Going over recent posts:
Vilani nobles and "cooks"
The Vilani "cooks" <i>shulgii</i> were the class that held the secrets of breaking down native Vland life into food to which Vilanii could in fact could eat due to biological incompatabilities. One source called it "fermentation", which lends itself to jokes about drunk Vilani.
Vilani "Nobles"
Vilani already had a defacto system of nobles. Necessary like in the 3I because of distances and all that. The system is based on corporate feudalism, not your standard military feudalism. The positions were semi-hereditary, but always the case. However, due to the caste system in place it may as well have been. When the Terrans took over after the Interstellar Wars, the Terrans kept the existing social structures in place, but also introduced the direct hereditary system.
Secret J6 Xboat Network
This is detailed more in Keepers of the Flame for TNE when describing the the differences between the old 3I Xboat Networks and the new Jump Web. It's existence as secret is explicitly stated there I think. It speaks about the outrage the March peoples had when they heard that advance notice of Virus came from the J6 network. Sure it saved the Spinward Marches, but the existence of the network infuriated non-nobles because of the perception, rightly so, of faster communication that the "common folk" could not make use of.
Vilani nobles and "cooks"
The Vilani "cooks" <i>shulgii</i> were the class that held the secrets of breaking down native Vland life into food to which Vilanii could in fact could eat due to biological incompatabilities. One source called it "fermentation", which lends itself to jokes about drunk Vilani.
Vilani "Nobles"
Vilani already had a defacto system of nobles. Necessary like in the 3I because of distances and all that. The system is based on corporate feudalism, not your standard military feudalism. The positions were semi-hereditary, but always the case. However, due to the caste system in place it may as well have been. When the Terrans took over after the Interstellar Wars, the Terrans kept the existing social structures in place, but also introduced the direct hereditary system.
Secret J6 Xboat Network
This is detailed more in Keepers of the Flame for TNE when describing the the differences between the old 3I Xboat Networks and the new Jump Web. It's existence as secret is explicitly stated there I think. It speaks about the outrage the March peoples had when they heard that advance notice of Virus came from the J6 network. Sure it saved the Spinward Marches, but the existence of the network infuriated non-nobles because of the perception, rightly so, of faster communication that the "common folk" could not make use of.