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"Manifest Destiny" of the Third Imperium: Foreven Domain?


SOC-14 1K
Staring at the map (which I do), I've been pondering the four sectors of Foreven, Far Frontiers (FASA Land Grant), Beyond (Paranoia Land Grant), Vanguard Reaches (Paranoia Land Grant). That's a nice chunk of space. Domain-sized, as it were. And it got me thinking: does the Imperium (circa 1105) have long terms visions of expansion? Does it have a "manifest destiny" to control that that space? Would the lord high muckity mucks on Capital, or stuffy cartographers on Reference, refer to those sectors as the "Foreven Domain", despite the lack of any Imperial worlds there?

Compare/contrast with the Gateway Domain, which has only a small number of Imperial worlds, but is rather optimistically tagged a "Domain". Does the Imperium under Strephon imagine that it will have expanded further Spinward by another sector over the next few centuries?

(I picked "Foreven Domain" because it rolls off the tongue. "Vanguard Domain" would also suffice.)
I'm setting that up IMTU "The Beyond Domain"
1 - Archduke equivalent
4 - Sector Dukes
4 - Counts per sector

there are limited Imperial assets available, the object is expansion thru economic and diplomatic means.
Sabre rattling is done but is mostly effective in Foreven, but if a Sector Duke does it on a personal level it is heard and attention is payed as the Sector Dukes have effective personal Assets available to them as does the Archduke.

This is still a work in progress so just throwing it out there

Note - In a rebellion senario Beyond would have seniority over Deneb