A bit of a post script here; years ago I had a few adventure concepts that addressed extreme conditions on other worlds, where the adventurers had to venture forth. I had the equivalent of an astronomy minor in terms of education under my belt, but it was like all the cool themes of strange ancient aliens OTHER than the "Ancients" (Droyne) were verbotten at the time (or at least that was my impression). And so it was that I shelved some of those concepts. But, now that we're discussing what could be called extreme environments, I'm getting stirrings to write some of those concepts up again.
GM; "So, this old eccentric billionaire amateur researcher is willing to shell out a meg for each of you to take him to Tarsus, to look for some strange ancient lost city and artifact."
Players; "Cool, we're in. Tarsus? That's that forest world. Guns, ammo, some light armor...we're good."
GM; "And he has a flight profile already set up."
Players; "We're good. Let him play pilot for a while. As long as we get paid."
*Time and Play passes*
GM; "So you exit jump, but you're a little far from Tarsus. In fact, you're a couple of AUs out from Tarsus."
Players; "Wow, that's weird. Scan the area. Why are we so far out?"
GM; "And the flight profile is still operating. You're landing on Elias."
Players; "Elias? Huh? Wha--? Is that a moon or something?"
GM; "Eh, it's like an ice giant. Cold. Lots of ice."
Players; "Well, we got warm weather gear. We're good. But hack that computer anyway!"
*die rolls; fails*
GM; "You land, only a word of warning. There are ice shards out there moving at 600mph, and crashing against your hull. If you try to breath outside you'll both dry clean and flash freeze your lungs...although technically it is nitrogen-oxygen. Did I mention it's well below zero out there? Like, really below zero?"
Players; "That's b__l-sh_t!"
GM; "On the plus side your patron says the temple's only a day's walk away. Enjoy."
In all seriousness, players would know ahead of time, but seeing a group of players navigate that scenario would be most entertaining. A lot of Traveller sees to take place on Trek like "Class M" planets (a few exceptions), which is okay, but I think there's quite literally, whole worlds of adventure waiting to be explored.
Ah. Time to write some more