I happen to be one of the Gray Triad in this poll. 47 working on 48 and not an anagathic dealer in sight!
I have to agree on what's been said on reading. Without that mental exersize you're going to have a hard time visualizing any game beyond "Candyland."
One other thing which I have noticed and found disturbing is the lack of science fiction stories in bookstores. The mall stores: "B. Dalton/Walden's" SF sections seem to be shrinking and if you eliminate Fantasy, Media Tie In fiction and Reprints; you would be lucky if you could fill three shelves--let alone a section. I believe SF in general is in trouble. An ancillary thing like a RPG is going to suffer the same malaise.
With some of the SF I've read recently, I can see why. How many young readers can relate to a messed up loser winning pyrric victories over his/her oppressors. The heros are of the wrong sex/ethnic heritage for the readers to identify with and the whole book sounds like someone's political tract. (Political Correctness destroys free thought.) Worse yet the stories are often novellas in a three part, 500 pages a part trilogy that needs serious editing to make in to a good read.
I don't think it's Traveller or other SFRPG's that are in trouble, it is the whole Science Fiction Genre that is in trouble.
I'll hold my comments off on TV programs since I rarely watch TV. (Being a conservative, white male over 25, I do not like being insulted by proxy. If you don't get it watch a week's worth of TV shows and see who gets cast as the jerk, bigot or buffoon.)
Right now I'm working on a Sword and Planet RPG. It's basically playing a group of heros in worlds inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lin Carter, Otis Alberth Kline and other writers of that tradition. Almost a hundred pages of text done and more coming. I'm aiming it towards gamers returning to gaming with a genre that has never been used.
Speaking of computers and the antique ones, right now this new one is refusing to recognize Word 2000 and I can't open any documents in it--and my Commodore Amiga 2000 is out in the shed!!! Time to get tech support or (Lord have Mercy

)get ready to do mucho OCR scanning.
Lord Iron Wolf