So aside from the Maracaibo comment, and maybe the area around Midway Airport in Chicago, just about all of the Startown comments mention military bases.
Roll back a century, and lower Manhattan.
Arrive at Ellis Island, get past the health inspection (or jump ship like my Great Grandfather) and welcome to the great melting pot.
just about all of the Startown comments mention military bases.
That's my family story!
Rapid transit system could easily allow passengers, crew and employees access to the nearest urban centre, and the goods and services available there.
Just coming back from a Caribbean cruise, it strikes me that a 'startown' might also take exactly the opposite approach to the 'military red light district' and long to attract every loose credit from every passing ship by every means possible.
Leaving the tarmac where your ship has landed, you are forced to 'run the gauntlet' through a long, narrow building full of 'duty-free' vendors promising the best prices around on every luxury item imaginable. It is only after surviving this test of endurance and will, that you reach a private market of shops and restaurants and entertainers to provide local color and pose for pictures for tips.
After a successful Recon skill check, you locate the hidden exit where a local taxi will take you to the approved shopping district (for a small fee) and a hundred locals will offer to take you on any imaginable destination, tour or adventure (also for a reasonable price). You have been warned that only the shops along the main street are "recommended", but quickly discover that some unknown adventure awaits down each side street or unmarked courtyard. Something called a Blue Iguana catches your eye and you discover a local market not listed on any of the tourist maps they handed out at the starport ... I wonder what we will find back there among the ice cold beer and special deals, (just for being the first customer of the day).
Just coming back from a Caribbean cruise, it strikes me that a 'startown' might also take exactly the opposite approach to the 'military red light district' and long to attract every loose credit from every passing ship by every means possible.
Heh, a cruise liner is the equivalent of showing up to a planet on a 10,000 ton High Passage jump-4 liner, and having service shuttles and grav busses taking the SOC 9+ over the hoi polloi to facilities appropriate to their station.
Meanwhile, the SOC 5- that just woke up to a disappointed captain that didn't win the Frozen Lottery, getting unceremoniously booted off the ship and has 100Cr to their name is going to have a different set of lodging and entertainment choices.
More like the experience of the Caribbean native who bribed his way onto a fishing boat and is now walking into the same resort towns, but from the fishing docks to the 'off resort' support areas.
Pretty sure an air conditioned bus whisking him to a hot and cold running water hotel room is not in his cards.