There's the rub. I'm interested more in the background info than actually costing out the Imperial budget. So I'm trying to find a balance between being able to say that the 124th Batron consists of these ships and having half the of the Sector Navy being stationed at Mora.And from a practical standpoint, it really doesn't matter to an adventure whether the navy ship that doesn't show up is a 50,000T cruiser or a 500,000T battleship. In either case you have to come up with a reason that it doesn't show up, because a 50,000T military vessel is just as much of an adventure killjoy as a 500,000T one.
If, for example, there is a BatRon and 2 CruRons stationed at Mora; I don't see them actually impacting an adventure greatly. On the other hand, if a FE is conducting a routine patrol at a minor system - this has a greater adventuring impact.
I'd like to be able to write up a reasonable distribution of Naval assets throughout the sector so as to provide the background for other referees to prepare their adventures. And I'd like to be able to run through the Fifth Frontier War, with all of the squadron movement plotted out.