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Droyn-Aslan War?

Here is some fuel to add to the fires of thought:

From T4: Aliens Vol. 1 (NOT T4 Aliens Archive; this book is only found on the T4 CD in PDF form):

T4: Aliens Vol. 1, p.8-10

. . . About 1.8 million years ago, Kusyu's climate shifted dramatically. No one is certain of the cause, but the archaeological and geological evidence is undeniable. Something happened; suddenly the atmospheric content changed from having a heavy sulphurous taint to having far more carbon dioxide. At the same time, the average temperature of the planet seems to have increased several degrees, the amount of rainfall decreased, the planet suddenly had a magnetic north pole, and the species diversity dramatically decreased. Certainly, this is a tremendous change, and it is not clear that it all occurred naturally. Was there an intelligent, dominant race on the planet before the Aslan came on the scene? Did they somehow destroy themselves, their culture, and nearly their world? Or did some outsiders arrive and wreak havoc on the existing culture? These questions remain unanswered. This time of transformation is important for another reason: no Aslan artifacts dating from prior to the climatic shift have ever been discovered. The only suggestion that anything like the Aslan lived before the great change comes from the fragmentary, fossilized remains of unintelligent four-limbed carnivores dubbed "ealwokh". Because of this, plus other significant evidence, the period of great change is of prime importance to the origins of the Aslan race. There are several theories on how the Aslan came to be who, what, and where they are today, as explored below.

Divine Creation
Those who hold this view explain the existence of modern
Aslan most clearly and simply. They affirm that all of Kusyu, and specifically the Aslan, were created by an all-powerful being. This being brought them forth from nothing, giving them life and free will. It imbued them with a sense of honor and purpose, and crafted the world for them to subdue and populate. Thus, Aslan and their culture have divine origins. Various theologists [sic] offer different theories in addition. Some claim that the physical evidence available was planted by the creator himself, as a test for his children. Others believe that the very same evidence was planted by an evil being which operates nearly on the same level as the creator. Still others contend that all such evidence is simply misunderstood, a result of the relatively limited Aslan intellects (relative to the creator, that is) attempting to understand the unlimited and all-powerful being who created it all.

Some people believe the unintelligent carnivores, whose fossilized remains have been found, are the biological precursors of the
Aslan. They further believe that a natural process of evolution, helped by the climatic shift, caused the branch in the family tree that resulted in intelligent, modern Aslan. In short, Aslan derived naturally from ealwokh. This is the predominant view held by Aslan scholars and laymen, although little evidence exists to support it. There are a few fossilized bones - most of them fragmentary - and a lot of extrapolated conclusions.

Genetic Manipulation
There are those who believe that a superior, space-traveling race manipulated the environment of Kusyu to suit themselves, and at the same time genetically altered the native life forms, resulting in the bipedal, intelligent species known as
Aslan. Perhaps this was done so that the early Aslan could be used as servants. Maybe they wanted to create a race of ealwokh that would fight wars for them. Or, the superior race may simply have wanted companionship. Either way, this theory postulates that the superior race eventually fled for some unknown reason, leaving the Aslan with control over their homeworld. The proof for this theory, though, is weak, and not very appealing to Aslan. The most pressing questions are where did those superior beings go? Where are they now? Will they ever return? These, and other, unanswered inquiries keep it from becoming very popular among any but the most fringe of groups.

Another World
This belief espouses that
Aslan originated on a world other than Kusyu. Their ancestors are the 'superior beings" who manipulated the ecosphere to suit their needs. It is theorized that they fled some great war on their true homeworld, coming to Kusyu to start a new life. However, the seeds of that war were carried with them, and the advanced civilization they founded on Kusyu was destroyed, and almost all Aslan were wiped out. Thereafter, the remaining Aslan had to start anew, repopulating the land without the aid of the great technology that had brought them to the new world. Adherents to this theory state that the fossilized bone fragments must have come from an unrelated species, as they were clearly adapted to the climate that existed before the great change. Although the evidence is slim, but its believers are growing in number, mostly because it appeals to Aslan cultural pride. In each of these cases, there is no conclusive proof but a lot of contradictory evidence. It will undoubtedly be a very long time - if ever - until the matter is settled once and for all. Until then, the scholars, theologists [sic], historians, scientists, and laymen will continue to collect clues, draw conclusions, and debate the worth of those thoughts.
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Almost 2 million years ago would be a bit early for Grandfather and the Droyne, depending on how much trust you put into what Grandfather says. There are those Aslan images on Mithril.

As for how Aslan could make it to Terra 40,000 years ago, that might be the result of finding an Ancients star ship in workable condition.
Almost 2 million years ago would be a bit early for Grandfather and the Droyne, depending on how much trust you put into what Grandfather says. There are those Aslan images on Mithril.

As for how Aslan could make it to Terra 40,000 years ago, that might be the result of finding an Ancients star ship in workable condition.

Heresy! The Aslan are a Major race - they invented the Jump Drive on their own, thank you very much! Solomani supremacist... </sarc>:coffeesip:
Heresy! The Aslan are a Major race - they invented the Jump Drive on their own, thank you very much! Solomani supremacist... </sarc>:coffeesip:

I will be even more heretical. Given the possibility of finding Ancient artifacts, including Jump-capable ships, I question whether the Vilani, Zhodani, Aslan, and Vargr should be viewed as major races. The Vilani were transported by the Ancients to their planet, evidently the Zhodani had the same thing occur along with the Vargr, and there are those carving on Mithril of Aslan. Then you have the Droyne operating Jump-capable ships at something like a -7000, which could also be a source of Jump Drives for those 4 groups.
Yup, Vilani reverse engineered ancient tech - Vegans got the jump drive from the Vilani - Terrans reverse engineered it from Vegan crash site.

All of this is tinfoil hat conjecture of course...
Yup, Vilani reverse engineered ancient tech - Vegans got the jump drive from the Vilani ...

Side Correction: Vegans got their Jump Drive from the Geonee.

Vilani probably considered them to be 'their' Jump Drives because Geonee FTL tech was unoriginal (reverse engineered), whereas Vilani Jump Drives were the product of Vilani research.
Almost 2 million years ago would be a bit early for Grandfather and the Droyne, depending on how much trust you put into what Grandfather says.

Well, Grandfather has little to prove on the subject. The archaeological record on the Ancients doesn't kick in anywhere in the known universe until about -310,000.
Well, Grandfather has little to prove on the subject. The archaeological record on the Ancients doesn't kick in anywhere in the known universe until about -310,000.

Does the piece on the T4 CD say who was the author of it was? Also, does it say where the historical evidence of this came from. I have my doubts about the Aslan allowing human archaeologists any near their home planet.
From T4: Aliens Vol. 1 (NOT T4 Aliens Archive; this book is only found on the T4 CD in PDF form):

Almost 2 million years ago would be a bit early for Grandfather and the Droyne, depending on how much trust you put into what Grandfather says. There are those Aslan images on Mithril.

As for how Aslan could make it to Terra 40,000 years ago, that might be the result of finding an Ancients star ship in workable condition.

Does the piece on the T4 CD say who was the author of it was? Also, does it say where the historical evidence of this came from. I have my doubts about the Aslan allowing human archaeologists any near their home planet.

According to the credits inside the cover of the PDF Book:

The Aslan section was done by Stuart L. Dollar and Joseph E. Walsh, with additional design and development by Marc W. Miller and Timothy Brown.
Yup, Vilani reverse engineered ancient tech - Vegans got the jump drive from the Vilani - Terrans reverse engineered it from Vegan crash site.

All of this is tinfoil hat conjecture of course...
I've my own tinfoil hat theory...

Jump Drives are all a psionic artifact from the Primordial's "Originator."

Some individuals have been able to perceive how to interface. These guys had a latent psionic ability that connected to Jspace, and they realized the pattern... many think it was their own Idea; others thought it was supernaturally given.

Others perceived it when they examined the remains, not because they grasped it, but because the psionic artifacts literally spoke to them. The engineering is all well and good, but until someone who grasps it, it will never be reliable. Some QC inspectors have better records than others - because they can sense if it is aligned to Jspace, and how to tweak it so it can...

Jspace itself is part of that Originator's creation. Until recently, none had grasped how to make it happen save Grandfather. He used it to make the 2D grid that is accessible J-Space - why? Because he wasn't a spacefarer born. He thought in 2D, and imprinted that. Parsecs? His home world was very Earth-like, and the J-Space parsec isn't quite Earth's parsec, but within 0.1%...

And the Empress Wave? There's a New Originator who goes off, because he encounters a Zhodani Core Expedition craft, and realizes the images in his head might work... and he tries to originate it. And he does, like Old Originator, but with slightly off grid alignment. The energy, pulled from compact dimensions and zero-point energy, over a span of lightyears, initiated by a star, draws more and more power, asserting itself and imposing the horribly convoluted view of J-Space and 10-spatial dimensions into their consciousness - the more psionic, the stronger the effect, and the more likely insanity would result from being unable to escape the intrusive imagery of 10D space.

But New Originator was already in J-Space, so he figured he could do better... he is the one who added planes 7 to 90...
Now we just need to determine how some Aslan made it to Terra 40,000 years ago.
Multiple incidents of misjumps have involved a ship that travels through time in an unplanned manner. One such from the Imperium Eternal timeline has a ship jump from the Interstellar Wars era into Strephon's Imperium, departing and arriving at Dingir.
Why not have a ship travel "backwards" in time (and have a hopelessly unrepairable J-Drive upon arrival) during a misjump?