I have a plan, if anyone is interested. I really like to code in
Ruby, and I enjoy helping others learn. Us self-taught coders often stumble, as we try to move from book-learning to actual projects.
That's what we're going to tackle. You need to be able to program in some language. Pretty much anything that has control flow and computation; it teaches you to think programatically. You need to have some Ruby under your belt; how to install it, save files, run programs, etc. See the resource list below. Some syntax practice in irb, and a willingness to forge ahead, even if you crash. Coding is like adventuring, early on you get the snot beat out of you, doing every little thing. As you go, though, it gets easier.
The project will last for 90 days. I have a character generator project already going, and we'll work with Ruby, git (version control), rspec (testing), and teamwork. You'll fork the code and mess with it. Things will blow up. By the end, though, you should be able to bend the code to your will, and you will be able to generate characters as you like.
The Project
Resources for learning Ruby
Learn Ruby the Hard Way
Programming Ruby
Let me know if you're interested. There's no cost, but it will take some effort on your part. If you're willing to do the work, I'm pretty sure it will be worth your time.