You cannot and all the various assumptions you've made is the reason why you cannot.
M-drives don't work in atmospheres? Ships routinely depressurize in battle? Lasers need to cool? I won't even comment on your ideas concerning jump exits.
You've made so many assumptions which only apply to YTU that the "lessons" you've "learned" only apply to YTU.
I agree that they only apply to MTU, or any other universe using the same assumptions. They also only apply for about tech level 11.5.
Depressurizing hulls during combat
is cannon, by the way. Right out of my ancient set of starter traveller. As is the heart of my ship combat system.
These "lessons" do, in fact decide the outcomes of battles. I would know - I've fought them, and there aren't any ship tactics rolls in my campaign. It's the
players who have to have that skill, not the characters.
That said, it's these minor little "assumptions" that really drive operational strategy, and without a coherent set, and defining how your technological universe works, discussing operations is impossible.
For the OTU, what are the assumptions? If a fleet wants to jump together, how much is the difference in time of exiting jump? (Not answered in canon, by the way) How long can an Imperial warship sustain maximum rate if fire? What
is its rate of fire (in real world units). How long can it operate with its hull depressurized? What is the maximum range of nuclear dampers and starship weapons? How long can a ship maintain maximum acceleration without cutting into jump fuel? Can cruisers outrun battleships? How difficult is it to locate a deep meson site, and at what range and how long? What are detection ranges for different types of ship? How much fire and damage can a ship withstand from another ship with the same weapons? What is the yield of a nuclear bay missile? How many rounds of missiles and sand does a ship carry? How long does a ship's consumables last, and how can they be replenished? How are prisoners from a surrendered ship dealt with. What proportion of your fleet can skim fuel? How does entering an atmosphere work? How long does it take to prepare a ship for battle?
You need to know the answers to these questions and many more to be able to really discuss operations. Canon doesn't provide many of the answers.
So really, discussing operations is hard unless everyone shares the same view of how the universe works, and many parts of that are still debated.
And each person's universe, and each ruleset, has very different operational strategy.
Besides, not a lot of people have dealt with naval operations in their campaign.