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favorite movie lines

Great movie lines...

"...husband to a murdered wife, father to a murdered son and I will have my revenge, in this life or the next!" Maximus -- Gladiator

I know it's incomplete, but i can't always remember the first part...

"The next time someone calls you a god, say yes!"

Venkman -- Ghostbusters

"All you have to do is show me where they are"

Vaqueze -- Alien two

Those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head...

not stricktly si-fi (but at the time some times it seemed so)!!. Robert Duvall had the greatest 2
linesin a war movie - EVER - past present or future!! goes like this - I love the smell of burning Napalm in the morning!!!....it smells like
'I don't believe it.'
'That is why you fail'
- Yoda and Luke - Empire

'Your focus determines your reality.'
- Qui-Gon Jinn - Phantom Menace

'Chew. If only you could see what I have seen with your eyes.'
- Roy Batty - Bladerunner

'I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren't you the good man?'
- Roy Batty - Bladerunner

'She doesn't know.'
'She's beginning to suspect, I think.'
'Suspect!? How can it not know what it is?'
- Deckard and Tyrell - Bladerunner.

'It may be irrational of me, but human beings are quite my favourite species.'
- Tom Baker - Doctor WHO and the Ark in Space

'I see.'
'I'm sure you don't but it's nice of you to try.'
- Tom Baker and Scarman - Dr WHO and the Pyramids of Mars.

'Doesn't look like Brighton. Could be Worthing.'
- Tom Baker as the Doctor surveying an alien landscape.
- Doctor WHO and the Horror of Fang Rock

'We'll drop a couple, rub ourselves down with deep-heat and get up against the radiator. We'll miss out Monday but come up smiling on Tuesday'
- Withnail - Withnail and I.

'This is not about you. This is about Me! Naked! in a Corner!'
- Marwood - Withnail and I

'Monty, you terrible C*nt!'
- Withnail - Withnail and I

'My god it's full of... advertising!'
- Leela on the Internet - Futurama

'It's not my fault!'
- Lando Calrissian - Empire

'You walk like a pregnant yak!'
- Remo: Unarmed and dangerous

'I think when one has been angry for a very long time, it becomes comfortable, like old leather.'
- Jean-Luc Picard - ST:TNG 'The Wounded'

'All things invariably, must end.'
- Spock ST:VI - Undiscovered Country

'F*cking F*ck, F*ck!'
- Platoon

'Nothing in this life can you trust. Not man, not woman, not beast. This (levels sword), you can trust.'
- Conan's father, Conan the Barbarian

'You got what we all get. You got a lifetime.'
- Death - The Sandman

'I feel weary. Like butter spread over too much toast.'
- Bilbo Baggins - Lord of the Rings.

'Fear is the mind-killer.'
- Dune

Strays from Sci-Fi a bit, sorry. That's all I can think of for now and I won't even get started on the Simpsons or William Shakespeare. So... much... to... choose... from...
"Lets split up" Ray Stantz?
"Yeah, we can do more damage that way" Peter Venkman (Burn in Hell)

Ghostbusters (1984)

I've also had groups like this!
"If it bleeds, we can kill it." -- Predator

"If it comes to that, I'll do us both." -- Aliens

"That's all you've got, lady -- two wrong feet and f***ing ugly shoes." -- Erin Brockovich

"Oh f*** you! You worthless f***ing piece of crap with no signal." -- Erin Brockovich

[EDITED BY Hunter, watch the language folks.]
Ghostbusters - good call!!

'Ray, the next time someone asks you if you are a god - you say, YES!'
- Winston Zeddemore - Ghostbusters

'You're right. No human could stack books like that.'
- Peter Venkman - Ghostbusters

More Sci-Fi/Traveller specific...

"There are worse things on this planet than me."
--Richard Riddick (Pitch Black)

"They say most of your brain shuts down in Cryosleep, all but the primitive side, the animal side... No wonder i'm still awake."
--Richard Riddick (Pitch Black)

"Voila: the ZF-1. It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying; good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into 4 parts, undetectable by x-ray; ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Three thousand round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the Replay button (another Zorg invention) it's even easier. One shot, and Replay sends every following shot to the same location. And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies but goldies. Rocket launcher. Arrow launcher, with explodin' and poisonous gas heads. Very practical. Our famous net launcher. The ALWAYS efficient flame-thrower. My favorite. And for the Grand Finale, the all new 'Ice Cube System!'"
--Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (The Fifth Element)

Zorg: This case is empty.
[quick cut] Cornelius: What?
Zorg: Empty. The opposite of full. This case is supposed to be full!
Aknot: You asked for a case. We brought you a case.
Zorg: A case with four stones in it! Not one, or two, or three, but four! Four stones! What the hell am I supposed to do with an empty case?
Aknot: We are warriors, not merchants.
Zorg: But you can still count! Look, it's easy. Look at my fingers: four stones, four crates. Zero stones? ZERO CRATES!
--Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg to Aknot(The Fifth Element)

"For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving. Maybe I'm going home."
--Vincent Freeman/Jerome Morrow (Gattaca)

"So. What's Titan like this time of year?"
--Eugene Morrow (Gattaca)

"If what Dr. Weir tells us is true, this ship has been beyond the boundaries of our universe--of known scientific reality. Who knows where it's been, what it's seen, and what it's brought back with it."
--Captain Miller (Event Horizon)
"Begun this clone war HAS!"

yoda -- AOTC

"You will be, you willll be."

Yoda -- The empire strikes back

"Wipe them all out!"

The Emeperor -- Episode One
"We are Borg. You will be assimulated. Resistance is futile."
No prizes for guessing this one.

OR ... Should it be this:

"We are Microsoft. You will be assimulated."
I wonder what BG would say to that?

OK ... who can pick where these conversation lines are from:

You couldn't sleep either."
"No. I heard about your .. situation."
"I heard about yours. As one would say, it's been one hell of a day."
"Yes, a hell of a day."
"And a hell of a year."
"A hell of a 5 years."
"A hell of a life."
".. You win.
Favorite movie lines applicable to the Traveller game systems. Here are some:

"No. Leave that to me. I am the only one who must apologize to his majesty."
- Admiral Yamamoto
"The Battle Of Midway"

"In such situations, I find a modicum of snuff most efficacious."
- The Baron von Munchausen
"The Adventures of the Baron Munchausen"

"Have a better one."
- Uniform Patrol Officer

Vis a vis the previously posted "Dune" quote, I would note that the quote is only the first line of the Bene Gesserit "Litany Against Fear". I choose not to post the entire Litany here.

I also choose not to re-post my "Blues Brothers" quote from another thread I contributed to regarding dealing with players who choose to be evil.

Enjoy'em and have a better one.
(Jules, after shooting Brett's friend on the couch) "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Please continue. No? Were you finished? Then allow me to retort." -- "Pulp Fiction"

"We should have shotguns for this." -- "Pulp Fiction"

"AK-47. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room. Accept no substitutes." -- "Jackie Brown"

"I'm prepared to scour the Earth for that motherfucker. If Butch goes to Indochina, I want a n----- waiting in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass." -- "Pulp Fiction"

"Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia,' but only slightly less famous is this: Never go in against a Sicilian, when death is on the line!" -- "The Princess Bride"
I can't believe I forgot this one. This is one of my all-time favorite movie quotes. I get misty-eyed every time I watch the movie and it gets to this scene.

"There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throneroom becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father's love for his child." -- "Conan the Barbarian"

Another good quote from the same movie: "Conan, what is best in life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"
Originally posted by djg_p:
"We are Borg. You will be assimulated. Resistance is futile."
No prizes for guessing this one.

OR ... Should it be this:

"We are Microsoft. You will be assimulated."
I wonder what BG would say to that?

OK ... who can pick where these conversation lines are from:

You couldn't sleep either."
"No. I heard about your .. situation."
"I heard about yours. As one would say, it's been one hell of a day."
"Yes, a hell of a day."
"And a hell of a year."
"A hell of a 5 years."
"A hell of a life."
".. You win.
Originally posted by djg_p:
"We are Borg. You will be assimulated. Resistance is futile."
No prizes for guessing this one.

OR ... Should it be this:

"We are Microsoft. You will be assimulated."
I wonder what BG would say to that?

OK ... who can pick where these conversation lines are from:

You couldn't sleep either."
"No. I heard about your .. situation."
"I heard about yours. As one would say, it's been one hell of a day."
"Yes, a hell of a day."
"And a hell of a year."
"A hell of a 5 years."
"A hell of a life."
".. You win.
That was a quote from Lennier and Vir in Babylon 5
Which reminds me of another classic Vir quote.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and give a little wave like this. "
[gives a little wave with just his fingers.}
"Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?"

And an unlimited collection of others. B5 has a large selection of quotable moments.

Earthforce Ship: "Negative we have jurisdiction here. Don't force us to fire upon your ships."

Ambassador Delenn: "Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari ship. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."

[The Earthforce ships leave.]
That was a quote from Lennier and Vir in Babylon 5

I was wondering how long that would take for someone to recognise.

Agreed ... There are a heap of quotes available. There is a website dedicated purely to B5 quotes.

Another one between Morden and Vir:
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Hmm. Short of dying, no, can't think of a thing."

And who can forget Zathras:

"There you are. Being very honored to meet you. I'm being called.."
"Zathras. We've met before on Babylon 4."
"No. .. Zathras does not.."
"It was my past, your future. Zathras, this is very important. When you meet me again, it will be me, but it won't be me now. So, you are not say anything that may change the past. Do you understand?"
"Zathras understand. .. No. Zathras not understand, but Zathras do. Zathras good at doings, not understandings. Zathras honored to meet you for many reasons."


"Yes, yes, Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. Go, go, Zathras take care."


"No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes."


"No, that was not Zathras, that was Zathras. There are 10 of us, all of family Zathras, each one named Zathras. Slight differences in how you pronounce. Zathraas, Zathras, Zathras.. You are seeing now?"
"There are ten of you?"
"Yes! Well, nine now."
.... And to top it all off, here is a Zathras phrase as quoted from Monty Python:

ZAthras: G'day, ZaTHras.
ZaTHras: How are you, ZAthras?
ZAthras: Fine, ZaTHras. Where's ZathrAs?
ZaTHras: He's not here, ZAthras.
ZAthrAs: Wait. Here's the boss fellow now! ZathrAs! How are you doing?
ZathrAs: Fine. Mates, I've brought a new chap here from Pommieland. Michael, ZAthras, ZAthras, Michael.
Michael, ZaTHras, ZaTHras, Michael. Michael, ZAthrAs, ZAthrAs, Michael. Michael's going to be joining us here, working on the great machine. ZAthras, ZaTHras, and ZAthrAs: G'Day!
Michael: Hello.
ZAthras: Is your name not Zathras?
Michael: No, it's Michael.
ZAthrAs: That's going to cause a little confusion.
ZaTHras: Mind if we call you ZathraS to keep things clear?