From orbit, you cannot control the surface. You can destroy it, but not control it.
Control requires policing. In amidst the population.
Put another way, boots on the ground. And even then, depending on the population, you may control only the area that your boots are presently on.
At the same time, you couldn't take a person from 1960 and set them up in today's world, with that person having no basics, like how to operate a computer, iPhone, Amazon echo. He'd probably have a hard time with the mouse, even--and most likely, he can't even type.
And it is canonically wrong. Like much DGP ship related stuff they just didn't get their homework right.
Kinorb - class A starport, TL5.
Kinorb can build and maintain starships - how? Simple.
The starport is class A therefore it is TL15 for starship purposes.
My local car dealer can do mainainance on state of the art Mercedes cars - but every single replacement part is an import and the technical specs are all on a database.
The Imperium setting is an application of the rules as written. The only thing that makes sense within the setting and the huge amount of trade that takes place is that every A class starport has TL15 available for starships.
If anything, the military is the best suited for training unskilled people.
They turned my brother in to an Avionics Tech. And I can assure you, he didn't know squat about avionics, aircraft or anything else. Did he become an Avionics Engineer? No. Could he work the avionics on any plane in existence? No. They trained him enough to do the job they needed him to do, with enough theory to get him by (if any). I honestly have no idea what an Avioinics Tech does. But you certainly don't learn it in High School.
They trained my wife in computers back when computers were not common at all. Programmer? No. Engineer? No. She was a computer operations tech. But, again, zero background in the field.
I don't know, but I'm sure the modern military has "Keyboarding" classes if necessary that train recruits on general computing operation. The military today can be much more selective about people, but they won't let something a basic as "not being able to type" keep someone out.
A favorite line (and take it with a grain of salt) from one of Richard Marcinko's book about the Seals. He tasked a guy to take two large weights across a pool. The guy dropped in, and marched across the bottom, carrying the weights. When he got out, he was asked "Why didn't you just swim across?" "I can't swim." "Hell, we can teach you to swim!"
Most of the stuff in the military is foreign to recruits. Yea, it's nice to recruit riflemen, but, not a lot of them today either, really.
Once the Navy controls near orbit, they'll likely spot anything moving on the surface, and could drop a brick on it, whether a tonne of them or give it guidance,
you send the infantry in to make it personal, as well as to tunnel rat those that have dug in. It's a physical presence to exert psychological pressure.
Hearts and minds can play it in a variety of ways; you bomb them to the Stone Age, demand unconditional surrender, and then Marshal Plan them to allies.
Or you ethnically cleanse them.
Militaries like to keep specialists for the long term, having invested a considerable amount of time, money and effort in training them; my estimate is that cannon fodder should be regenerated every three years if they're being fed into an ongoing conflict, because they will have had enough after about year of active combat.
So where do all the civilian ships built at TL10-14 come from? Are they just leftovers from centuries before, or do they come from independent planets out beyond the frontier?
How difficult is it to nowadays buy parts for a car built in 1965 if you don't live in Cuba or Moldova? How hard would it be, at a location that didn't have readily available Makers, to purchase parts for a starship that was built at a TL three or four less than that which your local port had been building at for the last two hundred years?
Well, that could work for an authoritarian interstellar state where the military and their political masters are not at all accountable for such acts against foes of inferior capability. It may be an interesting society that raised citizens who wouldn't suffer psychologically from those sort of acts and still be considered fit members or the public, able to wander around without restriction (or is that why family members weep when one of theirs joins be military, because they'll never be seen again....[du-du-du-duuuuuh])
Interesting estimate. Experience? I'm keen to have a look at some source material if you read it! When you mention an ongoing conflict, do you mean at WW1 or WW2 levels of intensity, Napoleonic Wars intensity, or something else?
Is it naive to think there is a human cost to inhuman acts? Even in the Far Future?
It's not above their knowledge, that's the thing you avoid grasping by the tail.
Their knowledge is TL15 because that is the TL of the Imperial database. All they have to do is read a few books.
So, if all the people--or a good amount of people--of the TL 5 world are really capable of TL 15, they why is their world limited to TL 5 manufacture?
Wouldn't those knowledgeable at TL 15 lead the others to a higher TL?
I would think so.
So, if all the people--or a good amount of people--of the TL 5 world are really capable of TL 15, they why is their world limited to TL 5 manufacture?
Wouldn't those knowledgeable at TL 15 lead the others to a higher TL?
I would think so.
Which is why I disagree with your assessment (in general, for the whole, but not specifically, for an individual or two).
Wouldn't those knowledgeable at TL 15 lead the others to a higher TL?
Yes, just the same as the only limit to knowledge here on earth is computer access. If you can get to a computer you can learn general relativity, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, genetics, aeronautical engineering - you name it. Ther are instructional videaos that will have you repairing and maintaining your own car in only a few weeks. It's only a matter of how much time and dedication you can give to the learning.So, if all the people--or a good amount of people--of the TL 5 world are really capable of TL 15, they why is their world limited to TL 5 manufacture?
Only if they can build up the infrastructure needed to manufacture the TL15 stuff.Wouldn't those knowledgeable at TL 15 lead the others to a higher TL?
I would think so.
Fair enough.Which is why I disagree with your assessment (in general, for the whole, but not specifically, for an individual or two).
I agree with you.This is just a manifest example of "why isn't everything TL15", or at least some other high TL.
The Imperium has been at TL15 for hundreds of years, and TL12 for over a thousand years, yet, still, there are these backwater TL-Nothings floating around grinding grain with rocks and churning their own butter with sticks and buckets.
I have no problems with isolated populations, those held back due to cultural desires (including tyrannical leadership, though I'm less tolerant of those). But once contact is made, you get 50 years of transition. 2 abbreviated generations before you jump from TL-Mud Hut to TL-12+.
I think it is more likely that the Imperium shares its knowledge.I think one of two things must be true:
(1) the local government is suppressing knowledge. This could be consensual (a colony of neo-luddites) or as a means of brutal government control
(2) the 3I is suppressing knowledge. This is most likely the result of the whims of nobility or profit motives of megacorporations.
I think the 3I does not come off looking good in either case.
The starport is type X because no one else is allowed to use it apart from Tukera - it is likely to be a class A facility but restricted to Tukera only. Megacorporations and nobles can do that sort of thing.We all agree that the TL of a world indicates the highest technology that can be manufactured locally, right? OK then...
Let's "read" the Aramis subsector in the Spinward Marches. The highest TL in that entire subsector is TL 13, at Lewis, which is a closed world, home of the Tukera Noble estsates, with a Class X starport. So, that's not a source of high tech trade.
And yet both worlds can construct TL12 warships at their military shipyards...Next in line is Heguz, at TL 12, with a Class E Starport. Obvioulsy not a source. And, there's Feneteman, at TL 12, which is Poor and has very low population, Starport C. Again, not a source.
Nope, the highest tech trade comes from outside the Aramis subsector.Which takes us down to the TL 10 and 11 worlds, of which there are several, and are obviously the source of the highest tech trade in the subsector.
Mora, Trin, Rhylanor, GlistenWhere are all these TL 15 import parts being manufactured? Where are the people, trained at TL 15, coming from?
Baron Tukera for one...And, better yet, who is paying for all that extremely expensive travel from far outside the subsector?