Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
When The GM throws to-hit for NPCs.Originally posted by Ptah:
I like that last idea. It even makes sense to me to use 1 defense roll. One way I see to speed this up is to throw the hit location dice with the attack/to hit dice.
I figure, when a PC rolls, the player can roll his to-hit while the GM rolls hit loction behind a screen.
I'm a big proponent of the players not knowing the outcome of a roll until the GM describes it in the action.
Sometimes, I've seen a game get "stale" when the players know what they need to hit. Traveller combat can be like this, at times...because everyone already knows they've hit as soon as the dice read 8 or better.
Remember the good old D&D days? Players would roll...and then wait breathlessly to see if they hit. The GM, not telling the players the AC of the enemy they're fighting, is the only one who knew whether a hit was good or not.
I used this to my advantage, drawing my players "into" the game. I'd never tell them, "You hit. Roll damage."
I'd always describe some scene. "You swing, with all your might, sweat in your eyes, you can't see! But when the blade bites deep and can actually feel it strike bone, you know you've dealt a good blow."
My players always got off to that.
I notice, when we play Traveller, some of that "immersion" is missing. All know that an 8+ hits. As soon as they roll their dice, then know whether they're successful or not.
Well, with this defense roll, they'll not quite know whether they hit, will they?
There will be some tension--waiting to see if the shot was good.
This is another thing leading me to the defense roll. I can start describing outcomes again. The players will hang on every word of my description. We're talking more "immersion", which is always good.
On the flip side, too, it will be hairy when the players roll their defense roll.
"Oh my gawd! The Vargr rolled a total of 15 against you! It's going to be tough! If you don't roll 15 or higher, your character is shot!"
And, when the gunshot we're talking about is 4D +3 damage, all summed and taken randomly against one stat...well, that's something to sweat, isn't it.
I think this new combat system is going to raise the excitement level of my combat anyway.