HEH... In Jackie's case he'd probably slap them silly with a couple of porterhouses. It's worth Noting that Jackie Chan (whatever his credentials as a martial artist) is apparantly also a trained circus acrobat. Something I believe after seeing him weilding a 9 or 10 ft step ladder as weapon with an ease a drum majorette would have difficulty matching with her little baton.Originally posted by Morte:
So far, in my quest for quickly deployed weapons that you could always carry without them being removed by security or confirming any suspicion that you're less than innocent, I like:
- Various converta-garottes (key chains, necklaces, neckties). Although garottes seem a bit specialised -- you'd want to start out behind your opponent.
- Gadgets (portacomp, comms) that make good bludgeons. May be a bit hard to hang onto before any meeting where recordings are banned.
- A heavy and solid watch, with a store-bought strap that just happens to secure it as a good knuckleduster.
- The right belt with the right buckle.
- Footwear that's good for kicking.
- A pen that happens to be constructed like a good stabbing weapon.
- A standard model cybernetic hand/arm that has some nasty sharp/pointy bits under the cosmetic flesh.
- Pointy hair-control thingummies.
- A camera with a really powerful flash, and a background as a photographer.
- An actual weapon you hope they'll ignore -- Swiss Army Knife "for general odd jobs", can of pepper spray "for defence against muggers/rapists".
The problem with most of the other suggestions is generally either:
- They're an admission of guilt. If somebody finds a foil in that walking stick you brought to the meeting with the gang boss, ouch. If SolSec think you might be an Impie spy, then finding a Gauss rifle in your crutches will convince them.
- They're improvised from something that may not be available. Why train yourself to be deadly with a frozen chicken if the fight might happen in a steak house?![]()
The beaty of the flail/garotte is that it could be improvised easily, and be present in many 'innocent' forms.
The key chain, The string tie with heavy gold or silver ends, a narrow belt, an opponent's shoelace and another's gun and handcuff case. It's a really simple weapon to improvise. all you need is a length of flexible connector and two weights. Probably better if the weights are matched and within a certain range, Probably also better with a light chain or cable connector, but the training could apply to a number of less than perfect substitutes which would be locatable in most environments and/or designed into objects without positively confirming suspicion of the owner's intent. Which I think are the parameters you set at the beginning.
The actual weapon probably has a name somewhere and a martial art associated with it, but I have no clue.
In any case, if it was a chain or cable and weighted with matching weights say about the same as a half roll of coins each end (or a handful of keys) and was maybe .3 to .7 metres in length...
You'd have something that (in the right hands) could block a knife or sword strike and even trap the blade/disarm the opponent.
you'd have a flail, a ranged 'grab' attack, (if balanced) even a pair of bolas.
Wrapped around your fingers it would even make that 'knuckle duster' (though it would hurt you too)
If the connector was thin enough, it would make a garrotte. If the weights were heavy/hard enough, they could be held close and used as a kosh.
you've got a very versatile weapon there. and what could be an impressive martial art. I'd suggest a few skill points in Tae Kwan Leap though as well. so that when Security officer Gruberman takes away your jewelry, you can always give him a 'boot to the head'