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Defining the 990 borders for the Solomani and Hiver states in Spica sector

Originally posted by Malenfant:
... it's an unecessary inconvenience, since there are plenty of places that don't require passwords to view basic web content.
Please Malenfant, can you post or PM a convienient site? I've been looking now and again and all I seem to find are free but clogged with spam and adds or charge sites, and in both cases I've seen them disappear after a short while. I'd like an easy free upload/share site. Easy for both me and others to access.

Originally posted by Malenfant:
Non .net password users don't appear to require a password to view images in the photos section of the Baron's website - could he post things there instead of behind the .net wall?
That is a good idea. Whay say you Baron?
Well I meant that in the sense that it's not actually *necessary* to have websites require that people get passwords to look at material. There are free sites but they do have the ads and so on. Or there are paid ISPs that other people here may have webspace on that they could use to host material.

Or the Baron could just post his images in the photo section (or some other accessible section of his site that doesn't require a .net password to look at. I'm guessing that where he's posting is the MSN equivalent of the Files area of a yahoo group, that only members can access?).
Good Tony posted the Gif in hopes that if it was from his area, it may be viewable by others outside the Consortium

Is there a way to get an upload area on Coti?
Are we not of the Peerage?


PS: Thank you, and Welcome to COTI, Lord Tony!
Well! :eek: I'll be :confused: That explains my troubles back in the days of photocopying and making my own sector maps.

I'm sure my little eureka moment is nothing new to anyone else but I like stating the obvious and looking like an idiot in an attempt to seek enlightenment so...

Has anyone noticed and got an explanation for why every sector map has an extra half row of hexes in the bottom row of subsectors??? Is it just me that finds this disturbing???

Ah well, gotta do a few things off-line and then it's back to a little Spica sector doodling, if I can wrap my senses around the extra half hex bizarreness :rolleyes:
Baron - there isn't a way that I know of at the moment to upload files to Coti... I'll ask Hunter. The worst he can say is no

It would seem that hosting files on MSN is not a particularly accessible option though...
Finally scanned in the maps from CT Alien Module 6. I have letter sized jpegs of the full maps if needed, in tif as well. If needed I can rescan either map.

First set is from circe -2204 depicting the Terran Confederation "at the defeat of the Vilani Empire". The little squares are "Terran settlements outside the Confederation".
6 sector detail
Spica Sector around -2204

Second set is from circa 1111, depicting the Solomani Confederation, "Imperial-occupied territory, and neigboring interstellar governments".
6 sector detail
Spica Sector around 1111

[EDIT]Changed the graphics from jpeg to png to save some space[/EDIT]
Originally posted by Casey:
Finally scanned in the maps from CT Alien Module 6. I have letter sized jpegs of the full maps if needed, in tif as well. If needed I can rescan either map.

First set is from circe -2204 depicting the Terran Confederation "at the defeat of the Vilani Empire". The little squares are "Terran settlements outside the Confederation".
6 sector detail
Spica Sector around -2204

Second set is from circa 1111, depicting the Solomani Confederation, "Imperial-occupied territory, and neigboring interstellar governments".
6 sector detail
Spica Sector around 1111

Ok from that all it looks like the Hivers are in the sector a good chunk, with little to no collapse or expansion in the time from -2204 to 1111. That makes that pretty easy unless I am misunderstanding those pics?

Also, as an aside... I am working on getting some public facing webspace where we could host this. I'll keep all posted.

Originally posted by LcKedovan:
Ok from that all it looks like the Hivers are in the sector a good chunk, with little to no collapse or expansion in the time from -2204 to 1111.
Pretty much. There's some expansion on the Hiver side spinward/spwinward-core but not a lot. Of course it could just be the difference between two drawings. :D

This combined image may have the 1111 image a pixel or two to the left but it's as close as I can get:
Spica from around -2204 to 1111

[EDIT]Changed the graphics from jpeg to png to save some space[/EDIT]
so, we have a knowledge gap of a few thousand years for the Solomani border? Do we have any clue when in that timeframe they expanded into the Spica sector?
Only this - during the long night (-700) the Solomani sent sleeper ships to trailing (mentioned in Hinterworlds).
Looking at the names of the High population worlds in AotI Spica: Hyborea, Apollo, Tyrolia, Bevin, Nugent, Cache, Sline and Louis are all na worlds but could have been set up a long time ago.
Similarly the AotI Solomani High pop. worlds are Tern, Tupindur, Montanna, Juess, Vitek, Boreal, Uggi, Tigr, Trilion, Tohira, Diln, File, and Keepout.
I would suggest that at least some of these worlds were colonised by Solomani during the long night in much the same way as the Sword Worlds, the Islands Cluster and Darrian (
The sleeper ships idea sounds OK - it'd be interesting to contrast worlds that were colonised here with the Sword Worlds... presumably there is at least one polity in the Spica sector started by people who stopped on the way to the Hinterworlds?
Yeh, I don't think all of them in the list above would have their origins in sleeper ships, some may be colonies established by Solomani dissidents who didn't like Earth becoming part of the Imperium in 588, others could be set up during the time of the Solomani Autonomous Region in order to expand beyond the limits imposed by the 3rd Imperium.
Then there's the possibility of waypoints used by Solomani Traders to trade with the Hivers during the long night (if they could reach Darrian then WSpica shouldn't be much of a problem).

There are a lot of independent world clusters in Spica that have a single high pop. world or a single type A starport within the cluster. These could be the "islands" the solomani set out to exploit (notice the small s, I mean the people, not the empire).

I wish i could post a map, it would make it much easier to discuss these things.
I think the Sleeper Ships would make a brilliant deduction of the population of Spica. However, I wonder what would motivate people to join. My speculation would be that China would develop Sleeper Ships as a way of solving its unemployment problems. Thereby, like, Silk in Dag. preserving an aspect of China as its population soars to the Stars.
Sigg Oddra writes--"Only this - during the long night (-700) the Solomani sent sleeper ships to trailing (mentioned in Hinterworlds).
Looking at the names of the High population worlds in AotI Spica: Hyborea, Apollo, Tyrolia, Bevin, Nugent, Cache, Sline and Louis are all na worlds but could have been set up a long time ago.
Similarly the AotI Solomani High pop. worlds are Tern, Tupindur, Montanna, Juess, Vitek, Boreal, Uggi, Tigr, Trilion, Tohira, Diln, File, and Keepout.
I would suggest that at least some of these worlds were colonised by Solomani during the long night in much the same way as the Sword Worlds, the Islands Cluster and Darrian ( )were."

Malenfant writes--
"The sleeper ships idea sounds OK - it'd be interesting to contrast worlds that were colonised here with the Sword Worlds... presumably there is at least one polity in the Spica sector started by people who stopped on the way to the Hinterworlds?"

--I see from Kafka's agreement we have a plausible and excellent idea here for humanity's appearance into Spica & further onwards, the Hinetrworlds Sector. Sigg's idea of these way station islands of [lowercase] solomani "outposts" is also worthy of merit and consideration.
I likes it, & it gets my vote!
Well I've got a working draft of my suggestion for the diciest subsector, the one where the borders come closest (ss-N - Tohira). The rest should be easy if we can come to a consensus on this one ;)

I can email it if anyone's interested until Hunter gets us set up with an upload. Or if someone else has an easy accessible upload site. I tried a quick easy idea but it didn't work.

For now I'm gonna see if I can upload it to the T20 yahoo group if you want to look for it there (in a few minutes).


OK, tucked it into a Spica folder in the T20 Sectors folder in the files section. It's a print to pdf so the quality is probably a bit sucky. Feel free to upload your own stuff for viewing there and drop a note here.
Kafka and Sigg's ideas sound good, history wise, and certainly help with the borders/gap issue. I'll vote for those!
Here's a combined 6 sector map with the -2204 map in the original b&w and 1111 in a tinted red.

6 Sector maps combined

I'll likely put all the links on the original post eventually.

Good suggestions. In general the Solomani (as in people) pattern seems to be traders, dissidents, and long term colonists far ahead of any attempts at organization. Since the -2204 map is right before the Rule of Man I'd suspect the colonies (the little squares on the map) explode outwards shortly after -2204 and continue during the Long Night. I'm thinking that if nothing else not everyone was pleased with Terrans "being absorbed by the Vilani" or "ruling over Humanati", etc. . And to take a cue from Pocket Empires, this would have been a time to strike out on their own before the Rule of Man caught up with them, though in Spica's case it may never have. ^_^
