Hans, local food and cycling the air can go a LONG way to making the second (and third) jumps much more pleasant.
It's a good reason to land - for at least a day - even if not otherwise trading. Fresh fruit, fresh air, and fresh linens...
Which nothing in non-GURPS canon seems to indicate not being available at Class E. (nothing else but trade goods seems to be.) After all, TL3 can manufacture to order CO2 scrubber compounds. TL4 historically had some. Fresh linens are TL1. Fresh food is TL0 if the atmosphere/ecosphere is liveable. Fresh water is TL1 (for pots to sterilize it, and or stills). The ship itself can pressurize oxygen. Passengers can stretch their legs.
You're seizing on a minor part of my argument and completely ignoring the major bit. Which is that even if these ships do land in Forboldn's starport, they're not going to interact significantly with the Forboldian economy, because they're transporting goods between Regina and Efate. Only whatever goods they are transporting between Forboldn and respectively Regina and Efate matters to Forboldn.
It is compelling as a day-trip while in system, even if the holds are full; far more so if they're not, and if trade prices are in CrLocal, inexcusably bad business to not stop. Those ships with any empty cargo space dump a few hundred credits and get several thousand plus stretch the LS.
And what trade they do would come out of the total trade GTFT says there is between Forboldn and Regina/Efate.
Plus, those J1 and J2 freighters need to refuel. It is faster to land on the world than skim the giant. Safer, too.
Not according to the RAW, which allows gas giant refuelling safely and taking no time at all. :devil:
But you're right. Everything else being equal, refuelling on Forboldn would be preferable to gas giant refuelling. But when Forboldn is masked and the gas giant isn't, everything else isn't equal. If traffic really is as heavy as you say, there may even be a small refuelling station out near the gas giant, which makes it preferable any time the gas giant
isn't masked.
So, apply a little logic. There will be a good bit of traffic. And a surprising amount of off-world goods flowing out for a much larger amount of local raw materials.
Or I could go with the canonical rules for exchange rates.
The GTFT BTN for the Regina-Forboldn pair is 7.0... 50Td - 100Td per week. That's a full freighter. Another for Efate, as it's also a 7.0 trade pair.
Yes, that's the same result I came to. That's the trade volume between any generic pair of worlds with a BTN of 7.0. That doesn't compel me to accept that every single pair of worlds with a BTN of 7.0 conforms to that. Nor am I convinced that a couple of million GURPS $ per year would shore up the Forboldian credit vis-a-vis the Imperial credit or by how much. How much do you think the exchange rate would be and how do you arrive at that figure?
That's a couple million GURPS $ per year. (Which are not Traveller Cr in value - the GURPS $ is explicitly based upon the 1985 US$, rather than the stronly evidenced but not explicit 1977 US$ basis for the CrImp - it should be about G$1=CrImp1.6.)
Regina has a GWP of 6.9 trillion GURPS $. Efate has a GWP of 68.7 trillion GURPS $. Forboldn has a GWP of 0.0013 trillion GURPS $. That's 5000 times less than Regina and 50,000 times less than Efate. What makes you think that a couple of million GURPS $ worth of trade would affect the exchange rate of Forboldn's local credit significantly?
Forboldn has, per GURPS Traveller, several hundred tons of trade per week.
Per GURPS Traveller, Forboldn has from 105-210 tons of trade per week. Not several hundred.
Mind you, I disagree with the specifics of the GTFT calculations (They are fine in principle, but lack a TL effect, and underpenalize for distance), but for the short ranges and type of environment, I find them only off in magnitude, by a small amount.
I don't mind giving Forboldn a couple of hundred tons of trade per week, but in general I would say that FT's calculations are likely to be off at the extremes of the system, and Forboldn could be argued to be one of the worlds that were close to the edge.
GT, which I know you are fond of as a "reasonable resource", says there's a steady stream of trade.
Not so steady, since by the FT RAW two thirds of the trade goes by tramp, which is per definition not regular. But that's by the way. Yes, unless Forboldn differs from your generic pop 6 world for some reason, it will have an average of two free traders per week visiting (one going each way). To which I have to ask, what does that prove?