All of the following designs are IMTU, TL12, but usable in any setting and on higher TLs.
TL12 AI Core 71100-00-RR22F-009B(L) Cr2,718,450 151.25Kg Fuel=47.5 Duration=7.5 days TL=12
40/100 (Mesh)
Basic sensor pkg, Voder
Power interface, Brain interface, Master Unit, Radio (5,000 km), Flat Video Display, elec circuit protect
Laser Rifle-2
Laser Welder-1
Emotion Simulation
Notes: Martian Mechanic broke in ground in 2389 when it introduced a highly intelligent (in IMTU's TL12 terms) ship "brain" capable of running most of the ship's systems as well as operating a wide range of support drones and robots. However, its expense prevent it from being extremly common, and it is mostly found on the larger corporate liners and the big space stations. Martian Mechanics is currently (2401) negotiating a contract with the Solar Triumvirate's Navy to supply its new supercarriers with similar comuters.
ExecuBot(tm) 55302-A2-MM225-5C63(5) Cr465,100 178.9Kg Fuel=47.6 Duration=7.8 days TL=12
20/50 (Cloth)
1 Head (10%)
2 Very light arms
Basic sensor pkg, Voder
Brain interface, Slave Unit, Radio (50 km)
Auto-Pistol (right arm)
Emotion Simulation
Notes: The StarNet ExecuBot(tm), first marketed in 2386, is the most popular robotic personal assistant to Consortium corporate execs, and is gainist popularity in the Solar Triumvirate as well. This humanoid (contourted) robot is a capable secretary and personal servant, is able to perform as a bodyguard as well, and could interface with a ship's AI core, if any is present, and become it's "Avatar".
MedDrone 6330B-04-00000-LB00 Cr17,260 198.45Kg Fuel=47.9 Duration=7.9 days TL=12
30/75 (Mesh)
4 Light arms
Basic sensor pkg, Voder, X-Ray Scanner*
Slave Unit, Radio (5 km), Medical instrument pkg
Notes: A Martian Mechanics drone designed specifically to work with its AI core, this medical drone lacks a brain, and therefore requires an external "Master" (Robot with Master Unit or Human with a remote control) for use. Once connected to a "Master" with a medical skill, however, this drone can perform almost any medical operation, and with great percision (Dexterity 11).
* A computerized X-Ray scanner (emotter and "camera") compact enough to fit into a robot is TL8, consumes 3 kw/h, weights 2Kg and costs Cr2,000.
SecDrone7350A-A2-00000-L600 Cr26,905 324.1Kg Fuel=45.1 Duration=5.4 days TL=12
40/100 (Cloth)
1 Head (10%)
2 Light arms
Basic sensor pkg, Voder, Magnetic sensor
Spotlight, Slave Unit, Radio (50 km), ECM, Video recorder (2D)
Laser Rifle
Notes: A Martian Mechanics drone designed specifically to work with its AI core, this security drone lacks a brain, and therefore requires an external "Master" (Robot with Master Unit or Human with a remote control) for use. Note that this is a commercial model, lacking electronic hardening, heavy firepower/armor and good ECM.
Repair-Bot 7140E-02-MM117-PF43(6) Cr230,080 229.45Kg Fuel=43.7 Duration=6.1 days TL=12
40/100 (Mesh)
2 Med arms
Basic sensor pkg, Voder, Radiation sensor
Brain interface, Slave Unit, Radio (500 km), Mechanical tool pkg, Elec tool pkg
Light laser welder(right arm)
Grav Vehicle-1
Laser Welder-1
Cargo Handling-1
Notes: While the Martian Mechanics Repair-Bot is designed to work with an external "Master", it could perform some of its functions by itself and posses limited autonomy.
ServBot(tm) 7250B-52-GL112-LM22 Cr78,410 303.7Kg Fuel=42.2 Duration=5 days TL=12
40/100 (Mesh)
1 Head (5%)
2 Light arms
Basic sensor pkg, Voder
Slave Unit, Radio (5 km), Odor Emitter, Janitorial tool pkg
Cargo Handling-2
Notes: The Martian Mechanics ServBot(tm) serves since 2385. This robot, while limited in its intelligence and autonomy, is well capable of cleaning, cooking and fetching items, and can do far more than that when connected to an external "Master".
Oh, and IMTU there is a "Ship Automatation Package" or SAP, which is intended for medium-sized commercial ships (600dton+) and includes one TL12 Core, one ExecuBot (marketed in the Triumvirate by Martian Mechanics), one MedDrone, 4 SecDrones, 2 RepairBots and 2 SevBots, and costs a discounted price of MCr3.5 instead of the full Cr3,925,410, which is about a 11% discount.