I think almost no-one starts role-playing games anymore. d&d and traveller are just creatures of their times. nowadays the kids are all staring into their iphones or their computers. you have to admit, the graphics are better. but I suspect they have no clue how to use their imaginations, there are entire multi-billion dollar industries devoted to giving them everything they could imagine at the press of a button. kinda hard to compete with that. who wants to grow their own oatmeal when they can buy a truckload of twinkies?
I assure you, you're QUITE wrong.
At my alma mater, Chugiak High School, there were in 2013 still at least 3-4 groups playing at lunch, in two cases, in the exact same places my groups played in 1984-1987. (I got to see this first hand because I substitute teach.) Games in play include AD&D 1E (in the same spot Tyler Nordgren ran his), Rifts (in the SSC, where I used to run Traveller), I'm not certain exactly what in the choir room - it was printed out, but was definitely RPGing - I suspect Ponies & Parasprites, as one of the guys was a definite bronie.
At another local high school, also in 2013, East Anchorage High, Rifts and D&D 3E in the hallway between East and SWS. A homebrew in the choir room. Rifts in someone's classroom. Mongoose Traveller in the lunchroom.
At a third, in some point after 2010, I got asked to autograph a T20 book - next to Hunter and Marc's signatures, at Service HS. I also got grilled with rules questions. They took up their lunch hour doing T20 Q&A...
My daughter is one of 3 co-GM's for a group that played D&D 5e this spring at Eagle River High School.
At expeditions/encounters every week, I see kids in Jr High and High School ages playing - both in Anchorage (AK) and in Corvallis (OR).
At justagamecon - I saw half a dozen kids from ages 10 up... playing D&D & Pathfinder.
Several more were doing "The Games Workshop™ Hobby" (minis wargaming - both WFB and W40K.)
There are a new generation of RPG gamers - they just don't use BBS's much - they instead use facebook, twitter, and pinterest. They DO go to cons. But they're as likely to be gaming at local bronie cons, cosplay cons, and anime cons as they are to be going to game-specific cons.
And a lot of them seem to be registering here - 334 of our users are under 18 as of today according to their profiles. 42 of whom have been active in the last 30 days. 3 of whom have posted in that time. One of whom has been rather active... I'm not going to reveal whom - but if he wants to chime in... well, I'll PM him. One "under 18" user is in fact the corporate account for Ad Astra Games... I don't know if that's a typo...