That's the thing. G:T is doing an "Alternate Time Line" and the point of departure is where Dulinor dieds in a shuttle crash BEFORE meeting with Stephron. So, in the G:T universe, the Emperor is alive and happy and any threat posed by Dulinor is moot.Originally posted by daryen:
If Strephon's death, the linch pin of the MT story, "never really happened", then whatever SJG says about Dulinor's death is irrelevant.
I wouldn't call GT dead, just taking a breather. There are 6 128 page books in production (Humanity, Starships, Imperial Navy, Nobles, Trojan reach Sector, Aldeberan sector) and if things go well we should see them all within the next year.Originally posted by phydaux:
On a side note, Loren and company (yup, that's you MJD) have doon a good job advancing the alternate time line up to 1120, and have droped several hints of things that MIGHT happen 1121+, but since it seems the G:T product line is dead in the water I don't know if any of that will ever be developed.
Oh well... We got a decent 128-page book out of them about every 2 months for almost 2 years. It was a good run, if you ask me.[/QB]
My opinion: Dulinor is dead and will stay that way.Originally posted by daryen:
Since one of the two main forces behind that is running the GT effort, maybe that is what he is doing there, too. So, instead of GT going out quietly, maybe this is just a calm before the storm.
I would sacrifice BODY PARTS to see Starships & Imperial Navy on the shelf at my local game store!And sector books are great because they can be used by ANY Traveller GM, regardless of game system.Originally posted by tjoneslo:
I wouldn't call GT dead, just taking a breather. There are 6 128 page books in production (Humanity, Starships, Imperial Navy, Nobles, Trojan reach Sector, Aldeberan sector) and if things go well we should see them all within the next year.
Hmm. I just took an extended prowl of the SJGames Web site. Unless tjoneslo is privy to inside info, there's NO G:T stuff on the SJGames horizon. Heck, G:T doesn't even appear on the "Powered by GURPS" page.Originally posted by tjoneslo:
There are 6 128 page books in production (Humanity, Starships, Imperial Navy, Nobles, Trojan reach Sector, Aldeberan sector) and if things go well we should see them all within the next year.
Hmm. MDJ, you ARE in a position to know. I had thought GT Imperial Navy was on hold until G:T Starships was finished?Originally posted by MJD:
So far as I know, GT Imperial Navy is next up - it'ss 60% finished and awaiting editor-comments from Loren. Soon, I expect.
My "insider" information comes from being a dedicated lurker on both the JTAS and Pyramid boards. And the TML. And here.Originally posted by phydaux:
Hmm. I just took an extended prowl of the SJGames Web site. Unless tjoneslo is privy to inside info, there's NO G:T stuff on the SJGames horizon. Heck, G:T doesn't even appear on the "Powered by GURPS" page.
Oh well. What did I really expect, anyway?
phy, the Lonely GURPS traveller GM.[/QB]
All the indications are that Dulinor is in fact dead. However, there have been one or two TNS items that have mentioned sightings of Dulinor and whenever this topic comes up, Loren is a pains to point out that his death is not "certain".Originally posted by kafka47:
Is Dulinoir really dead in GT, or has Loren released some details of the future of GT line?