I believe the Jesse Degraff may have done the artwork for the ship in the GURPS Interstellar Wars book, but I can't confirm this.

I am trying to convert the ship to Classic Traveller, and would like to see the side, dorsal, ventral, bow, and stern elevations of the vessel. I plan on converting the deck plans to the CT Square 1.5m Grid, rather than the hex based deck plans of the GURPS Interstellar Wars book.
The ship appears to have some very subtle lines based on the various artwork and CothI member Ronnke's Emerald Monarch vimeo videos...
If there are none out there I will have to try to extrapolate the side, dorsal, ventral, bow, and stern elevations from the artwork and video out there. It's doable, but I figured I'd ask first.
Thanks in advance.

I am trying to convert the ship to Classic Traveller, and would like to see the side, dorsal, ventral, bow, and stern elevations of the vessel. I plan on converting the deck plans to the CT Square 1.5m Grid, rather than the hex based deck plans of the GURPS Interstellar Wars book.
The ship appears to have some very subtle lines based on the various artwork and CothI member Ronnke's Emerald Monarch vimeo videos...
If there are none out there I will have to try to extrapolate the side, dorsal, ventral, bow, and stern elevations from the artwork and video out there. It's doable, but I figured I'd ask first.
Thanks in advance.