Brandon: "Here you call it a hard SF game, and in a previous post you say Traveller is supposed to handle any kind of campaign. Make up your mind."
By Hard SF, I mean an SF system that isn't cartoonish in nature [i.e. a real attempt to simulate a possible future timeline]. Rifts comes to mind first, but Star Wars is getting awful close. I think we agree on the concept here, but are just using different terminology.
B: "Actually, right now, GURPS Traveller is probably the best selling Traveller line. And GURPS is a vastly better system than d20."
Okay. But GURPS is getting buried by D20 sales, too. We obviously differ in opinion on the GURPS system. I hate GURPS. But you are also contradicting yourself. How can you claim you want a realistic/"gritty" system and claim the GURPS system is better for said system. You don't get greater realism from the poorly defined PCs the GURPS character development system generates. You have to step toward HERO system or SpaceMaster to get greater realism than D20 provides. You need more stats to get greater realism, not less.
B: "I can always find players -- there is no need for me to settle for a system I don't like.
Can I ask you a question, Brandon? Why are you posting on this thread? You claim you are happy with CT and GURPS Traveller. You hate D20. You aren't looking to try D20 because of the potential increase in gamers it can bring to your game. Your needs seem to be filled. I'm happy for you. Why come on this board and poo-poo those of us who are looking forward to this new product? There is a huge hole in the D20 market for a hard SF game. About 3/4 of the potential game players out there now know enough about D20 to be able to jump into a game with very little instruction. I'm looking forward to being able to throw my GM stuff on a table in a game shop, and get a spur-of-the-moment game going whenever I wish. You can do that right now with D&D3e. I want to do that with my SF campaign [which is kind of similar to Peter F. Hamilton's "The Night's Dawn" trilogy]. D20 Traveller will make that possible.
So, all you guys that are completely happy with the game systems and game groups you have, that's wonderful. If you are on here posting constructive information which will help in the development of D20 Traveller, fantastic. But if all you are doing is haunting the board to express displesure with the D20 system in it's various forms, and have no interest in purchasing said products, then maybe your posting time would be better spent elsewhere.
I intend to purchase this game system. I want D20 Traveller to work. If you aren't helping to make D20 Traveller a success, and don't intend to help make D20 Traveller a success, your presence isn't necessary or needed on these threads.