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favorite movie lines

my favorit all time movie line in the whole world....its called ....THE END...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
From B5:
"It is too late for the pebbles to vote, the avalanche has already begun."--AMb. Kosh

from SW-4
"That's not a moon! That's a Space Station! C'Mon Chewie. we're outta here!"-H. Solo, partime smuggler. :eek:

"Admiral Tagge, I find your lack of faith disturbing." D. Vader, same flick.

"He is crossing to the other side..."
(Horns blow, the Eaters of the dead ride out of the fog in huge numbers down the slopes towards the Hall of King Hrothgar)
Looking at the rain, the enemy, and his pole axe. "It is a small matter",--Herger the Joyous, 13th warrior.

Terminator I
"I'll be back." :cool:

"How about a Repeating plasma rifle in the 40 gigawatt range?"
Hey buddy, just what ya see on the rack, okay?"-same flick (reminds me when my Pc's go weapons shopping)

"Come no More for Ransom, gentle Herald. They shall have none, I swear, but these my joints!-Which..as I shall lever them, shall yield them, little.Tell the Constable (of France)."--K Branagh, Henry V.

"Never mind that hocus-pocus kid. All ya need in a fight is a good blaster."--H. Solo in another of his great witty moments.

"What have you done to her?"
"What?"-perplexed H. Solo ESB
My ship? what have you done to her!?"--Lando Calrissian, ESB
(Hate it when the 'Yard dogs see what we've done after a good scrap..)

"who's scruffy-looking?"-H/Solo, anon.

Londo & Vir's quotes are already done. G'Kar's too. Glad to see Zathras' made the rounds too! (grins)

"These aren't the droids you're looking for. We can go our way."-B Kenobi, SW-4.

"This battle-station is now the most powerful weapon in the universe, Princess. You are about to see a demonstration of its power. "
"Aldabaran is a peaceful system they have no weapons..."
"Then name the system! where is the Rebel base?!!"
"Dantooine, they're on Dantooine.."
" Proceed with the demonstration", Shushes Princess L's protests with a "talk to the hand" gesture. "You are far too trusting."--Grand Moff Tarkin, SW-4.

"Apology accepted, Admiral,"(as the fellow drops dead, throat crushed.)--D. Vader, SW-5/ESB

"I don't think you're up on current events mister, but let me tell you we just got our asses kicked!"--PFC Hudson/ Aliens.

"I got movement, man, they're all around us, man!"
" Vazquez?"
"I think Hudson is right."--Aliens

"One question, SIR..is this a stand up fight or another bug-hunt?"- Hudson, ALiens

"Hey, Vazquez! Anyone ever mistake you for a man?"
"No. You?"-Vazquez, ALiens.

"Wherever you go, there you are."-Buckaroo Banzai.

"From the gates of hell I spit at thee!"-Khan, Wrath of Khan.

"Cry Havoc and set loose the Dogs of War!"-C Plummer's Klingon character, ST: Undiscovered Country.
"I wish someone would shut him up!"--Dr McCoy's reply working on modified photon torpedo, same flick).

Any of Commander Ivanova's "rules"!

"Lo do I see my father, Lo do I see my brothers, lo do I see my mother, lo do I see my ancestors, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place beside them, In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave, shall never die!"--in chorus, before last battle at Hrothgar's steading, 13th Warrior.

"wish not one man more, cuz. If we are to die, we enough to do our country loss. But if to win, the fewer to share the honor! Proclaim it throughout our hos, Westmoreland!
He that hath no stomach for this fight--
let him depart, His passport shall be made,
and crowns for convoy placed in his purse.
we would not die in that man's company who fears his fellowship with us this day.
This day, the feast of Crispin.
He that outlives this day and sees old age will yearly on the vigil toast his neighbors,
And say, "Tomorrow is St Crispins".
Old men forget, yet all shall not be lost--
Then he'll roll his sleeves and show what scars he bears,and say these I bore on Crispin's Day.
Then will our names --Harry the King, Bedford, Exeter, Warwick, Talbot, Westmoreland, & York be as fresh as household words In their flowing cups!
This tale will a good man teach his son;
And crispin Crispianus ' day shall ne'er go by, from now,til the ending of the world.
And we few., We happy fe, We band of brothers-- for he who sheds his blood with me this day, be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition, And men abed in England now, shall hold their manhoods cheap, and call themselves accursed whilst any speaks, who fought with us, upon St. Crispin's Day!"--K Branagh, Henry V.

(Best motivational speech for troops outnumbered i ever heard).
TJ, truly thou art surprising betimes like these.

I was thinking of respnding to the Dave Nilsen board topic with.."I have not come to prise Dave Nilsen, but to bury him.", though I suppose wil would've forgiven the blasphemy. :rolleyes:

But how could I forget that famous line from too numerous movies to mention..


Scouts Out!
One of my favourites from babylon 5 was delivered perfectly. It's by Major Ryan during the battle for Babylon 5 in Severed Dreams.

Bring us in Closer.
How close.
Right down their throats.
"That's a pretty sword. Can I give it to my sister after you're dead?"
-One of the vikings to Antonio B after his character grinds a broadsword down to a scimitar; THe 13th Warrior.
Farscape quote, Ep 22: Crichton and D'Argo are getting ready to jump out of a perfectly good shuttle as it streaks on a collision course with a planet holding a PK base.

Crichton: "I don't understand why I feel so calm.
D'Argo: "Fear accompanies the possiblity of death; calm heralds it's certainty."
Crichton: "I love hangin' with you, man!"

Londo Mollari: What do you want Vir, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

Galaxy Quest:
Fred Kwan: ...go for its vulnerable spots!

Fred Kwan: That was a hell of a thing...

Not really suitable for a Traveller game, but one of my favorite lines in the movie:
Alexander Dane: By Grabthor's hammer... what a savings.

Ripley: Show me everything. I can take care of myself.
Hicks: Yeah. I noticed.

David Bowman: My God, it's full of stars...
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
"From the gates of hell I spit at thee!"-Khan, Wrath of Khan.

"Cry Havoc and set loose the Dogs of War!"-C Plummer's Klingon character, ST: Undiscovered Country.
minor pedantry but both these are of course already quotes...
Originally posted by Gallowglass:
"Cry Havoc and set loose the Dogs of War!"-C Plummer's Klingon character, ST: Undiscovered Country.
minor pedantry but both these are of course already quotes...
If you are referring to Shakespeare, he actually wrote "Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war." But it is a paraphrase of The Bard.
And from same movie ST-"Undiscovered Country"
(Again Christopher PLummer's Klingon General)
"Shakespeare is best rendered in Klingon"...
(When Kirk corrects him on the line.)

From the War Wagon (okay, its a Western, but Sir JOhn of wayne, and Sir Kirk Of Douglas do me fine)
(Both shoot two gunman coming after them in the street. Both men fall dead. John and Kirk look at each other.)
"Mine hit the ground first!" declares Kirk smugly
"Yeah, well mine was taller," John drawls the reply.
Life! Don't talk to me about life.- Marvin the Paranoid Android, Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Arthur -Look robot the stars are coming out.
Marvin- I know, wretched isn't it.
Arthur- But that sunset, the 2 suns...it was like mountains of fire boiling into space.
Marvin-Ive seen it. Its rubbish.
Marvin Did your planet have oceans?
Arthur-Oh yes great wide rolling blue oceans.
Marvin- Can't bear oceans.

Deep thought- The answer to the ultimate question..
deep thought- the answer to everything...
deep thought-life the universe and everything...
deep thought-Is....
deep thought- IS...
deep thought- forty two.

Arthur-you mean this isnt the afterlife?
Garkbit-afterlife sir? no sir.
Arthur-and we're not dead?
Garkbit-Aha ha no sir. Sir is most evidently alive, otherwise I would not attept to serve sir.

Zaphod- Its the wild colour scheme that freaks me. When you try an operate one of these weird black controls which are labelled black on a black background a small black light lights up black to let u know u done it.

Vogon Guard-resistance is useless!!

Golgafrinsham B Ark Captain-youre never alone with a rubber duck!

Ursus Minor Radio-bringing light and enlightenment to all non evolved lifeforms, saying a big 'hello' to all semi evolved life forms and causing severe brain damage to anyone higher up the evolutionary ladder than a concussed bumble bee.

Zaphod-Cool? Im so cool you could store a side of meat in me for a month. I'm so hip I have trouble seeing over my pelvis. Listen 3 eyes I get stranger things than you free in my brealfast cereal.
Receptioist-Well who do u think u are honey, Zaphod Beeblebrox or something?
Zaphod-yeah count the heads.
Recept-You are Zaphod Beeblebrox? THE Zaphod Beeblebrox?
Zaphod-No jus A Zaphod Beeblebrox, didnt you hear I come in six packs?
Recept-Mr Beeblebrox sir, youre so weird you should be in pictures.
Zaphod-Yeah baby, and you should be in real life.

Frogstar Robot-Out of my way little robot.
Marvin-Im afraid ive binleft here to stop you.
Frog R-What you armed with?
Frog R-Guess?
Marvin-Yes go on, youll never guess.
Frog R-ermmm..laser beams?
Frog R-No no to obvious.
Marvin- Far to obvious.
Frog R- how about an electron ram?
Marvin-Whats that?
Frog R-one of these..(blows the crap out of nearby wall)
Marvin-No not one of those.
Frog R-Good though isnt it?
Marvin-Very good.
Frog R-Oh must be one of those things with twirls....goes whoosh...
Marvin-Youre thinking alone the wrong lines you know. Youre failing to take into account something fairly basic in the man/ robot relationship.
Frog R-I know Ive seen em quite big...err
Marvin-Just think. They left me, an ordinary menial robot, to take on you a gigantic battle machine whilst they ran off to save thier necks. What do you think they would leave me with?
Frog R- Something pretty damn devastating I would expect.
Marvin-Expect yes expect. I'll tell you what they left me with shall I?
Frog R- err yes ok.
Frog R-What?!!!
Marvin-Nothing at all, not an electronic sausage.
Frog R- Hell that makes me angry. Think I'll smash that wall down.
Marvin-thats very impressive.
Frog R-you aint seen nothing yet. I can take this floor out to.
Frog R-Oh dear (plummets to its death)
Marvin- What a depressingly stupid robot.

Trillian- Dont worry you are perfectly safe.
Ford- Thats hardly the point. As I am now a perfectly safe penguin and my friend is rapidly running out of limbs.

Robot girl-Hi there baby, do you wanna dance?
Zaphod- Do I look like I wanna dance?
Robot girl-Looks like it to me.
Zaphod-Then I must have my wrong body on.
Robot girl-Organic lifeforms have no sense of fun.

Douglas Adams-In Memoriam
I don't remember the exact quote, but I like Bill Murray's comment from Ghostbusters that they're all wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators.
And when things go wrong:
"Its not my fault!"-H. SOlo (SW-5,ESB) as the hyperdrive yet again fails to engage!

From Ghost Busters: Bill mUrray's character lokking at the Ed- Koch look-a-like Mayor of NYC:

"Is this right?"
"Yes your Honor, This man has no Dick. Now, yeah, we've got nuclear particle accelerators, and yeah we're in violation of EPA regulations until Dickless here (gestures to the Govt. Sphincter Character) let out all the Boojums and ghosts we collected out loose on NYC. If we're wrong, hey we'll go to jail quietly...But If you'll let us stop this menace...Lenny(using familiar tone with Mayor-leans in close), "YOu will have saved the lives of Millions of registered voters!"
Three come to mind:

"Apology accepted, Captain Needa" - Vader, Empire Strikes Back

"You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God Damn you all to hell!" - Charlton Heston, Planet of the Apes

"Who am I? I'm Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart. I'm death incarnate, and the last living thing that you're ever going to see. God sent me." - Ivanova, Babylon 5
The Italian Job. "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off."

The Simpsons. Sideshow Bob. "Atempted murder? I ask you. Do they give Nobel Prizes for attempted chemistry?"

The Simpsons. Sideshow Bob. "The truth? You can't handle the truth. No truth handler you. I deride your truth handling abilities!"

Batman. The Joker. "Never rub another man's rhubarb!"