I'm not sure the weelbarrow will have the capacity to accomodate 9 m3 and keep the equilibrium to keep going. We must remember volumen also affects transport, not only weight.
Aside from all that, remember too this wáter must be then melt and electrlozyled, and oxigen separated to it and dumped to space (or, at least a part, used to renew own reserves). I guess most of this would also be done from the fuel tanks (I asume them comparimentalized), sending the wáter to the purification planet (that I asume has electrolyzing capability if the ship is able to refule from oceans).
Aside from all this taking also its time, we can asume some hydtogen is lost in the process and the last compartment of the fuel tanks can be left empty, as it holds water until the end of the process (each comparment holds the wáter to fill the next one, until the last).