I'm willing to accept a handwave, but sandcasters are also made of handwavium.
See "Sandcasters" on Atomic Rockets: Warship Defenses. Stuff like:
Put simply, a layer of sand is no more effective at stopping a laser beam than a similar areal density of monolithic armor (in fact, it's a bit less effective due to structural issues); you can simply shoot holes in a cloud of sand, just like you can shoot holes in armor. As such, why spend X tons of your mass budget on temporary armor when you can just spend the same X tons on permanent armor?
In addition, a cloud of sand:
a) needs to be somewhat larger than the ship it shields (reducing areal density, and thus armor value)
b) cannot maneuver if the parent ship maneuvers (so if you deploy sand, you're stuck in your current position)
c) without some form of containment will simply disperse in a time frame that's comparable to the deployment time (if the cloud can cover the entire ship in 10 seconds, after 20 seconds it will have expanded to twice the size of the ship, reducing protection by a factor of 4. You can improve this time somewhat by using multiple projectors)
If you're already in a setting with reaction mass and important solid-to-liquid mass ratios for thrusters, the point about mass budget is especially salient.
I hadn't thought about the realism of sandcasters until now. Thanks for the hint.
Though I suppose some kind of active countermeasures will be available. Now, what that could be probably requires a bit more thought...