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favorite movie lines

From The Hunt for Red October

Lieutenant Melekhin (RO): "The cryogenic plant! The magnets arent' being cooled and the temperature in the caterpillar is 15 degrees above the red line and rising! If we don't shut it off it's gonna melt!"
A most Traveller-like situation for your PCs to be in.

Captain Raimius (RO): "Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react well to bullets."

Captain Mancuso: (USS Dallas) "The hard part about playin' chicken is knowin' when to flinch."

Captain Borodin: (RO)" torpedo impact . . .now." :(
It's all in the way he says this. You have to hear it.

All in all a great movie that is more Traveller-esque than you might think at first. One of my top ten favorites

;) Bob
From Zulu

Colour Sargeant Bourne, to Pvt Hoskins' question ("Why the bloody Hell are we here anyway?") as the first charge of the Zulu came down on the skirmish line:

"Because her bloody Majesty is tired of paying your bloody salary, that's why."

Ganidiirsi O'Flynn
Captain and Master of the Wastrel's Bride
Axe wielding Buffy to demon "Hey do ya wanna see my impression of Ghandi?"
Sound of demons head being lopped off.
Buffy to confused escapee "Hey Ghandi was really pissed off."

Buffy to freshly staked vamp "I think you got the point."

Yes, yes ok I am a Buffy fan...and!!!?
Originally posted by lisagb:
Axe wielding Buffy to demon "Hey do ya wanna see my impression of Ghandi?"
Sound of demons head being lopped off.
Buffy to confused escapee "Hey Ghandi was really pissed off."

Buffy to freshly staked vamp "I think you got the point."

Yes, yes ok I am a Buffy fan...and!!!?
Whilst Buffy is highly quotable (I love Oz explaining the three types of party), much of it works best with the visual performance as well (a tribute to the writers AND actors IMO).

Possibly my favourite line from any of Joss Wheedon's creations is Angel (NOT Angelus ;) ), when the Wolfram and Hart boss asks him to save them: "And yet, I just can't seem to care."
I thought the best delivered line in any Buffy was when the evil Willow in Season 3, the one from the Buffy-less parallel reality, says either "Bored" or "Bored Now", I forget exactly which. The whole way it is delivered is. . . well, bored.
Originally posted by Ganidiirsi O'Flynn:
From Zulu

Colour Sargeant Bourne, to Pvt Hoskins' question ("Why the bloody Hell are we here anyway?") as the first charge of the Zulu came down on the skirmish line:

"Because her bloody Majesty is tired of paying your bloody salary, that's why."

Ganidiirsi O'Flynn
Captain and Master of the Wastrel's Bride
Sometime I would like to see your movie, but I think I like the one I saw better. On the DVD it is after the first engagement when the Witt's are sent away shouting "Death awaits you all!"
The private says, "He's right. Why is it us? Why us?"
Bourne answers, "Because we're here lad. Nobody else. Just us."

I rather doubt a British soldier who cussed the Queen (publically, while sober) would make Corporal, never mind Colour Sergeant.
Originally posted by Vargas:
I thought the best delivered line in any Buffy was when the evil Willow in Season 3, the one from the Buffy-less parallel reality, says either "Bored" or "Bored Now", I forget exactly which. The whole way it is delivered is. . . well, bored.
The quote of quotes from that episodes is when Good Willow is disguised as Evil Willow, looks down at her ... ehem ... cleavage and says, "Oh,my. Look at those." :eek:
Don't get me started on Buffy quotes...oh damn to late.
Ok more of my fav lines.
From same epi...Willow about her double "I look so evil an skanky....and I think I'm kinda gay!"

xander "oh god what did u do to each other"
Buffy "long story"
cordy "got hunted"
Buffy "apparently not that long"

wiilow "oz is a werewolf"
Buffy to faith "long story"
oz "got bit"
Buffy "apparently not that long"

Faith on training "Its like fun....only boring."
From "True Grit":

Lucky Ned Pepper (Robert Duvall): "That's bold talk for a one-eyed fat man!"

Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne): "FILL YOUR HANDS YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Mark A. Siefert
"Bully for the man from Wisconsin."
after all said and done...i still like the classic lines from War of The Worlds...195??...

Hey man...it could be a bomb!!!
No...bombs dont unscrew....

ZZZAP----Poof---Ashes, Ashes, all fall down!!!

doncha just love those old 1950s Ray Guns!!!!

whata Hoot....
OK, if we are going to do John Wayne, from Big Jake,
After being told for the umpteenth time, "I thought you were dead."
John Wayne, "I swear I'll kill the next man who says that."
Richard Boone after being shot by John Wayne, "Who are you?"
"Jacob McCandless"
"We though you wuz dead." (Boone dies)
Replies Wayne to the corpse, "Not hardly."
" the Almighty says he can get me out of this , but your fooked"- - Brave Heart

" If I am late imagine what her husband is thinking"- Talented Mr. Ripley

" Boo- Boo- Kitty F***"- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

[EDITED BY Hunter - Watch the language folks]
From "Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever," just before the climactic shootout, as Ecks and Sever gather weapons and ammo.

Ecks: "Where did you get all this hardware?"
Sever: "Some women buy shoes . . . "
In the John wayne quotes for Traveller...

"I ain't gonna hit ya...THE HELL I ain't! (KNocks smart aleck kid's block off)-The Red River.

And, reminded yesterday watching "Willow" on Sci Fi (of all places!)..Val Kilmer's character, "Mad Martigan"

(Pech Willow and Martigan peering into Sorsha's tent looking for baby ALora (two Pixies doing mini-Lennie & Squiggie routine).
I"m going to get ALora,"-Willow.
"No. Better let me go in there,(M. Martigan) I have experience at this sort of thing."

Same movie. "I am an ALL POWERFUL SOrcerer!"

Princess Bride: Inigo Montoya's classic to the six fingered man.

"Who are YOu?"-SFM
(deadpans in serious mode)"my Name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed My Father. Prepare to Die!" I. Montoya.
I may have mentioned this, but from "Wizards"

The evil wizard Blackwolf has resurected the Evil Technology and Nazi motivational propaganda to conquor the buccolic people of this low-tech world. The champion of peace, love, and appropriate technology is his brother, Avatar.

In the climatic confrontation, Blackwolf demonstrates his overwhelming power.
Avatar, "You are more powerful than me, but I still know one or two tricks. Here's a trick Mom taught me when you were out.
"And one more thing. I'm glad you changed your name, you son of a bitch!
Avatar suddenly has a luger. BLAM, BLAM, BLAM!
Total Recall
Sharon: 'But honey, I'm your wife.'
Arnie: 'Consida dis a divoarse.'

Starship Troopers
Diz: 'At least I had you before I died.'

The best movie lines I ever heard though were at a Star Wars convention where David Prowse (famous only for being the Green Cross Code man and the man inside the suit of Darth Vader) delivered the lines he originally recorded for Star Wars in his thick Dorset accent, before they overdubbed him with James Earl Jones...
From the Disney film Mulan
Henchman to leader of Barbarian Horde: (can not remember his name!)
"Look sir, we’ve captured two Imperial Scouts!"
"I want you to deliver a message to the Emperor. Tell him I am coming. Release them."
(Aside to henchman with bow) "How many Scouts does it take to deliver a message?"
(Henchman draws bow and offscreen) "WHIZZZZZZ-Thunk!"

Not really a quote but I feel it best approximates the conditions in a Scout/Courier 3 months into a war patrol on the Zho/Solimani/2000 Worlds border is "Das Boot." Frankly, any halfway decent submarine movie gives a good approximation for what space travel/war is like. Especially the difficulty of sensor contact in the Great Vastness.

From The Abyss (Courtesy of IMDb.com)
Bud "Virgil" Brigman: "Linds, I want you to stay away from that guy. I mean it."
Alan "Hippy" Carnes: "The guy is gone. Did you see his hands?"
Lindsay Brigman: "What? He got the shakes?"
Bud "Virgil" Brigman: "Look, he's operating on his own. He's cut off from his chain of command. He's showing signs of pressure-induced psychosis, and he's got a nuclear weapon. So as a personal favor to me, will you try to put your tongue in neutral for a while?"
Alan "Hippy" Carnes: "I got to tell you, I give this whole thing a spinchter-factor of about 9.5."

From Buckaroo Banzai (Courtesy of IMDb.com)
Buckaroo Banzai: "I've been ionized, but I'm okay now."

Doctor Emilio Lizardo/Lord John Whorfin: "Laugh-a while you can, monkey boy!"

John Bigboote: "It's not my goddamn planet, understand, monkey boy?"

Lord John Whorfin: "History is-a made at night! Character is what you are in the dark!"

From Apocalypse Now (Courtesy of IMDb.com)
Willard: "The machinist, the one they called Chef, was from New Orleans. He was wrapped too tight for Vietnam, probably wrapped too tight for New Orleans. Lance on the forward 50's was a famous surfer from the beaches south of LA. You look at him and you wouldn't believe he ever fired a weapon in his whole life. Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx sh*thole. Light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head. Then there was Phillips, the Chief. It might have been my mission, but it sure as sh*t was Chief's boat."

Kilgore: "You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
[Walks off unhappily]