This thread is for thought experiments on making it easier to design capital ships.
The constraint is that the result doesn't sacrifice Traveller (not just the OTU, but all of Traveller).
The idea is to remove complexity from capital ship rules, according to the above constraint.
"Critical" means the component and rules as written is closely tied with the definition of "Traveller".
"Clear" means the decision-making process -- when to install one over the other -- is clear, even if the decision is a hard one. (Actually if the decision isn't a hard one, it shouldn't be part of the process).
Hull Detail is Critical and Clear
The Hull, being essentially a container, may simplify -- for example, calculating the volume last -- but configuration and armor don't really simplify. This has an implication on spine design, since armor and configuration are the two main elements of spine defense (add-on defenses are the secondary elements of spine defense).
CONCLUSION: I THINK configuration, armor, and hull volume are simple enough and straightforward as is.
Drive Detail is Critical and Clear
Really I can't see how they'd get simpler than they are now. Agility is the one thing that could simplify, perhaps.
CONCLUSION: I THINK drives are about as simple as they can get. Drives as-is are critical to defining Traveller.
Spine Detail is Critical but NOT Clear
The spine, being the essential core of capital ship design, doesn't simplify. They are such powerful components that their size, TL, price, and energy requirements are (very roughly) part of the definition of Traveller. Similarly, the TYPES of spines defines the Traveller universe. A simplification could come in making it easier to know why you'd choose one spine over another.
CONCLUSION: I THINK selecting a spine, based on size, TL, energy requirements, and type, is critical to Traveller. A table is the best way to present these choices. The implications of those choices should be made clearer.
Auxiliary Craft are Critical but NOT Clear
I think some gains could come from simplifying auxiliary craft -- in particular how auxiliary craft fight during a battle -- although I think they're not as significant as simplifying how secondary weapons and defenses work.
CONCLUSION: I THINK that aspects of auxiliary craft are important to the Traveller universe, but they are not well defined, and that the best way to define how they work in battle is a part of a simplifcation of HG.
Crew Detail is NOT Critical
Reducing crew complement to an exponential digit, much like the POP digit in the UWP, with a concession to a population multiplier, might be reasonable. Thus crew is chosen based on a coarser calculation.
CONCLUSION: I THINK crew numbers can be estimated more roughly without losing anything.
Secondary Weapons and Defense QUANTITY is NOT Critical and NOT Clear
This is where I think the biggest gains are. I think that informed decisions always follow the same patterns, and uninformed ones always make critical mistakes. This is where clear overarching options can be presented to the designer. Call them packages if you prefer.
This could be as simple as a modifier to some variant of the TCS statistical hit table. But I also think that the simplified mass-combat rules in Mercenary can inform combat in HG as well.
CONCLUSION: I THINK a vast simplification in secondary and defense allocations is in order.
The constraint is that the result doesn't sacrifice Traveller (not just the OTU, but all of Traveller).
The idea is to remove complexity from capital ship rules, according to the above constraint.
"Critical" means the component and rules as written is closely tied with the definition of "Traveller".
"Clear" means the decision-making process -- when to install one over the other -- is clear, even if the decision is a hard one. (Actually if the decision isn't a hard one, it shouldn't be part of the process).
Hull Detail is Critical and Clear
The Hull, being essentially a container, may simplify -- for example, calculating the volume last -- but configuration and armor don't really simplify. This has an implication on spine design, since armor and configuration are the two main elements of spine defense (add-on defenses are the secondary elements of spine defense).
CONCLUSION: I THINK configuration, armor, and hull volume are simple enough and straightforward as is.
Drive Detail is Critical and Clear
Really I can't see how they'd get simpler than they are now. Agility is the one thing that could simplify, perhaps.
CONCLUSION: I THINK drives are about as simple as they can get. Drives as-is are critical to defining Traveller.
Spine Detail is Critical but NOT Clear
The spine, being the essential core of capital ship design, doesn't simplify. They are such powerful components that their size, TL, price, and energy requirements are (very roughly) part of the definition of Traveller. Similarly, the TYPES of spines defines the Traveller universe. A simplification could come in making it easier to know why you'd choose one spine over another.
CONCLUSION: I THINK selecting a spine, based on size, TL, energy requirements, and type, is critical to Traveller. A table is the best way to present these choices. The implications of those choices should be made clearer.
Auxiliary Craft are Critical but NOT Clear
I think some gains could come from simplifying auxiliary craft -- in particular how auxiliary craft fight during a battle -- although I think they're not as significant as simplifying how secondary weapons and defenses work.
CONCLUSION: I THINK that aspects of auxiliary craft are important to the Traveller universe, but they are not well defined, and that the best way to define how they work in battle is a part of a simplifcation of HG.
Crew Detail is NOT Critical
Reducing crew complement to an exponential digit, much like the POP digit in the UWP, with a concession to a population multiplier, might be reasonable. Thus crew is chosen based on a coarser calculation.
CONCLUSION: I THINK crew numbers can be estimated more roughly without losing anything.
Secondary Weapons and Defense QUANTITY is NOT Critical and NOT Clear
This is where I think the biggest gains are. I think that informed decisions always follow the same patterns, and uninformed ones always make critical mistakes. This is where clear overarching options can be presented to the designer. Call them packages if you prefer.
This could be as simple as a modifier to some variant of the TCS statistical hit table. But I also think that the simplified mass-combat rules in Mercenary can inform combat in HG as well.
CONCLUSION: I THINK a vast simplification in secondary and defense allocations is in order.
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