ContraGravity (tech level9+)
ContraGravity drives are not real maneuver drives, and aren’t useful outside of a gravity well. Their primary use is gravity vehicles. They are included here so that ships below tech level 11 (thruster plates) can hover and maneuver in an atmosphere. By 10 diameters out from a planet, the ContraGravity drive is virtually worthless, only producing 1% of the thrust it would on the surface. Note that the accelerations . . . can only be achieved in a 1G gravity well. Ships that use ContraGravity still need another form of maneuver drive to get out to jump distance. Normally, only enough CG is installed to counter the mass of the ship (use 10x displacement tons as a rule of thumb).
Fusion Drive (Tech Level 9)
A fusion rocket is not much more than a fusion reactor with a steady stream of hydrogen going in one end and a hole in the other. Super-heated hydrogen plasma expelled at tremendous velocities forms the reaction mass. Because of the nature of the drive, the exhaust is extremely dangerous. It cannot be used within planetary atmospheres, and ships which intend to land must have some form of auxiliary drive, such as ContraGravity. Other ships passing through the hydrogen wake will generally do so quickly enough that they won’t suffer any ill effects, unless extremely close (~200km, referee’s discretion). In that case, each crewperson must make a Difficult roll versus Constitution to avoid incapacitation by radiation (Average if wearing radiation-protective clothing), and each system on the ship suffers a minor damage result. All crew will require blood and bone-marrow therapy over the next several months to avoid long-term health problems. If the ship has sufficient sickbay space, this can be done on board. Otherwise, it must be done at a local hospital. Because of this effect, many systems have restrictions on the use of fusion drive within the local traffic area (10 planetary diameters). Restrictions range from strict control as to when and where the drive may be aimed for course changes, to requiring the drive to be “run rich,” increasing the fuel flow tenfold to dilute the effects somewhat. This also reduces the drive’s thrust. Note that the fusion drive does not require power, it generates excess power for use by other ship’s systems.
High Efficiency Plasma Recombustion (HEPlaR) Drive (Tech Level 10)
HEPlaR consists of a heat exchanger and recombustion chamber added to any power plant. Hydrogen is injected into the recombustion chamber, and the power generated by the power plant heats the hydrogen to a plasma state, causing a small fraction of the hydrogen to undergo damper-mediated fusion. The plasma is then released as a high velocity stream of reaction mass, providing thrust. Note the power required . . . and make sure it’s included in your power requirements when you select a power
plant. The prices and volumes . . . may seem like a bargain compared to the other drives, but remember: you still need a power plant!
Thruster Plates (Tech Level 11+)
Another effect of the tech level 11 mastery of gravitics (the science of gravity) is the invention of thruster plates. Earlier contra-grav technology only negates the effects of a gravitational field: thruster plates actually use the field itself for propulsion, by ‘grabbing on’ to the curvature of space and running along it much like an ant on the slope of a sugar-bowl. Rather than wasting valuable mass by hurling it out the rear of the ship, as lower-tech rockets do, gravity drives use the stellar system itself as their reaction mass (much as a train pushes against its track, and the planet below, rather than by expelling exhaust). A small change in a star’s momentum translates to a huge velocity change for the much smaller spacecraft. Unlike the ant of the earlier example, however, the slope of the “bowl” has a different effect on gravitic-drive ships. They depend on the slope for propulsion. Beyond a certain point, quantum-gravitic effects drastically reduce the efficiency of a gravitic-drive ship, by a factor of a hundred or more, and thus they cannot maneuver effectively in deep-space (empty) stellar hexes on the star map unless they have an auxiliary drive, though they can remain there while, for example, computing jump parameters. The cutoff parameter turns out to be around 2,000 solar radii. Beyond this point, thruster plates are virtually worthless for anything beyond stationkeeping, and some alternate form of propulsion is needed. Thus, the Drenid Deep Space Research Facility in Silea system is still resupplied using an automated freighter driven by a fusion rocket. Another disadvantage of thruster plates is their gravitic and visual signature: gravity-wave sensors can easily detect the peculiar emissions characteristic of the system. Normal telescopic sensors are approximately as useful: the ‘thruster plates’ themselves give off exotic particles, which very quickly decay as they leave the thruster field. The bright blue glow emanating from the rear of many new Imperial vessel is, perhaps, more distinctive than the subtle space-warp.