Just a thought or two on Commerce Raiders.
Light commerce raiders of 4-600 tons might ideally be custom made for the job, but more typically would be impressed ships tasked with raiding. Whilst larger commerce raiders will typically be military ships. But I'm more interested here in light raiders, how 'cheap' can you make a raider?
So what makes a good light raider? If you consider a raiders main task is to be a threat and cause appropriate (asset sapping and capacity reducing) counter measures, two aspects come to mind.
1. being a threat
2. surviving the counter measures & ensuring the threat is maintained
How much of a threat does a raider need to be? IMHO not much. The capacity to damage lightly armed merchants and launch a volley of missiles from very long range at lightly defended installations is about all that is needed. The success of any attack is inconsequential when weighed against the defenders response. The response is what will provide the real damage to the enemies war effort.
To be such a threat (in HG terms), a ship needs perhaps a model 3 or 4 computer to give it an edge over merchants, nice would be agility 1 or 2 to give it a defensive edge and all the turrets it can carry, at least one of which (or perhaps the ships boat?) should carry missiles. Pulse lasers are a must, with thier extra damage capacity against un-armoured merchants, causing MD damage (10/36) 28% of the time.
To survive the counter-measures needs consideration of the risks a raider faces.
1. Attacking lighly armed merchants
2. Being attacked by escorts, q-ships or heavily armed merchants
3. Refueling & Supply operations
The consequences of battle damage for a raider are quite serious, there are no ports available for repairs and the way home involves travelling through systems potentially occupied by major war fleets. At best field repairs will keep the ship operational with on-going issues. At worst the damaged raider will have to find a remote world or asteriod belt to take refuge on, until they feel hostilities have ended or freindly forces catch up with them. Getting news on the progress of the war when hiding behind enemy lines however may be problematic.
Attacking lightly armed merchants. The ideal scenario is that the crew will surrender as soon as you turn up. Two things are required for this to occour, a belief they have little chance of getting away (which may require a MD hit) and a belief that surrendering the ship will not amount to suicide (which means finding a way of returning captured crew & passengers in good condition to thier own side in order to spread the propaganda. Perhaps save them for when being chased by escorts, chuck them out in a captured lifeboat with limited air, but working comms...).
Avoiding damage from lightly armed merchants that have not surrendered, will be aided by computer size differance, agilty if available and Sand which is also helped by computer size differance. But the need for Sand must be weighed up against the need for offensive weaponry. On the whole however the ability to prevent damage occuring has to rate higher than extra offensive capability. Even if the merchant escapes, the attack will still achieve the desired strategic purpose - provided the raider is still operational.
Being attacked by escorts, q-ships or heavily armed merchants. In all three cases, the best option is to leave asap. Preferably before combat, but if surprised (possibly by Q-ship or heavily armed merchant) at the first opportunity. Even if the raider can win the combat, the damage taken will potentially hand a strategic victory to the defenders if the raider has to undertake repairs and possibly retire from raiding.
In many cases escape using the maneuver drive will be problematic, either through potential MD damage or the escort or Q-ship having a higher MD rating. Escape via jump is the most reliable method of escape, but this requires fuel for at least a J1 - after potentially taking numerous fuel-n hits, each causing at least 10 ton of fuel loss. On the positive side however a J1 escape should be possible after only 1 round of combat and can put the raider anywhere within the existing system, as well as 1 parsec away.
But, and this is a big but, jumping requires suffcient EP. A PP2 or greater will enable J1 in one turn. But there may not be sufficient PP capacity to allow use of the computer (outside of jump control), agility or any defensive weapons fire if there are not excess EP's available to allow the function of other ships systems. On custom built raiders, this can be allowed for in design, on impressed ships with only PP2 escape via jump gets very risky, likely havng to take 2 turns.
Refueling & Supply operations These are a potential weakness of raiders. Picketing wilderness refueling points with escorts will cause raiders issues if they are out of fuel, forcing them to retire to the outer system and await either help or the withdrawal of the escorts. Or they can run the gauntlet of fire whilst refueling (7 turns of skimming, once you get there plus time in & out).
The large cargo capacities of impressed raider/merchants with the addition of cheap collapsable fuel tanks can minimise the risk of being caught in any one system without fuel. As a strategic benefit it also multiplies the cost of picketing all the wilderness refueling points in a sub-sector with scarce escorts needed for many other duties. It also adds to the odds of rescue/help arriving for a stranded raider without fuel (if every raider can visit two systems before running out of fuel). At the least, two raiders running the guantlet of an escort stand a much better chance of success.
Of course the strategic cost of picketing every wilderness refueling point in a sub-sector is substantial, another strategic win for the raiders, with the strategy forcing escort shortages elsewhere.
Supplies for raiders are an issue (air scrubbers, food, maintenance items, news, orders, mail & entertainment for example) not addressed in HG or TCS. The need is obvious & meeting with a supply ship will require a pre-arranged meeting or drop-off point and the Supply ship to transit the main combat zone. I'll have to give this some more thought.
So back to the original question.
How cheap can you make a Commerce Raider?
Light commerce raiders of 4-600 tons might ideally be custom made for the job, but more typically would be impressed ships tasked with raiding. Whilst larger commerce raiders will typically be military ships. But I'm more interested here in light raiders, how 'cheap' can you make a raider?
So what makes a good light raider? If you consider a raiders main task is to be a threat and cause appropriate (asset sapping and capacity reducing) counter measures, two aspects come to mind.
1. being a threat
2. surviving the counter measures & ensuring the threat is maintained
How much of a threat does a raider need to be? IMHO not much. The capacity to damage lightly armed merchants and launch a volley of missiles from very long range at lightly defended installations is about all that is needed. The success of any attack is inconsequential when weighed against the defenders response. The response is what will provide the real damage to the enemies war effort.
To be such a threat (in HG terms), a ship needs perhaps a model 3 or 4 computer to give it an edge over merchants, nice would be agility 1 or 2 to give it a defensive edge and all the turrets it can carry, at least one of which (or perhaps the ships boat?) should carry missiles. Pulse lasers are a must, with thier extra damage capacity against un-armoured merchants, causing MD damage (10/36) 28% of the time.
To survive the counter-measures needs consideration of the risks a raider faces.
1. Attacking lighly armed merchants
2. Being attacked by escorts, q-ships or heavily armed merchants
3. Refueling & Supply operations
The consequences of battle damage for a raider are quite serious, there are no ports available for repairs and the way home involves travelling through systems potentially occupied by major war fleets. At best field repairs will keep the ship operational with on-going issues. At worst the damaged raider will have to find a remote world or asteriod belt to take refuge on, until they feel hostilities have ended or freindly forces catch up with them. Getting news on the progress of the war when hiding behind enemy lines however may be problematic.
Attacking lightly armed merchants. The ideal scenario is that the crew will surrender as soon as you turn up. Two things are required for this to occour, a belief they have little chance of getting away (which may require a MD hit) and a belief that surrendering the ship will not amount to suicide (which means finding a way of returning captured crew & passengers in good condition to thier own side in order to spread the propaganda. Perhaps save them for when being chased by escorts, chuck them out in a captured lifeboat with limited air, but working comms...).
Avoiding damage from lightly armed merchants that have not surrendered, will be aided by computer size differance, agilty if available and Sand which is also helped by computer size differance. But the need for Sand must be weighed up against the need for offensive weaponry. On the whole however the ability to prevent damage occuring has to rate higher than extra offensive capability. Even if the merchant escapes, the attack will still achieve the desired strategic purpose - provided the raider is still operational.
Being attacked by escorts, q-ships or heavily armed merchants. In all three cases, the best option is to leave asap. Preferably before combat, but if surprised (possibly by Q-ship or heavily armed merchant) at the first opportunity. Even if the raider can win the combat, the damage taken will potentially hand a strategic victory to the defenders if the raider has to undertake repairs and possibly retire from raiding.
In many cases escape using the maneuver drive will be problematic, either through potential MD damage or the escort or Q-ship having a higher MD rating. Escape via jump is the most reliable method of escape, but this requires fuel for at least a J1 - after potentially taking numerous fuel-n hits, each causing at least 10 ton of fuel loss. On the positive side however a J1 escape should be possible after only 1 round of combat and can put the raider anywhere within the existing system, as well as 1 parsec away.
But, and this is a big but, jumping requires suffcient EP. A PP2 or greater will enable J1 in one turn. But there may not be sufficient PP capacity to allow use of the computer (outside of jump control), agility or any defensive weapons fire if there are not excess EP's available to allow the function of other ships systems. On custom built raiders, this can be allowed for in design, on impressed ships with only PP2 escape via jump gets very risky, likely havng to take 2 turns.
Refueling & Supply operations These are a potential weakness of raiders. Picketing wilderness refueling points with escorts will cause raiders issues if they are out of fuel, forcing them to retire to the outer system and await either help or the withdrawal of the escorts. Or they can run the gauntlet of fire whilst refueling (7 turns of skimming, once you get there plus time in & out).
The large cargo capacities of impressed raider/merchants with the addition of cheap collapsable fuel tanks can minimise the risk of being caught in any one system without fuel. As a strategic benefit it also multiplies the cost of picketing all the wilderness refueling points in a sub-sector with scarce escorts needed for many other duties. It also adds to the odds of rescue/help arriving for a stranded raider without fuel (if every raider can visit two systems before running out of fuel). At the least, two raiders running the guantlet of an escort stand a much better chance of success.
Of course the strategic cost of picketing every wilderness refueling point in a sub-sector is substantial, another strategic win for the raiders, with the strategy forcing escort shortages elsewhere.
Supplies for raiders are an issue (air scrubbers, food, maintenance items, news, orders, mail & entertainment for example) not addressed in HG or TCS. The need is obvious & meeting with a supply ship will require a pre-arranged meeting or drop-off point and the Supply ship to transit the main combat zone. I'll have to give this some more thought.
So back to the original question.
How cheap can you make a Commerce Raider?