SOC-14 1K
Shangri La/Outreaumer/Ley: 0933
I've noticed some interesting things about this world, and maybe some people here can think of some good answers.
Shangri La is "Lacking any real industrial capability," and further, " . . . the Shangri La system cannot support its tech base without imported equipment."
And yet, of the 8 million inhabitants, it states, "Many are employed in the port or its associated starship construction yards."
Ok, am I the only person who has difficulty understanding this? Shangri La has no industry of its own (so little, that the local TL is supposedly zero; further adding confusion as to what the TL stat really indicates), and yet, it has a starship construction yard (of course, as all starports do).
Now, we all know that A Starports have their own constructions yards. But here is a clear-cut case where nothing that might go into the assembly of the starships coming out of the yard is being manufactured locally (unless we wish to posit that starports have their own industrial manufacturing capabilities). Every last component must be shipped in to be assembled. The closest world that can supply TL-13 manufactured goods to Shangri La is Baakh, at J-4. Since there really isn't any significant J-4 freighter traffic, anyway, we're then looking at a minimum of two jumps to get this to Shangri La; adding a Cr2000/dTon shipped cost to every starship manufactured at Shangri La. I guess it's not too much to pay an extra Cr400,000 or more above normal for a Far Trader.
All I can think of is that the yards at Baakh and Ohasset are so backlogged all the time that it's worthwhile to fork out the extra money to get the extra ships built now at Shangri La.
However, since Baakh is TL-D, and the entirety of all starships made in Shangri La come from components manufactured elsewhere (at Baakh, realistically speaking), then why would the starships being built at Shangri La be limited to TL-C (which is the yes-it-is/no-its-not TL of the Mainworld)? Since it's only assembly, the TL-C of Shangri La can't have much impact on the yard process. The yard can already repair damage to any TL vessel, and assembly isn't that much different. I mean, starships can be repaired by an starport A or B regardless of local TL, but the starport has to have a TL equal to or greater than the target TL of a starship to be built? Right? Except that the TL of the Shangri La starport clearly has nothing to do with the starship construction situation in this case. Should we allow Shangri La to assemble TL-D starships? If we allow it in this case, shouldn't we allow it in all cases?
This raises the questions:
I've noticed some interesting things about this world, and maybe some people here can think of some good answers.
Shangri La is "Lacking any real industrial capability," and further, " . . . the Shangri La system cannot support its tech base without imported equipment."
And yet, of the 8 million inhabitants, it states, "Many are employed in the port or its associated starship construction yards."
Ok, am I the only person who has difficulty understanding this? Shangri La has no industry of its own (so little, that the local TL is supposedly zero; further adding confusion as to what the TL stat really indicates), and yet, it has a starship construction yard (of course, as all starports do).
Now, we all know that A Starports have their own constructions yards. But here is a clear-cut case where nothing that might go into the assembly of the starships coming out of the yard is being manufactured locally (unless we wish to posit that starports have their own industrial manufacturing capabilities). Every last component must be shipped in to be assembled. The closest world that can supply TL-13 manufactured goods to Shangri La is Baakh, at J-4. Since there really isn't any significant J-4 freighter traffic, anyway, we're then looking at a minimum of two jumps to get this to Shangri La; adding a Cr2000/dTon shipped cost to every starship manufactured at Shangri La. I guess it's not too much to pay an extra Cr400,000 or more above normal for a Far Trader.
All I can think of is that the yards at Baakh and Ohasset are so backlogged all the time that it's worthwhile to fork out the extra money to get the extra ships built now at Shangri La.
However, since Baakh is TL-D, and the entirety of all starships made in Shangri La come from components manufactured elsewhere (at Baakh, realistically speaking), then why would the starships being built at Shangri La be limited to TL-C (which is the yes-it-is/no-its-not TL of the Mainworld)? Since it's only assembly, the TL-C of Shangri La can't have much impact on the yard process. The yard can already repair damage to any TL vessel, and assembly isn't that much different. I mean, starships can be repaired by an starport A or B regardless of local TL, but the starport has to have a TL equal to or greater than the target TL of a starship to be built? Right? Except that the TL of the Shangri La starport clearly has nothing to do with the starship construction situation in this case. Should we allow Shangri La to assemble TL-D starships? If we allow it in this case, shouldn't we allow it in all cases?
This raises the questions:
- Is a starport's population a part of the UWP population?</font>
- Do starports have non-native transient, native tranient, non-native permanent, and native permanent populations? If so, do we determine them separately?</font>
- Is a starport's TL limited by, or interlocking with, the UWP TL?</font>
- Should a UWP TL value ever reflect the starport's TL instead of the mainworld's TL?</font>
- Do starports have their own industrial manufacturing capacity (other than starships)?</font>
- If starports did have their own industrial manufacturing capacity, how much would it be?</font>
- What is the total capacity of a starport to repair or build new starships?</font>
- Are starports limited in their ability to build new starships by their TL and/or the mainworld's TL?</font>
- Should any aspect of any world's starport ever intrude upon the UWP beyond the starport characteristic itself?</font>
- Should the T5 UWP (at the UWP abstraction layer proposed by robject) include a few extra slots just for the starport (or, rather, the non-native population, etc.).</font>