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Defining the 990 borders for the Solomani and Hiver states in Spica sector

Note: The -2204 map suggests that the Solomani did the expanding toward Spica from the time of the 2nd Imperium to the Rim War. Sometime during that gap, approx. -1802 (according to Alien Module 6), the Solomani first found the Hivers (who were already in Spica). So, 400 years for explorers to reach Spica:Gamma, say, then the Long Night kicks off right after that. Hmmm. I'm going to continue this over in the history thread.
I have CT Alien Module 6 that shows the 110x (?) border for Spica with subsector lines shown. I'll try to scan this in tonight or tomorrow. It also has a second map that shows Terran colonies and the boundaries around -2204. This might also be useful. Assuming this hasn't already been done, I'm behind on reading posts.

Hmmm mebbie a upload site somewhere to hold temporary files or if Hunter would allow it one here? I believe he mentioned something about file storage before.

GT : Rim of Fire might have some goodies on dates and such as well. That's looking like Wednesday at this point.

Note that the same map from the Hiver perspective, on the back cover of Alien Module 7, circa 1111 shows the Solomani pushing right up to the Hiver's Spica border.

Does this indicate border tension, covert Solomani expasion, or a map making error on GDW's part? ;)
Ok. From what I gather so far, maps that date post 1100 have the Hivers and Sollies right next to eachother with no gap, and maps thath date before 1100 have a gap between the borders, correct?

So it seems that if we're working the 993 era here, then there should be a gap between the two borders, right?
There is no gap in 1065 on the AotI map.
There is a gap on the 1111 Solomani map, which also shows the Hive border the same as in -2204 (which is interesting since humans didn't contact the Hive until -1802).
There is no gap on the 1111 Hiver map or the GT AR 3 map.
There is a gap on the MT maps.

Comparing all of the above the Hive border stays the same, it is the Solomani border that waxes and wanes.
That sounds about right, apologies if the "arbitrary" remark earlier came off wrong, I only meant it should make some sense. That does seem to be the way this is all heading so no worries.

I had forgotten about the historical map in the back of the CT Alien Module 6, the interesting note comparing it (circa -2204) to the other (circa 1111) is that the Hive Federation border is the same on both. Static for over 3 millenia! There's gotta be a story there eh?

Anyway so long as any border pull back is all on the Sol side, away from the Hiver border that should be fine.

I'm wondering if maybe the gap suggested wouldn't make a nice bit of terra incognitus to leave vague for referees to develop on their own. Perhaps just the basic system details and all (or most) of it unsettled?
So for 993 I would go for the Hiver border where it always is and move the Solomani back a bit. They have their hands full elsewhere and probably don't start expanding to trailing until they have recovered a bit from the Solomani Rim War.
Hoorah! Now we're getting somewhere! We appear to have been able to verify that the Hiver border has been static in all the available maps. Good job, everyone - excellent team work!

As far-trader quite rightly says, the only border that needs "tweaking" is the Soli's - I would still go with the no more than 3 parsecs guideline though.

Time for all those who are interested to get drawing.............!
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
i got a pdf of one version in abstract... is there an upload area for the Project?
Nope. I guess people will have to use their own websites...
Good .gif, Baron! How'd you do that funky thang? E-mail me off list and let me know (traveller@leaberry.org.uk)
Getting a MSN .net password is relatively painless, I've had one since the good Baron started sharing his work, well worth the effort of signing up, and I actually remembered my password

Anyway in this case I think the map is the work of Tony Canopus and the Baron is providing the site for display. That said while I agree the map is well done I'm not too hot for where the border stands.

It has the changed the unchanging Hiver border, unless that is the border from a source I've not seen. And while some have credited me with discovering that, well I was just pointing out the obvious to everyone since it was a personal eureka moment, a couple of you had mentioned it earlier I think and it just didn't soak in for me

Anyway I'll go back to my own doodling of borders now, I just need to find a map with the systems and allegiances. I think a couple were mentioned but I'll need to hunt through the threads. Unless someone recalls the decided upon standard and can post or PM me. I really need an online source though. I have a few bookmarked but I'm not sure which is most valid.
Well, regarding .net passwords, I am not willing to sign up to get one for various reasons, and I don't think it's useful to have that as a condition for seeing things involving this project - it's an unecessary inconvenience, since there are plenty of places that don't require passwords to view basic web content.

Non .net password users don't appear to require a password to view images in the photos section of the Baron's website - could he post things there instead of behind the .net wall?