Well, my disappointment, while my own in the end, comes from an idea planted in my mind from reading the TML.
Several people over there, including LKW, specifically stated that the GEnie data was all non-canon.
I took this to mean that modern upcoming products would not base anything on it.
Now, make no mistake, I did not take the following as a statement of intent or a promise or anything of the kind.
GDWGAMES etc. is LKW's email on the TML.
I post two emails below, the second one contains LKW's wry response.
On 11 Jan 2004 at 15:51, ChrisOsborne wrote:
> See Below:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: tml-bounces at travellerrpg.com
> >[mailto:tml-bounces at travellerrpg.com]On Behalf Of Brian G. Vaughan
> >Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 12:57 PM
> >To: The Traveller Mailing List
> >Subject: Re: [TML] re: the Moot
> >
> >
> >>> I guess my views also stem from the fact that I see the various core
> >>>Imperial sectors a little differently than presented in canon. Canon
> >>>presents us with utterly random worlds in an environment settled for
> >>>thousands of years.
> >
> >It's been pointed out, by LKW and others, that the old sector data,
> >originally published on GEnie many years ago, and frequently reappearing
> >in many programs that display or manipulate sector data, is *not*
> >canonical -- largely because it was randomly generated, and there were
> >problems with the way they were generated.
> Ok, that is great news.
> Where can I download the real data so I can avoid basing upcoming
> decisions on non-canon data?
I don't think you understand. Other than what has
been published in *approved* modules and the like,
there isn't any "real data".
Most sectors have *no* official data. Period. Some
have star positions (from the dot maps in Atlas of
the Imperium). A few have more either because there
was a sector book published for them, or because an
adventure was set there.
Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at krypton dot rain dot com
>-----Original Message-----
>From: tml-bounces at travellerrpg.com
>[mailto:tml-bounces at travellerrpg.com]On Behalf Of GDWGAMES at aol.com
>Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:40 PM
>To: tml at travellerrpg.com
>Subject: Re: Learn to handle disappointment [was RE: [TML] re: the Moot]
>> Ok, that is great news.
>> Where can I download the real data so I can avoid basing upcoming
>>decisions on non-canon data?
>The "real data"? There is no officially accepted list of UWPs for
>the whole
>Imperium, if that's what you mean. There are lists of numbers from
>sources, but all of them are flawed to a greater or lesser degree.
In GTD, I note the statement that the data in the book is drawn on canon sources. Page 5, at the end of the first paragraph under Standards and Assumption.
Can I assume that the GEnie data has now been officially "canonized"?
Given that the only database I have is all GEnie data, I'd be ok with such a decision.