Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
The problem with this is that your percentages for hit location are all out of whack and unrealistic.Originally posted by Ishmael James:
using MT, I figure high rolls equal more damage, eh? aka high rolls probably hit more vulnerable areas.
So I pick one die and use it to determine hit location to check vs. armor for that location ( bullet-proof vest don't protect against head shots. )
I'm not talking necessarily about the 1-6 chart you have. That's fine. 33% for Torso. 17% for head, arm, or leg. That's fine.
What I'm talking about is the percentage chance of actually hitting those locations.
The lower numbers on your attack die tend to be misses...and this tends to effect the chance that the lower-numbered hit locations will not be available for a hit.
For example:
Let's say Friids has AutoPistol-0. When all the DMs are said and done, he's -2 to hit. So, in CT terms, he's got to roll 2D -2 for 8+.
This is a simple example that can easily happen in a game.
Given this, under your system, Friids can never hit hit-location 1, 2, or 3.
He can never make a graze, or hit an arm or a leg, using your rules.
Why? Because if his designated hit location die results in a 1, 2, or 3, he can't make the shot even if his other die is a 6.
With this particular shot, Friids is only capable of hitting hit locations 4, 5, and 6.
Does that seem OK to you that it's only possible for Friids to hit his target's head or torso? With no arm or leg or graze results possible.
See...this blows your hit-location percentages all out of whack.
I know you said above you use MT rules, and I explained it in CT terms. But, I can make the same example for you in MT terms. I did it in CT terms because this is a CT forum, and we're talking about a CT hit location chart.
The problem, though, exists no matter which of the two rules sets you use.