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How would Mongoose Traveller and D&D 4E affect your Traveller gaming?

How will the publication of Mongoose Traveller and D&D 4E affect your Traveller?

  • I'm using an older edition and I'll continue to do so

    Votes: 72 32.1%
  • I'll continue to play T20

    Votes: 27 12.1%
  • I'll move to a 4E sci-fi product

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • I'll move to Mongoose Traveller

    Votes: 24 10.7%
  • I'm using/I will use more than one edition

    Votes: 37 16.5%
  • I'll wait until both products come out and then decide

    Votes: 62 27.7%

  • Total voters


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Now that both Mongoose Traveller and the 4th edition of D&D have been announced, how would this affect your use of Traveller editions, T20 in particular?
Re Mongoose:
If it's as good as MT, or better, it will become my primary ruleset.

If it's horrid, it will again reduce the available player base, but make them more amenable to MT.

Since I use T20 for several subsystems, not as a primary ruleset, it might completely replace or might be just as essential to my traveller gaming.

If its good, but not close enough to CT/MT in tone/feel/rules, it will produce a player base who will reject older systems. Much like GT did.

The best part, tho', is that the best parts of T20 might be ported to Mongoose if the TSTL works out well, and the core mongoose rules are good but not happy. (Like using Bk7 T&C...)

D&D 4E is still D20 based... no net effect.
I'm waiting to see what MongTrav looks like before I decide what to do. I currently use CT, (yes, I'm one of them), and it would have to remain true to the original spirit of the game for me to consider using it.

Sorry but I don't play D20 anything.
Depends on the non-rules stuff they produce. I.e I am using some of their D20 Conan Stuff to flesh out my GURPS run Hyperborea scenarios.

So if they bring out interesting background, say "Antares - Doghouse of the Empire" or "Pirats of the Aslan Main" I will buy it. Basic rules I won't, I have TWO Traveller-Systems (GURPS, TNE) I am happy with and two more that are quite playabel (MT, T20)
Naturally, I am going to wait...but I still voted that I will move over to Mongoose but that is because the BRP rules can do a better job at handling certain things. In addition, I realize that part of the OGL will expand the frontiers of the Traveller Universe and I want to be in on that.

As for 4e, my biggest waste of money was to acquire the main rulebooks for 3.5e and I am thoroughly disgusted with Hasbro's announcement...they simply are grabbing the brand and running it into the ground. For the only reason, I bought 3.5 was for its alleged loyality to an 1e feel.
Go, MegaTraveller!!

Obviously, I use an older version. Or, have just confessed doing so.

First post since the re-vamping...
Mongoose has a poor reputation in my eyes; their D&D stuff was lame and I was utterly unimpressed by their RQ gear (but I am an RQ3 grognard).

MT still seems to work well
Although I've voted for 'I'll wait until both products come out and then decide' the reality is I'll most likely buy Mongoose Traveller but whether I'll use it is another matter. As for 4th edition it won't affect my playing of Traveller in any way possible. I've never played Traveller with T20 but I do own a copy.
Since I play CT and 1st edition AD&D the new stuff doesn't really confront me...I will probably check out the traveller stuff..but the 4ED AD&D stuff can rot on the shelves before I will buy that stuff.
I am very happy with T20 and don't really plan on switching. What I have seen so far has not really grabbed me, but that might all change with it actually comes out.

If anything else SciFi20 will have more of an effect on the game than T5 RTT or $th ed D&D.
I selected the "I'll wait and see" option - but really none of the options apply.

I don't care about 4E.

Mongoose Traveller I'm interested in seeing - as I am T5 - so I'll look at them and decide if I want to run one or the other in the future (as opposed to T20 or CT).
Moongoose Traveller

I prefer T20. As for the Mongoose Traveller, forget it. And as for 4th edition D&D, it can go away. If it is anything like the Star Wars Saga edition, it is not an improvement but a step backwards to 2nd edition AD&D and a clunky waste of time, money and space.
Re-reading the question, I realise that I should perhaps change my answer to the "Wait and See" option. I had voted that I don't intend to switch to RTT, but the real gist of the question is not whether we're going to be playing the new rules ourselves, but what effect it (and D&D 4e) will have on our games. Arguably, with the release of RTT (and 4e for those of you who are sticking with T20), the exposure may lead to more people with an interest in playing in my game. That's a positive. So, we'll wait and see, though I prefer one of the earlier rules sets myself.

I'll get Mongoose Traveller just to see what it looksand plays like, same with T5. I don't want 4e AD&D at all, 2e and 3e are just fine with me and I think Hasbro is making a big mistake in changing it.
I'll likely buy the Mongoose Traveller, just for completeness (I have every other edition, some of them several times).

I'll probably still only run CT games though.
It's always tricky when a poll has two questions linked together because a single answer might not apply to both questions.

D&D 4E is a no-brainer for me. I'm done with it. I play older edition D&D and don't like the wacky stuff they've done to the newer editions in the past few years. I've been playing D&D continuously for 31 years, and have grown very comfortable with the rules I play so I'm not likely to change. One thing that 3E taught me is that neat graphics and cool pictures do not a RPG make. I buy occasional 3E products just to read but never actually play them. I assume that 4E will be no different -- if I see neat stuff I may buy a little of it out of curiousity, but otherwise it's just wasting my time.

Mongoose Traveller is a bit different. I played black-book Traveller back in the 1970's and haven't done much with it for 20 years or so. Although I've bought T20, GURPS Traveller, and still have my classic boxed set, I may check out Mongoose Traveller because I'm not that invested in any particular edition. Since I'm still open to various editions, having another to look at isn't a big problem so I'm sure I'll check it out.
I've got a good feeling about Riki-Tiki-Traveller and think that the OGL can't hurt the game's prospects at all. I want to wait and see, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.

I've got less faith in DnD4 and I'll still give it the benefit of the doubt.

Got to comment though, there's already been a lot of weeping and wailing over the new versions coming out of these two beloved games. I'm a bit put off by the fans who won't give a new version of a game a chance even when it's still being developed and written. Simple fact is, unless you are a playtester (and sometimes not even then), you won't know what the game is like until you have it in your hands and read it.
I'll wait and see, of course. I hope it will add useful background data, although I'll stick with RQ3 for the system.

It's not the new system that I worry about, anyway. I'm slightly concerned about what will happen to fan-written OTU-based material previously made available under FFE's 'fair use' licence. I (and I expect, FFE and Mongoose) have no idea yet under what terms the OTU will be licenced. I would be very surprised at any games company which allows people to publish (even freely) material for a setting they paid for.

Speaking of RuneQuest, Greg Stafford's 'fan policy' killed a lot of good Gloranthan sites, mostly because they didn't want the hassle rather than the actual difficulty of obtaining permission. I'd hate to see that happen to the OTU-supporting fan sites.

So in that sense, I'm also waiting until I see.
as for me guys, I am thinking of going GURPS. I am fed up with supporting Traveller lines for them to simply evaporate by having their support withdrawn, I haven't much liked the T5 playtest files I've seen and as for RTT being based on classic traveller, I think, 'What's the point' we've already got Classic Traveller. I'm really annoyed that the T20 license will expire and am worried that Mongoose will be another Imperium Games, light on quality and big on rip off (we've seen the press release re:760 patrons).

With Gurps however, you don't see this, their traveller products are great, they are not afraid to differ slightly if it makes sense and thereby bring new things to the Traveller universe, they have a reliable production schedule, minimal errata, great illustrations and are generally quite well written, everything I've downloaded has been good enough to make me think of buying the dead tree version as well for ease of browsing and reference.