Well, as I know canon, the backbone of a network to reach important places (at least as to general population matters) is the Xboat network, with less travelled and out of the way system being information fed by traders (I gess mostly by subsided traders/lineers, as they need regular service for the mail and news).
For official/naval information/messages, that's another matter. The TJ J6 trader takes this role for official information/courriers, and I've always believed there are small (200-400 dton) J6 naval courriers for the IN. (There was an adventure in a Challenge, (sorry, I don't remeber which one now) where a 200 dton J6 courrier (MT design) was presented, IIRC).
The x-boat network covers civilian needs, not Imperial needs. Information is power and the power brokers in the Imperium need to have access to and control the release of information carefully. To this end the Emperor will maintain fast comms to his next level of command in both the Navy and Nobility. Fast comms beyond that will depend on assets available to those leaders.
The secret squirrel high jump trader will fill some of those needs.
By which time it is too late to use them as tripwire forces to warn of invasion. And after the fact you still have J2 ships reporting on the movements of J3 fleets. Scouts will be very useful to the Navy in wartime, but predominantly for non-time sensitive intelligence.Except in war/emergency time, where scouts fall under Navy command...
Yep in both cases. Additionally there are Imperial advantages to having at least two independent J6 routes back to Core. If the Navy goes rogue, how otherwise will the Nobility report back (& vice versa).I think canon (Rebelion Sourcebook, MT) puts your 1st mission on the TJ neetwork, more than on the naval courriers. Of course is perfectly believable the navy wants to keep their own channels feed by IN courriers.
Agreed. All J6 couriers will be considered Sector Admiral assets, parcelled out to sub-commands as determined by the Admirals priorities. Those priorities will include the circumstances you refer to and more. The key point tho' is that there will be a limited supply of J6 assets and the Admiral will take a keen interest in where they are deployed. Not every Fleet, Naval Base or Sub-Sector Capital will get them.I fully agree about your second point (talked about that above).
About your third mission, I guess not only Sector fleet Aldmirals have them, but most fleets (and even squadrons acting independenlty) would have some naval courriers attached. They not only keep them in communication with other fleet elements (forwarding any unexpected move to their HQs, but they can be used as scouts, sending them up to 3 parsecs away with half of its jump fuel (argeable in MT rules, but taht's another discussion), or farther using drop tanks to scout and with orders of never engaging, just scan and inform (talked about that on a post above)
Keep in mind that for every J6 comms link, you will need to allocate around 6x J6 assets to ensure constant comms (in any given week, 2 in jump space, 2 on turn-around, 1 doing maintenance/training, 1 on stand-down/shore leave). There are some economies by servicing a a multi-jump J6 route, but its still expensive in ships.
Tripwire forces will need around 1 to 2 J6 assets per hex, plus fuellers for empty hexes. There are a lot of hexes to watch on threatened boarders.
All mounting up, to meaning that if as the Sector Admiral, you want to know stuff asap to better inform your decisions, you need to be pretty savvy on how you use those J6 ships you have.