Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
This is one of thos brain-storming posts. A "What If We Did THIS?" type of thing...
See what you think. Throw in your two cents...
You think about real life gunfire. You consider paint ball, and you play computer games that are one-hit-one-kill like Operation Flashpoint and Ghost Recon.
Games where you don't have "hit points". Games where you can die from a single bullet wound.
I'm just brain-twisting this, but see what you think...
What if Traveller combat was tweaked with the above in mind? What if, when you're standing out in the open, and attacker will hit you with an 8+ roll. You should think about cover, right? If you're playing paint ball, you rarely move out into the open--you're always looking for cover. Same thing with Ghost Recon. You move out into the open, and you're dead. Cover-to-cover is what you look for.
What if we made Traveller gun combat more like this?
Gun Combat: Damage is applied like the First Blood rule. That is, all damage from a weapon (all damage dice) are taken from a single random physical stat (every time a hit is scored in gun combat). If there is any "left over" damage, it is transferred, randomly, to one of the remaining two physical stats, and so on.
Conversly, Brawling or Blade Combat will be a little more forgiving.
Brawling or Blade Combat: Whether with melee weapons or with hands (or even animal weapons like claws and horns), damage is applied at the defender's choice. That is, damage is taken in D6 lumps, applied to characteristics at the defender's choice.
And, then, Armor will be used to reduce wounds:
Armor is used to decrease damage, as shown in my HOUSE RULES.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">GUN COMBAT
8+ Target Base Number to-hit.
-N Target Speed DM (Speed-0, Speed-1, Speed-2, etc.)
+/-N Target Range DM
+/-N Attacker's DEX DM
+N Attacker's Skill DM
-2 Panic Fire DM
-N Evasion DM
-N Cover/Concealment DM</pre>[/QUOTE]-------------------------------------------------
Let's take a look at Joe "Average Joe" Beercan with an M-16 assault rifle. He's got DEX-7 and Rifle-2.
Target is at Medium Range (I figure the majority of encounters in Traveller happen at Medium Range), and the target, aware that he is being shot at, is using both cover and evasion to his fullest advantage. The target's no idiot. He doesn't want to get shot.
Joe Beercan needs a base 8+ to hit.
-0 for Target Speed-0 (stationary behind cover).
+2 for AutoRifle at Medium Range.
+0 for Joe's DEX DM.
+2 for Joe's Skill DM.
-2 for Target Evasion at Medium Range.
-4 for Target Cover DM
Joe Beercan will roll 2D -2 for 8+ (2D for 10+) in order to hit his target. That's a 17% chance that Joe will hit.
If Joe uses full auto, he'll get two attack throws. This will up Joe's odds with a 31% chance of hitting at least once of the two attacks.
If Joe uses single fire with the Panic Fire rule, Joe can attempt 3 attacks within the round as long as he takes an additional -2 DM penalty on each attack. With Panic Fire, Joe's attack roll jumps to 2D for 12+. This gives Joe a 3% chance of success on any single shot and a 9% chance that he'll hit at least once.
Joe can combine Panic Fire with Full Auto, giving him a whopping six attack throws at 2D for 12+ each. This is a 18% chance that Joe will hit at least once.
Now, let's consider a little more accomplished Traveller character than joe average. Peter Martini is DEX-A with Rifle-3, and he's making the same shot as Joe at the same target.
Peter Martini needs a base 8+ to hit.
-0 for Target Speed-0 (stationary behind cover).
+2 for AutoRifle at Medium Range.
+2 for Joe's DEX DM.
+3 for Joe's Skill DM.
-2 for Target Evasion at Medium Range.
-4 for Target Cover DM
Peter Martini will throw 2D +1 for 8+ to hit the same target (2D for 7+). With a single shot, that's a 58% chance of success.
Peter, using Full Auto, makes that roll twice, has about an 82% chance of making hit at least once.
Using the Panic Fire rule, Pete's attack becomes 2D for 9+, giving him a 28% chance on a single attack. Fired three times, this is a 82% probability that at least one attack will succeed.
Using Panic Fire and Full Auto, Pete will throw six attacks, hitting on a roll of 2D for 9+. This will give Pete over a 100% chance of hitting at least once during those six attacks.
Can a character get outright killed with a single shot using this system?
Traveller weapons just don't do enough damage, even using the First Blood Rule, to kill outright with a single shot unless the character has really low physical stats and the damage roll is very high.
Suggestion: Add 1D to the damage roll when the hit location indicates "head". And, remove 1D of the damage roll when the hit location indicates "arm". Leave Torso and Leg hit locations with unmodified weapon damage.
Automatic Fire: Auto fire allows two attacks per autofire burst. In order to represent recoil, should a penalty DM be applied to subsequent attacks using autofire?
First attack roll is thrown without penalty.
Second attack roll is at -1DM.
And, when the Panic Fire rule is used with full auto, maybe:
Attack Throw #1: -2 DM for Panic Fire.
Attack Throw #2: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -1 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #3: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -2 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #4: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -3 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #5: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -4 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #6: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -5 DM for recoil.
Thoughts on any of this?
See what you think. Throw in your two cents...
You think about real life gunfire. You consider paint ball, and you play computer games that are one-hit-one-kill like Operation Flashpoint and Ghost Recon.
Games where you don't have "hit points". Games where you can die from a single bullet wound.
I'm just brain-twisting this, but see what you think...
What if Traveller combat was tweaked with the above in mind? What if, when you're standing out in the open, and attacker will hit you with an 8+ roll. You should think about cover, right? If you're playing paint ball, you rarely move out into the open--you're always looking for cover. Same thing with Ghost Recon. You move out into the open, and you're dead. Cover-to-cover is what you look for.
What if we made Traveller gun combat more like this?
Gun Combat: Damage is applied like the First Blood rule. That is, all damage from a weapon (all damage dice) are taken from a single random physical stat (every time a hit is scored in gun combat). If there is any "left over" damage, it is transferred, randomly, to one of the remaining two physical stats, and so on.
Conversly, Brawling or Blade Combat will be a little more forgiving.
Brawling or Blade Combat: Whether with melee weapons or with hands (or even animal weapons like claws and horns), damage is applied at the defender's choice. That is, damage is taken in D6 lumps, applied to characteristics at the defender's choice.
And, then, Armor will be used to reduce wounds:
Armor is used to decrease damage, as shown in my HOUSE RULES.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">GUN COMBAT
8+ Target Base Number to-hit.
-N Target Speed DM (Speed-0, Speed-1, Speed-2, etc.)
+/-N Target Range DM
+/-N Attacker's DEX DM
+N Attacker's Skill DM
-2 Panic Fire DM
-N Evasion DM
-N Cover/Concealment DM</pre>[/QUOTE]-------------------------------------------------
Let's take a look at Joe "Average Joe" Beercan with an M-16 assault rifle. He's got DEX-7 and Rifle-2.
Target is at Medium Range (I figure the majority of encounters in Traveller happen at Medium Range), and the target, aware that he is being shot at, is using both cover and evasion to his fullest advantage. The target's no idiot. He doesn't want to get shot.
Joe Beercan needs a base 8+ to hit.
-0 for Target Speed-0 (stationary behind cover).
+2 for AutoRifle at Medium Range.
+0 for Joe's DEX DM.
+2 for Joe's Skill DM.
-2 for Target Evasion at Medium Range.
-4 for Target Cover DM
Joe Beercan will roll 2D -2 for 8+ (2D for 10+) in order to hit his target. That's a 17% chance that Joe will hit.
If Joe uses full auto, he'll get two attack throws. This will up Joe's odds with a 31% chance of hitting at least once of the two attacks.
If Joe uses single fire with the Panic Fire rule, Joe can attempt 3 attacks within the round as long as he takes an additional -2 DM penalty on each attack. With Panic Fire, Joe's attack roll jumps to 2D for 12+. This gives Joe a 3% chance of success on any single shot and a 9% chance that he'll hit at least once.
Joe can combine Panic Fire with Full Auto, giving him a whopping six attack throws at 2D for 12+ each. This is a 18% chance that Joe will hit at least once.
Now, let's consider a little more accomplished Traveller character than joe average. Peter Martini is DEX-A with Rifle-3, and he's making the same shot as Joe at the same target.
Peter Martini needs a base 8+ to hit.
-0 for Target Speed-0 (stationary behind cover).
+2 for AutoRifle at Medium Range.
+2 for Joe's DEX DM.
+3 for Joe's Skill DM.
-2 for Target Evasion at Medium Range.
-4 for Target Cover DM
Peter Martini will throw 2D +1 for 8+ to hit the same target (2D for 7+). With a single shot, that's a 58% chance of success.
Peter, using Full Auto, makes that roll twice, has about an 82% chance of making hit at least once.
Using the Panic Fire rule, Pete's attack becomes 2D for 9+, giving him a 28% chance on a single attack. Fired three times, this is a 82% probability that at least one attack will succeed.
Using Panic Fire and Full Auto, Pete will throw six attacks, hitting on a roll of 2D for 9+. This will give Pete over a 100% chance of hitting at least once during those six attacks.
Can a character get outright killed with a single shot using this system?
Traveller weapons just don't do enough damage, even using the First Blood Rule, to kill outright with a single shot unless the character has really low physical stats and the damage roll is very high.
Suggestion: Add 1D to the damage roll when the hit location indicates "head". And, remove 1D of the damage roll when the hit location indicates "arm". Leave Torso and Leg hit locations with unmodified weapon damage.
Automatic Fire: Auto fire allows two attacks per autofire burst. In order to represent recoil, should a penalty DM be applied to subsequent attacks using autofire?
First attack roll is thrown without penalty.
Second attack roll is at -1DM.
And, when the Panic Fire rule is used with full auto, maybe:
Attack Throw #1: -2 DM for Panic Fire.
Attack Throw #2: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -1 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #3: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -2 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #4: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -3 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #5: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -4 DM for recoil.
Attack Throw #6: -2 DM for Panic Fire, and -5 DM for recoil.
Thoughts on any of this?