Fair enough. I hadn't thought about checking exports. How much of a net exporter?
Not by much, to be honest. This last drought could turn things around for 2011/2012.
2009 agri exports:
•Soybeans $16.9 billion, about 41,000,000 tons
•Meat and poultry $12.1 billion: ~880,000t beef, 1,860,000t pork, 3,300,000t poultry
•Corn $9.7 billion & Animal feed (a variety of items including corn byproduct from ethanol production) $6.3 billion: ~50,000,000t corn, uncertain re rest
•Other foods $8.1 billion - no idea
•Fruits and frozen juices $6.9 billion
•Wheat $5.5 billion, ~24,000,000t
•Vegetables $4.9 billion - no idea
•Nuts $4.1 billion,
•Rice $2.2 billion, ~3,900,000t
Note some conflict in sources as some seem to be running by fiscal year while others run to the standard Jan-Dec. Also there's some overlap - some sites cite corn as a class, others deal with corn and corn byproducts separately. However, this is a decent ballpark.
As for imports - some of that gets strange. For example, the U.S. exports quite a lot of pork, but it also imports quite a lot of pork. Some of it's processed meats like German sausages, some of it's live pigs, some of it's the same things we're exporting. Free country, you buy and sell from whoever gives you the best deal, so we're shipping pork to Europe while shipping it in from Mexico - some of which gets processed and shipped out as value-added exports (Jimmy Dean Sausages!). Oddities of international trade. Same happens in quite a few other areas.
As you pointed out, about 17% of what we actually eat is imports, much of that stuff we can't do or can't do enough of in the States (tropical fruit, certain alcoholic beverages, and seafood for example). Total US agricultural exports in 2009 was around $108 billion, much of that meats and grains as noted above, but that figure also includes cotton, tobacco and other nonconsumable products. Total US agricultural imports in 2009 was just under $80 billion, with fruits, nuts, vegetables and liquor being the leading imports, although coffee also ranks high - that figure includes things like cut flowers and essential oils. So, we're a net exporter, trading a lot of meat and grains for higher-value products that help round out our diets and make life more enjoyable.