Originally posted by David Freakin' Nilsen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I'm a new Traveller who started with TNE.
Did you pick it up on your own, or were you mentored into it by existing Traveller players?
</font>[/QUOTE]On my own. I was the primary referree / DM for my groups previous RPGs: AD&D 2nd, West End's Star Wars, some assorted Palladium (Macross II, Robotech II, TMNT), and of course a brief foray into Cyberpunk. We were just coming off of a Star Wars campaign and rather and the AD&D was moving to another homebrew campaign area so we wanted something else for our "Sci-Fi" flavor. I was wanting something more "Hard-Science" and TNE fit the bill perfectly.
Then of course, I discovered the TML and it's hostility towards TNE and induldged my predilection for conflict and joyfully jumped into the fray.

Unfortunately this was already mid-late '97 and GDW was already belly-up IIRC.
Our TNE campaign kinda fizzled mostly due to Real Life (tm) concerns, and I started another Star Wars campaign until I worked out a couple more campaign arc issues (that I never seemed to get to).
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> And there might be that hint about the past tense of the Hiver Federation not surviving, mentioned in passing in Ililek Kuligaan's "article" in NE17 (in Survival Margin)...
That was intended to mean that the Hivers did not weather the period from 1130 to 1200 unscathed by virus, but that it hit them hard, and then they were able to rebuild after it much more rapidly than human societies.
</font>[/QUOTE]Ah ok, I was interpreting that to mean that the Hiver Federation of the New Era was going to fall between NE2 and NE17. I was planning on having the Hivers and their deception removed from their preeminence but not with extinction of the Hivers, etc but rather that "The Federation" moved beyond their hegemony and they became "ordinary" (if still influential and manipulative) members.
I will add that I found both the RSB and RCVG enormously useful books, even though I never did get a Regency campaign going (I was centered on the RC). And I've been drooling for years about the 'Flamer vehicles in Striker II in an official product, particularly illustrations. Ah, what might have been.
I did have a question if there were any plans or ideas for the Centrist / Federalist battle of the Assembly in the RC and and if the Primary AO was going to be altered at all. I had my own plans on that, of course, but am curious on yours and GDW's (to the extent you remember) on that matter.