Well, that just goes to show you that development of any product, even a public game like Traveller, usually happens behind closed doors.
I have the Mongoose basic rule book, and it looks almost like what I wanted a new T5 to look like.
One of the threads I was trying to find was where I vented my spleen on what I would like in a new version of Traveller, and yes, this does relate to setting.
In that post I stipulated that I really wanted an updated Task System as per MT, but I liked the combat system in CT/Snapshot, and that the personal combat system would be much improved if it could include the hit/penetration mechanic of MT, but more diverse and straightforward as per damage assesed by Die Rolls instead of assigned damage values.
Also in that post I stipulated that, as a consumer of the game, I liked the openess of Traveller. Here's me doing my broken record imitation (does anyone play records anymore?), but the magic of Traveller was that you didn't have to use the OTU. It was "optional" to the point where you used the OTU in char gen, but only as a framework to create your playing piece. You may have gone through the Imperial Navy, Marines, Army, or signed on with the merchants, but that those charts represented Your Traveller Settings equivalent of the OTU char-gen process. That is even though the Char-Gen system said you were going through the Imperial Navy, in your setting you might have been going to Star Fleet Academy or some Ivy League School before you get in your rocket ship to fight Ming the Merciless.
That would have been my ideal Traveller "new edition" game, whatever it was called. When I generated scenarios for my players, I grabbed things from COSMOS (the Galaxy rise shot at the end of an episode), I grabbed things from Superman (the scene where the Helicopter comes to disaster, only I replaced it with an Apache Gunship hijacked by terrorists who shot up the Penthouse of the Starport hotel, where my players were doing a Special Ops hostage rescue...cool huh?), I grabbed things from Buck Rogers, the Man from Atlantis, from the two big boys; Trek and Wars, from anything I could, but I didn't bring all the baggage that came with them; i.e. the setting. I just grabbed elements and threw them into the mix, and my players had a blast.
Now, with the OTU, and as the game gets more "attached" to the OTU, I'm thinking there's a chance that its continued growth might be stymied in terms of promoting the idea that you don't have to use the OTU, and that because of that, a portion of new players might be put off. As a hobbyist and prospective author, I like Traveller and I want it to succeed.
Ergo this thread.