Here's something close to the style I prefer (pdf linked in the thread):
Specifically, I like the way the sensor suite and particle accelerators are displayed, and I would probably make the engineering equipment the same way—a solid silhouette instead of all of that detail. Enough information to be able to tell where a character can stand and maybe what kind of cover is available if that's an issue. Detail to be reserved for things a character might interact with—a console or chair, for instance. The furniture in this example is a bit too intricate, though.
Anyway, I think I finally found words for what I was trying to say:
There's quality, and there's style, and I'm not sure which one the poll is asking about.
To me, the CT basic line-art style is preferable to a full-color textured style. I find it easier to read and understand, and it's
far cheaper. Also, it divorces the ship's layout from its ambiance. So I can use the same deckplan for a shiny new iScout Ship, or for a decrepit Class S held together mostly by duct tape and zip-ties.
As regards quality, I require probably Good visual quality—nicely anti-aliased lines, readable type, and a layout with adequate whitespace. I can put up with minor inaccuracies in lines—if a partition slops over the exterior silhouette or the grid doesn't line up perfectly—so long as they do not create ambiguity.