above and beyond a similar investment in straight unarmed combat.
why exactly do you want to use a weapon and not simply invest in more unarmed combat skill? </font>[/QUOTE]Style.

[Edit: also intellectual curiosity. Armed combat should be better than unarmed combat, if the weapon is good enough. I'm curious as to whether I can find a "good enough" weapon which lets one appear unarmed.]
I may have it! What about a simple looking shoulder carry bag?

Its innocuous enough by itself, offers the distraction of contents to search through and innocent potential 'weapons' to confiscate and ally fears, and it could be a standard always carried item for both sexes (and even some aliens).

As a weapon it could be designed and used as a flail, a snag (for opponents weapons and/or feet) or even a garrot. Empty it could be pulled down over an opponents head as a blindfold hood. Part of its effectiveness would come from the design of the bag and part of it from the weight of whatever is carried (just nothing breakable I'd suggest).

Make it a good size and of ballistic cloth and you have a handy soft shield. Taking it into the gadget realm add reflec if that won't raise alarms and even some of that shock gel that is fluid until struck or charged with a current and you can have a more traditional shield. Heck it could even be thrown as a discus after snapping off the strap(s) which are still good for the rope/chain weapon tricks. Or keep the straps on, seperate two compartment halves, and it could be a bolo or just use the straps to get a really good swing for the throw going.

Available now at finer department stores throughout charted space with prices starting at only cr19!


p.s. One game rule note. D&D 3rd (d20) requires a Feat, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, for such weapons. It would seem appropriate for T20 as well, even more so as Feat rich as the environment is. For other versions of the game I'd use something similar. A negative DM or some skill or stat requirement.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />why exactly do you want to use a weapon and not simply invest in more unarmed combat skill?
Style.</font>[/QUOTE]hm. I always thought kung fu was pretty stylish. jackie chan in space. it would lend a new dimension to zero G combat.

(now there's a new idea for chan's next movie.)
Many melee weapon feats apply to unarmed combat.

Read Sword & Fist for some good feats.

Also the Quintessential monk has some applicable feats. It also has something called Legendary Forms, and one of these forms allows you to use ordinary chopsticks as deadly weapons. This might provide some inspiration.
Several good ideas have been mentioned, belt with heavy buckle as a flail, various garrot type objects. Consider this: a leg brace that comes apart as nunchuks. Combine it with a sword cane. Preferably a somewhat obvious sword cane. This is especially good if the law level will let you get by with wearing a gun on your hip. At that point, you would have the obvious gun and the not so obvious sword cane, a weapon and a back up.
Someone earlier mentioned a length of chain with two weighted ends, good for almost any sort of fight that doesn't include guns(and some that do).

I BELIEVE this is called a 'manriki-gusari', but I'm not a martial artist so I could be wrong.

Many noble- or naval officer-style outfits include things like lengths of gold braid, sashes, or some such, right?

Let's say your character is a Han Solo-type, with semi-flashy outfits and such. Simple. Instead of a standard belt, he wears a length of braid/long sash-like thing for a belt. Looks distinguished, gets in good with the ladies, and conceals weights in the ends and a strong cable through the middle.

For a different idea, what about your jacket? Good ballistic cloth is unlikely to rip, and weights can be sewn into the cuffs. With the proper amount of extra length, the weights will hit in addition to your fist when you punch people. Give you that extra little bit of oomph. And just wait until you take it off.

It's possible to conceal a rather large amount of concertina wire in your hair...

And finally, anybody heard of sap gloves? They're gloves with little pouches filled with lead grains over the knuckles, weigh a pound or two apiece, and leave bruises like nobody's business.
Why not a plain, ordinary cane? No sharp tip, no hidden gewgaws, just a stout piece of wood/plastic/alloy. For extra effect, give it a good, solid, and somewhat massy head. Put this into the hands of just about anyone and they'll be able to use it as a club. Give it to someone trained in kendo...
Why not a plain, ordinary cane? No sharp tip, no hidden gewgaws, just a stout piece of wood/plastic/alloy. For extra effect, give it a good, solid, and somewhat massy head. Put this into the hands of just about anyone and they'll be able to use it as a club. Give it to someone trained in kendo...
or an umbrella. movies like "once upon a time in china II" and "shiri" show what you can do with an umbrella. personally I just like the idea of a kung-fu fight in zero G.